
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Congrats on a Wedding Day.

I went to a wedding dinner today.
I wasn't working as a waitress, I have no idea where it was and even how the bride and groom looked like not until I met them face to face. All I knew was their names. Jac and Jef. And I was so extremely extremely excited! After all it is my 3rd wedding I'm gonna attend in my entire life and my very FIRST dinner wedding.

People described the dinner as happening, fun activities. Definitely there were lots of laughter and jokes, games etc..
However, the words that came to my head was Touching. Genuine. Sincere. Love.
Maybe as a witness with no friendship connection to any of them allowed me to see beyond the "Hey Friends" the planning, the look good, the catch up session. I was just there as a witness.

Just as when the cell group came up and sang a Jac and Jef's version of the "LoveStory"..and I saw the story being acted out, it touched me. Touched me so much that I begin to tear. Luckily I wasn't the only one. The bride herself teared. But I'm no bride. I'm no one at a wedding. So I quickly wiped away my tear drops. Wouldn't wanna cause a scene do I?

And when I saw the couple came up to sing a song in a language I do not understand. And as they were singing, looking at each other face to seems as though they were singing to each other. And tear drops again. and wiped away.

More than perfect. They are a blessed couple. They found the one. But will it ever happen for me? I'm truely happy for them. And now I understand why people say congratulations on a Wedding Day. Not because Congratulations you are finally married. I've come to realise that it is congratulations, you have found the one. Though I hardly know them, still, "Congratulations"I said. Simply because I know that they are meant to be.

I'm not brave enough to wish for anything. But I will remember how it feels like to know that you have the one. It is a definite cause for celebration. And that's what a wedding is for. That's the purpose of having a wedding. Congratulations to Jac and Jef. =)

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