
Monday, January 19, 2009

I am so proud of you.

If there is someone whom I can share anything with, it is Joshua.
I don't know how he do it but I trust him.
And at the back of my mind I can hear my mum saying" not me? I'm your mum why you can't share with me?"
You see, that's a status. Mum daughter. Status.
We need relationship.
Frankly, over the past dunno how many years, I haven't been sharing with my mum if you want to say it in detail. Since I was perhaps half my current height, to let you guys have the sense of how long that is.
Either we didn't cultivate it when I was young or in the middle somewhere, we lose it. But it cannot be a one way thing.
As for sweet heart, our relationship started with sharing our very heartaches which is why till now, I continue to share.
We continue to share.

He is my best friend. More than my best friend. He is my Sweet Heart.

Lets go through all things together ok. And share. I don't want to be the couple who doesn't share because I do not want you to worry. I want to honesty.

So let's start with honestly.
I don't think it is easy being with Joshua.
We get angry, upset, laugh and be crazy and is possible to do all those in a single day. What's most important is we end it right and keep it going.
Next, I am exceptionally clumsy somehow. I really am clumsy. Spilled drinks on his pants and water in his car, the last 2 I remembered. And you can see his face change definitely and me in my heading scolding myself, like I should have not brought that drink out in the first place.
Well, think about it again, if nothing happen, I wouldn't be thinking of I should not have brought the drink out right?
I just need to be much more, extremely careful!
I do get timid when I see his face change. Change into what? Into the stern face, trying not to explode his reaction anger and calming himself down.
And eventually, after the silence and me saying sorry but still blaming myself, he would come to me and say lets move on, move pass this small thing together.

Of course. I will work on it. But Joshua will help me too.

I need to improve if not I don't think Joshua would want me to help him do anything in the future le and that will be bad.

I enjoy going out with him.

When the sky is blue, we go skating together.

And it may seem like I am starting to neglect my friends. Which MIKO, DEAR MIKO! I'm so sorry I totally forgot about the lunch appointment we had last week. Please still go out with me.

Ok the story is like this. The day before I still told Joshua that I will be having lunch with Miko. And then the next day, I woke up late because I put my alarm at 8pm instead of am. And also with a swollen throat, so I was like might as well go to the doctor and get medication you know. And just like that, going to the doctor, and having lunch myself, I totally forgot about having lunch with Miko. I'm so sorry. And so far, I got a Ok only. Still figured that she is mad at me. NO of course not. She is not the petty type one hor. Right MIKO?

ok. Continuing. I am just living on a different schedule.

So this is our recent trip to East Coast Park.

I am so proud of him. I don't know how he does it. CNY is coming but you know for him living alone.

Well, I am here. We will have our mini tuan yuan fan together.

Of course, and another, with my family with you. =)

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