
Monday, June 29, 2009

Jurong Birdpark

Playground at Big Splash!
Nah, that's not the Main thing about this post.
I only went there for KFC.
KFC Breakfast! Yum YUM!
Although, I really do think that they should work on that cookie of theirs if it is to be their selling factor of some sort. Quality Control.

Right after that, we headed to Jurong BirdPark! And midway, zoom! We spotted a Redbull car convertable! Can you see it?
Back view
I think the redbull got lost midway..Sweet Heart was surprised that they didn't exit..and they kinda slowed down after that..said that if they continue heading straight, they would be heading for Malaysia! Muahaha, it happens. It happened to me while I was driving the redbull car too. haha.

To the main thing! JURONG BIRD PARK!
Arranged for us to go only at the last day..Might have big boom! With Magicians. Now, was it realy a big wow! MAGICAL HOLIDAY at Jurong BirdPark? Let's find out.

We were greeted with a fellow friendly photographer there to help us take a photo and of course, took a photo of us too..You think our faces will be up on their blogs? Muahaha

AND while there was a long queue to buy tickets, we had our special card from PSA! Thus, without the need to queue up, we went straight in.

Don't mind me..I was gonna sneeze.
AT the entrance
They have rental services too! Sorry! Blur shot!

And guess who we met? a Magician! He helped perform Literacy Circle Bedok Open House. For more information on that, pls go! It is not open yet though. Hopefully, I can get it done by 3rd July. =)

You SEE! MAGICAL Holiday indeed! But poor me...
For Kids/Teens Aged 9-16 ONLY! I can't believe it! I'm no longer a teen nor a kid!

Then again, I don't remember going to the zoo when I was a teen.

My musketeer with his MUST map so that we will not get lost. =)

First place we visited was the Penguin Expedition!

Clear water. No Swimmers in water. But after some investigation, they are smart you know. They will only start swimming when it is near eating time! which is about 230pm or so..So if you want to see those swimmers in action, Go there around 230 or so.
A good Picture..With a Banner..
I'm amazed by their flexibility of necks..CAN YOU SEE! Front view will look as if they had lost their heads! I wonder why do they do that..
A shot with the parrots..It seems like parrots take the limelight of the zoo..Don't you think so?

I like this bench!

Even the directory is BIRD!

Show TIMES! I had to watch. However, I gave the birds and buddies show a miss. It looks like it will be a show acted by mascots. BUt I went to see the children's parrot show!
Crowded ain't it? Couldn't you agree more?























Nah, to my right. EMPTY! Muahaha. Got you! It is a matter of looking through perspective.

But I must say that the amphitheatre is amazingly built up

And only kids can volunteer..I'm pretty left out! First it was the magic workshop then it was this children's parrot show. Ok..I know, CHILDREN. I wish I was this brave and confident kid instead of a shy girl, who didn't dare to try. In the end..for things like this, I can't have a 2nd chance. Well, there are somethings in life that you did and did not do, and you will not be given a second chance. As for now, since I can never turn back time, I'm gonna be a brave and confident adult and join the Working WORLD!!!

Can you see the painting? It cost 10 Bucks! You get to have this drawing and a goodie bag and of course your money is donation to the Jurong Birdpark to support the birds!

Somehow, I spotted the love birds while walking though the park and they were constantly chirping to each other, closely as if having couple lovey dovey talks and I just had to take a good picture of them since they were so adorable! And never apart and just treasuring each other. No wonder they are called Love Birds.


Up close!

As in real close!

We headed to a small shop since it was getting a little hot and Musketeer needs to cool down. And out of all the birds, he had to pick a crocodile!
Birds..many birds..
And then..

Now you know why he picked the crocodile. To eat the birds. I think He got just a little confuse why we are at the Bird Park. It is about CONSERVATION not ATTACK!

And Musketeer shouts in disagreement. Muahaha..Just joking.
I had to tie up my hair since I was beginning to feel the heat and I wanted to tour around the park..I'm amazed. My hair is growing longer! Sometimes, I feel like cutting it all short again but then it will reach this stage of not too long not too short..Hmm..I wonder what should I do with my hair.

Did we see any dinosaurs? Somehow, Dino Descendants is catchy even to me. I will have the idea that.." Will we see something that looks like a dino?" But in actually fact, not really..
It fascinates me to go check it out though. Even kids. Definitely. But they will ask another question.. "Where are the dinos?" Perhaps the word Descendants is a long and big word for them to understand yet. But Hey! Dinosaur is a big and long word too. If they can understand Dinosaur, I'm sure if they are taught, they will understand what is Descendants too.
Does it look like a dino?

Big wings! Are we as long/wide as them?
Ok, not really..
And the GREAT waterfall. Somehow, I was expecting GREATER. But bearing in mind that this is Singapore..
It still looks pretty great.
We didn't go near the waterfall as it was crowded by people snapping away with their cameras.
Oh and I just had to take this. Little Miss! I'm Little Miss Shirley! Ok, my ex-blog name.

AND I just had to go and see the water area of BirdPark, but let me be honest. The ZOO is way better. Yup. BirdPark needs upgrading.

And there was this thing to bounce on. Bounce castle. And I so wanted to go and bounce but age limit. I'm use to it..Can't they have a weight limit?
And the EAGLE show..Not as fantastic as the parrot show, considering that it was a EAGLE show..due to some EAGLE problem that didn't appear when it was suppose to and a kid(BOY!) who had pretty disrupted the parrot show, disrupted my EAGLE show once again! And since it is a EAGLE show, the boy's safety is of course of utmost important and it couldn't carry on when the boy was on stage running about..And the dad had to keep getting the boy back. It got irritating after awhile. Opps. Yup but, kids do get irritating once in a while.

I could see that Joshua was pretty tired after walking and touring around with me. So I decided that we should head bakc after the show. Afterall, we had walk finish the Park.

Before we Left..LOOK the Love BIRDS!


The end!