
Friday, October 17, 2008

Just when I thought it is the weekends.

Haha. the weekends are here once again! And i just forced myself to complete a essay I need to hand up on monday. Sorry, haven't been blogging in awhile. I miss blogging too you know. There is hardly time for me to blog with all the work pouring in. POURING! Heavily. Give you an example? Hmm, LIke on monday, I'm to hand up a marketing essay, Tuesday, Thai homework. Wednesday, Thai Comprehension and composition. Friday, Thai Composition and my part of project report. WoW!!!! That's alot. Ok, one at a time. Must be peaceful and have rest in my heart while I'm doing it for me to have a good week ahead. Yuppie! I finish you stupid Marketing essay!!!!! HAHA!!! Ok, if I do want to make more improvements I will. But at the back of my head today, I know that if I don't finish tonight like by tonight, I will have problem managing every other thing le. Plus tml I have a Praxis rehearsal to attend at 9am. Why is school so far away?? Can't it be like a 10 min walk? I wouldn't mind at all. Also, I just realise I have ti rush down for prac for piano tml too! at 1230pm. And then, I really wanna sleep le. Like right now. Wee! I'm so loving it. Hahahaha. yeah right. But Just telling myself to be happy doing it. WEE!!! Then I can get through this period, which I don't expect it to end any time soon with ease. =)


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