
Monday, January 12, 2009

A Slack 5 day week?

Hmm, Well, school is going to start, or it had started already?
Whatever it is, there is this thing at the back of my head that I may not really like this semester.
Oh well, I will find joy in whatever it is.
To me, my school only starts like tml. Continued by a long wednesday.
Yup, Wednesday is the worst day of the week!!! Most busy whatsoever.
But I will not let it ruin my other happy days when I'm taking modules that I like much more. =)

And shooting have been tiring. But at the same time heart warming because Joshua will always bring a bottle of Barley or sugarcane for me accompanied with chocolates, it make my tiring day better. =)

But I have just receive some bad news that we need to reshoot!!! A TAPE! It no longer feels that exciting now. Maybe the night is made for us to rest and not shoot. Whatever it is, Jia you!

I love you, Joshua!

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