
Saturday, January 24, 2009

I fell again!

I have broke my life time record. I believe.
Twice in a month. And this month has not ended.
First was on the 2nd Jan.
TODAY! 24th Jan. I fell again.
Both on skates.
But a different reason.
Wounded but not as bad as the other time.
At this rate, I'm wondering will I be immune to pain?
Anyway, the first time, I fell on my left side.
This time, I fell on my right side. So, no wounds on wounds.
Just more scars.

I still have difficulty believing it. But at least now, I have my iodine to apply. Not afraid to use water to wash afterall the previous was much worse.

How I fell. You must want to know.
Ok. At east coast park, there are all these huge seeds on the road. Yup. I didn't know why, I didn't notice. My blades hit one of them, I believe directly on my first wheel which basically stuck my entire flow and I fell.
I was in shock, partly because I'm wounded. You always get shock first before you feel the pain. But more of because I can't believe I just fell again!!!
I can't believe I'm so accident prone.
I must admit I am now!!!
I need to get guards now. I can't afford to ruin my skin like that!

Another thing, I may not be changing church so soon afterall.
Perhaps the time is not up yet.
Anyway, I'm sensing a revival in my church. So till then..God knows when. =)

Another note. Claris and I don't seem to be that close though we sleep in the same room. What should I do?


Monday, January 19, 2009

I am so proud of you.

If there is someone whom I can share anything with, it is Joshua.
I don't know how he do it but I trust him.
And at the back of my mind I can hear my mum saying" not me? I'm your mum why you can't share with me?"
You see, that's a status. Mum daughter. Status.
We need relationship.
Frankly, over the past dunno how many years, I haven't been sharing with my mum if you want to say it in detail. Since I was perhaps half my current height, to let you guys have the sense of how long that is.
Either we didn't cultivate it when I was young or in the middle somewhere, we lose it. But it cannot be a one way thing.
As for sweet heart, our relationship started with sharing our very heartaches which is why till now, I continue to share.
We continue to share.

He is my best friend. More than my best friend. He is my Sweet Heart.

Lets go through all things together ok. And share. I don't want to be the couple who doesn't share because I do not want you to worry. I want to honesty.

So let's start with honestly.
I don't think it is easy being with Joshua.
We get angry, upset, laugh and be crazy and is possible to do all those in a single day. What's most important is we end it right and keep it going.
Next, I am exceptionally clumsy somehow. I really am clumsy. Spilled drinks on his pants and water in his car, the last 2 I remembered. And you can see his face change definitely and me in my heading scolding myself, like I should have not brought that drink out in the first place.
Well, think about it again, if nothing happen, I wouldn't be thinking of I should not have brought the drink out right?
I just need to be much more, extremely careful!
I do get timid when I see his face change. Change into what? Into the stern face, trying not to explode his reaction anger and calming himself down.
And eventually, after the silence and me saying sorry but still blaming myself, he would come to me and say lets move on, move pass this small thing together.

Of course. I will work on it. But Joshua will help me too.

I need to improve if not I don't think Joshua would want me to help him do anything in the future le and that will be bad.

I enjoy going out with him.

When the sky is blue, we go skating together.

And it may seem like I am starting to neglect my friends. Which MIKO, DEAR MIKO! I'm so sorry I totally forgot about the lunch appointment we had last week. Please still go out with me.

Ok the story is like this. The day before I still told Joshua that I will be having lunch with Miko. And then the next day, I woke up late because I put my alarm at 8pm instead of am. And also with a swollen throat, so I was like might as well go to the doctor and get medication you know. And just like that, going to the doctor, and having lunch myself, I totally forgot about having lunch with Miko. I'm so sorry. And so far, I got a Ok only. Still figured that she is mad at me. NO of course not. She is not the petty type one hor. Right MIKO?

ok. Continuing. I am just living on a different schedule.

So this is our recent trip to East Coast Park.

I am so proud of him. I don't know how he does it. CNY is coming but you know for him living alone.

Well, I am here. We will have our mini tuan yuan fan together.

Of course, and another, with my family with you. =)

Friday, January 16, 2009


It does feel like school. Extremely with all the homework, projects and presentation. Hmm.

