
Friday, June 5, 2009


Well, did you know there was free admission to National Museum of Singapore on the 31st May 2009?
Hehe, I didn't but Joshua did! And so, I asked him to bring me there! After all, watching Night at the Museum 2 gave me the impression of a lively place down there. Where History comes to life.

Well, but there was no parking lot, and we had to travel quite a distance before we manage to have a lot. And walk through under the scorching sun. But thankfully! The Museum has aircon! So, it wasn't that bad.
Haha. But of course, eventually, we were sticky.. Took some pictures of the display set.

Hmm, I think I should start leaving longer hair now. But Layered Long Hair. =) Ok. This is random.

And then, I chanced upon some drawings/Sketches. WOW!

Their drawings look pretty cool! =) Don't you think? I don't think I can ever draw like this.

And Last night, We went roller blading! =)
Sweet Heart had the luck of ending work earlier and thus, we had the time to roller blade! ok. I roller blade. Joshua ran. To train for his IPPT. =) Or, maybe, he should train for his 42 km. After all, it is his dream. Don't you think?
And I will never forget this place. It is the slope I fell when I was going down and saved the Carl's Junior drink but was injured badly. I still have the scars.

See! Shoes and Skates! Ready Get set GO!

After a tiring workout(For Joshua), He really wanted to find a pillow with the water inside. Really cannot find. Anyone knows where to get it?

So we ended up at Carrefour at Suntec City. And then, we saw these Pineapples! Tried the small cubes and it was sweet! In the end, We bought 1.

Don't worry, they will cut for you, before putting in a bag. But the photo I took is corrupted, so, I can't upload. But trust me, it is sweet!

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