
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year Resolution.

One week into the new year of 2009 and now, I shall write my new year resolution.
Not that I have been thinking but well, I need that something to work towards to.
Plus I have been home bound for a long time because of my wound. Ok. I was out yesterday, my mum suddenly felt like going to town and my dajie and claris went to. I feel like..hmm..Lets just say I'm always lagging behind especially when met with stairs. I still can walk though. Just that at times, there would be pain at my wound when I stand up in some position. Maybe got too much pressure. Ok. Why am I telling you all of these.
And I woke up with flu today.
Ok, randomness.

I will be changing church soon. For real when March comes.
Why March? Cause, I'm still rostered to be in the band to play the piano or back up sing. I can't just leave like that. Moreover, there is this film shoot thing in church. That's why. I hope that it will finish soon.
yup. Joshua and I will be going to a whole new church where everyone is new to both of us. =)

My resolution for the year. Hmm.
I wanna be focus in what I do.
I wanna be a skating instructor by May. yup.
Cause that is when I finish my school officially and graduate!
Meaning, training right after my wounds heal.
I gotta fight. =) ok.

Yup, and though the news are like is a bad year and we will not get a job lots of competition and low pay..makes things so depressing.

I shall be positive this year! =)


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