
Monday, October 6, 2008

SweetSweet Day

Yesterday. I want to talk about yesterday.
It was a Sunday. I had project meeting for today's marketing presentation. Well, the teacher said that it was pretty good. No worries. But the previous assignment was quite bad. So now, I gotta do 2 more to make up for the bad grades. So won't get so affected.

Anyway, Joshua was real thoughtful. And went out of the way, and had to wake up earlier just to fetch me to school. Like I do not mind going to school myself, but in order to let me have more sleep, he offered to fetch me to school! And after that fetch me again after my project meeting, for lunch together at beach road and then for my facial. Which took much longer than I thought. And the pimples for my face were probably due to stress and my hair as claimed by them. Then again, it may be true. Cause, I feel asleep while the mask was on my face and when I woke up the first thing that came to mind was what is the time now! Must wake up go to school! then..Wait what day is it today. I actually thought that I was at home and after thinking through where I was and get up to pace with the current time, I realise I was having facial and no wonder my face was cold. And now, I pin my hair up too!

And then, while I was having facial, Joshua, took the time to buy his car some stuffs and plan a mini surprise for me. With a rose, and food for picnic and a fan! Just for me. A fan just for me!
ok. I'm so sorry for letting you wait for me. I should always set a like extra hour next time.
I feel really fortunate. Went to ECP to get Wasabi shaker fries again. It has been everyday! Oh no! And then had picnic in the car beside the beach. Pretty near the beach lah. Got scene and stuff. And just lie on his shoulders. I like to lie on his shoulders. There is this sense of comfort and security.
Of course and also the way Joshua will go out of the way just for me. Which was really sweet. I must be blind if I don't appreciate it.
Come night, Joshua helped fix up the fan he bought for me which was really good. I had a good sleep last night for once. It has been a long time since I got a really good sleep. Cooling and all. No wonder I'm always tired. Cause I haven't been sleeping properly. And today I woke up at 9.59am. Just a min before my alarm ring and I have to get off the bed and head to school. I slept well because of the fan Joshua bought and set up for me. Thank you Joshua. Thank you so so much.

As for claris, I find that she is getting more and more short and hot tempered. No matter how stress studying is or whatever, really should not push her until like that and change the way she treate people especially me! No wonder it says that it is better to live in a desert than to live with a angry person. It really makes sense. Just as long as she keeps the room clean. Just clean, like when I come back and will feel good to be back home. You know..

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