
Friday, June 5, 2009


I can't believe it! I know someone who stays at Aspella. Irene who works at Literacy Circle Bedok! I was helping my mum with her emails and all since she is still not very good with it. I was helping her type an email to my aunt about the details and then I saw Compassvale Link! And I thought to myself, this must be really near Aspella. And the next word I saw was Aspella!!!!! ASPELLA! And I was like MUMMY! She stays in ASPELLA! And Mu mum was like so?

Well, is ok that she doesn't get it. Cause now, I kind of made Aspella my dream home. Haha. And I asked. Does she want to sell her house?! And my mum said that I was crazy since Irene waited for quite long to get to stay at her current place.

Another thing. I was labelling my post that have pictures of Joshua and I as Sweet Heart, and while labelling the posts, I was like WOW! We really did a lot of things together! Well, that is the good thing about blogging. When I look back, it helps me remember the times I had. =) Makes me remember and my perspective of life will change. Like now! KNOWING THAT I'm UNEMPLOYED! OK. I'm working at Literacy Circle Bedok. But really, I still consider myself as unemployed. Cause I wanna work for Kainos Consultants. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart. But till now, they have not contacted me. Well, looks like, I shall be thick skin and find them on Monday! They have the kind of Job I want to do.

Please call me soon. Please. Please. Please. I really wanna be independent! Actually, I must say that I'm quite picky when it comes to job. And If I was a employer, I wouldn't wanna hire myself. OH NO! That's bad! Hmm, how did Aspella led to this.

And Joshua will be going for church camp tml till tuesday! I hope that he will have a fun and wonderful time. YUP! I LOVE YOU!

ASPELLA is the magic word!

OK. I'm being random now.

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