
Friday, October 24, 2008

Announcement! and my gibberish..

Announcement everyone!!! Cheryl is ATTACHED! Cheryl!! you know you know? My younger sister!. Ok the news is 2 days old but is new news to me and i'm like WHAT! who where when why how? And the feedback I got from my mummy is like old news le la see everyday not at home. DOTZ...that is not the point. I'm still finding out what is happening at home what when I have the chance. Hahaha..ok lah but now also like very busy can. super lah. Everytime looking forward to the weekend when I realise that..lots of contradictions lah. Anyway, back to the news. CHERYL IS ATTACHED TO ERIC!!! hmmm..elder sister getting attach sounds normal right but now is like my YOUNGER sister, a sister who is younger than me gets attached. wah seh! Is a totally whole new feeling. I don't know why but I really like the idea of people getting together, always wanting to know how they get together and stuff. I feel happier. This is so exciting!!! It makes me happy! Don't mind me. haha. =)

My thoughts just stopped.
Must be the overworkload. You know the way you do too much to your computer, it just hangs. Yup, my brain was blank for a moment.

Ok. I know, I got lots of assignments to do no matter how often I do them. It just keeps coming. Good JOB! GOOD JOB SCHOOL! for making me always having things to do. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you but can you just give me like a oneday breather! To let the world go by and for me to rest. I super need to rest and take it slow. I'm like always on the move. Even while writing this, I feel the need to write like super fast. Cause I still got work. WHY YOU! SLAP YOU!!!! Really. This is not funny. I need my time. MY TIME! to reflect.

You know while doing projects and work that involves reflecting, I really don't think that is true reflection. Is so...what the lecturer wants, what is this about. We don't actually reflect it upon ourselves right? Do we? Doesn't that loses its meaning? I want to pause.

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