I said the wrong thing.
I should have said, I am reluctant to start school.
In fact, right now, I am.
So, Homework whatsoever. Just stop coming. Is the first week of school man!!

=) CHILL! I know times are 'bad'.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First day of my last semester!

It does not feel like school.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Slack 5 day week?

Hmm, Well, school is going to start, or it had started already?
Whatever it is, there is this thing at the back of my head that I may not really like this semester.
Oh well, I will find joy in whatever it is.
To me, my school only starts like tml. Continued by a long wednesday.
Yup, Wednesday is the worst day of the week!!! Most busy whatsoever.
But I will not let it ruin my other happy days when I'm taking modules that I like much more. =)

And shooting have been tiring. But at the same time heart warming because Joshua will always bring a bottle of Barley or sugarcane for me accompanied with chocolates, it make my tiring day better. =)

But I have just receive some bad news that we need to reshoot!!! A TAPE! It no longer feels that exciting now. Maybe the night is made for us to rest and not shoot. Whatever it is, Jia you!

I love you, Joshua!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I think my wound is improving. I guess it is getting smaller.
I am pretty certain. hmm.

What do you think?

Oh, there is no picture. Haha. well, I hope I can heal fast.

New Year Resolution.

One week into the new year of 2009 and now, I shall write my new year resolution.
Not that I have been thinking but well, I need that something to work towards to.
Plus I have been home bound for a long time because of my wound. Ok. I was out yesterday, my mum suddenly felt like going to town and my dajie and claris went to. I feel like..hmm..Lets just say I'm always lagging behind especially when met with stairs. I still can walk though. Just that at times, there would be pain at my wound when I stand up in some position. Maybe got too much pressure. Ok. Why am I telling you all of these.
And I woke up with flu today.
Ok, randomness.

I will be changing church soon. For real when March comes.
Why March? Cause, I'm still rostered to be in the band to play the piano or back up sing. I can't just leave like that. Moreover, there is this film shoot thing in church. That's why. I hope that it will finish soon.
yup. Joshua and I will be going to a whole new church where everyone is new to both of us. =)

My resolution for the year. Hmm.
I wanna be focus in what I do.
I wanna be a skating instructor by May. yup.
Cause that is when I finish my school officially and graduate!
Meaning, training right after my wounds heal.
I gotta fight. =) ok.

Yup, and though the news are like is a bad year and we will not get a job lots of competition and low pay..makes things so depressing.

I shall be positive this year! =)


Monday, January 5, 2009


What bites till it heals?
Hmm, well, you guessed it..
Is a wound!
Well, I haven fall this bad since my secondary school days when I'm pretty injury prone but don't really care.
But now, after years of injury free and suddenly this, it hurts quite badly. Really.
I forgot how it bites, how I was not able to move and all.

Ok, the story..
behind this?

Erm, to put it in a good context, I was trying to do a stun with my skates and fell badly.
To tell you the truth, haha, ok this is stupid.
You know how skates have breaks at the back of the heel..Well, the problem is that mine donesn't have and as I was going fast on a slope, my automatic mind told me to break with the heel and thus, the wonderful fell. The mystery is that the drink in my hand from carls Junior was perfectly safe. Landed properly. I can't imagine if it landed on me. It would mean more cleaning up! haha.

So, all was safe except for my leg. Oh well.

So right now, I have a phobia of slopes..and i'm immobile.

For some of you who may know, my bed is above the table without stairs. gets difficult to climb up.

Ok my mum just ask me not to move around. I am to stay in bed and let the wound heal. Oh well.. she cares.

So another thing. You know how they say that Jesus died on the cross for us and he hang there for 3 days..So i'm thinking, while the wound was biting pretty bad. That He must have been in excruciating pain..much more than I am having definitely. It feels different when people just tell you about it and when you are injured and you reflect on it, cause you are feeling pain you know what I mean..

So right now, I gotta be careful especially sleeping. I had a good sleep as compared to the one before overall. But last night, I was not careful with my position and I bang my wound against the wall while asleep and woke up in pain. Hmm..Well, heal faster!!!

Tata. Gotta prepare for my audition for a module. COMPULSARY.

And by the way, I know is a little late. But Happy New Year! HAHA.