
Monday, January 5, 2009


What bites till it heals?
Hmm, well, you guessed it..
Is a wound!
Well, I haven fall this bad since my secondary school days when I'm pretty injury prone but don't really care.
But now, after years of injury free and suddenly this, it hurts quite badly. Really.
I forgot how it bites, how I was not able to move and all.

Ok, the story..
behind this?

Erm, to put it in a good context, I was trying to do a stun with my skates and fell badly.
To tell you the truth, haha, ok this is stupid.
You know how skates have breaks at the back of the heel..Well, the problem is that mine donesn't have and as I was going fast on a slope, my automatic mind told me to break with the heel and thus, the wonderful fell. The mystery is that the drink in my hand from carls Junior was perfectly safe. Landed properly. I can't imagine if it landed on me. It would mean more cleaning up! haha.

So, all was safe except for my leg. Oh well.

So right now, I have a phobia of slopes..and i'm immobile.

For some of you who may know, my bed is above the table without stairs. gets difficult to climb up.

Ok my mum just ask me not to move around. I am to stay in bed and let the wound heal. Oh well.. she cares.

So another thing. You know how they say that Jesus died on the cross for us and he hang there for 3 days..So i'm thinking, while the wound was biting pretty bad. That He must have been in excruciating pain..much more than I am having definitely. It feels different when people just tell you about it and when you are injured and you reflect on it, cause you are feeling pain you know what I mean..

So right now, I gotta be careful especially sleeping. I had a good sleep as compared to the one before overall. But last night, I was not careful with my position and I bang my wound against the wall while asleep and woke up in pain. Hmm..Well, heal faster!!!

Tata. Gotta prepare for my audition for a module. COMPULSARY.

And by the way, I know is a little late. But Happy New Year! HAHA.

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