
Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Finally, I'm having a signal that I'm recovering well. The shiverish feeling has disappeared. And..I had the opportunity to go out with my mum. Well, this is one of the good things about not working. Haha..Hey! I'm not saying that you shouldn't go out and work ok. You should. And YES I will go out and work. I'm just having a slow career takeoff. Is an excuse. I'm actually procrastinating. Now..stop arguing with me. That is not the point of this post. This post is to inform you that I'm recovering. And I had a mother daughter time. That's the point. As for my career, I will be working at a English Enrichment Centre next year Feb.

We had a planned journey to shop for a HP at Singtel. But right now, I'm totally disappointed. Cause we miss the Chrismas fair at Suntec. And I had no idea we missed it until last night when I first saw the brochure and said "HEY! There is a Christmas fair at Suntec!" I checked for the date. Something was amiss. 21-22nd November. DOTZ. I really do not like brochures I JUST PICKED up and find some good deals for myself and decided to go for it and...IT was OVER. OVER!!! Before I knew it existed. Man. Sounds like studying HISTORY!

Anyhow, I looked through Singtel's website to check for promotions. Promotions that cannot be compared to the Christmas fair. And went to Bugis with my mum for Lunch. And there was a singtel hello shop there. We went there with the sincere intention to buy a HP. Seriously..I miss those days with the personalize service, when I actually have a seat to sit on while talking to the service customer. Anyway, it was obvious that none of them had the patience to entertain us. Of course they don't. They are busy people with many customers to serve. So, I told the customer service person that I will consider about it..Talking about the HP..saying that we have to look at the small print. Fine. I went to look at the HP again and there was no small print and he just took the piece of paper away and said sorry we will feedback to the whatsoever without a slight tone of sincerity. Irritates me. ARGH!

Lucky I'm not in a bad mood cause I was having Mother Daughter time and was wearing my current favourite pair of Shoes bought by my SWEET HEART. I was not a bad customer. Wonder who will actually entice me to become their NIGHT MARE CUSTOMER..Haha..But not to destroy the reputation that Singtel has worked really hard for.. I shall just assume that the company has grown too big for personalise service and also with the need of manpower, the quality of manpower has somehow diluted. No wonder. I always think that people must be joking when I hear complains about Singtel. I never actually believe them. But now, I kind of get what they mean. Hmm.. I'm thinking if I should change plan to Starhub instead and see if they do have better deals..But then again, even though after complains, people still continue subscribing to Singtel. Maybe cause they have the power for NOW. BUT! If they LOSE POWER they will LOSE CUSTOMERS. So, they better hold on to their power as tight as possible.

My mum had to rush home as there was a student coming at 3pm. And I decided to carry on my journey a little further to Kovan. We both took 80. In case you were wondering how. I didn't want to stay at home again. I know I just recovered But yesterday was a long day at home. And I'm so relief that I'm feeling better I need to get out. I need to see the meaning of Living. If the meaning of living is to continue to stay at home and rot, then there is not much meaning right? Haha. I must be feling much better to come up with so many ridiculous arguments. BUT! They really do make some sense. Don't you think so?
I headed to Watsons and decided to look for beauty products for my face. My face is in serious need of treatment. LIKE SERIOUS! I started with the make-up section..and there was glitter, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadows, lip gloss, all those beautiful colours. Applied on my hand to see how it looks like..easily applied on, easily rubbed off. I need more defining beauty products. Not Applicable beauty products. So I changed my course of direction though I did want to buy one of the glitter eyeliner..I went to the facial, mask and all sorts of creams that YOU MUST HAVE to SAVE YOUR FACE section..And begin to read ALL SMALL PRINTS. Afterall, it is not a gaget. It is my face you are talking about. And I picked a six and then..after reading the small prints eg: saying that dark rings are caused due to lack to blood and oxygen circulation, the stuff I'm gonna get is gonna help circulate it, which does not make much sense to me..I placed it back on the shelf. And just ended up with 4 since I'm not rich yet. And I know I can't afforf those facials which comes in an hour long with someone helping you..arrange by appointments. I got 4 new beauty products.
You must have seen it on the TV ADVERT for quite some time already. Moreover, I have tried both the Yellow and Green version of the Garnier which didn't show any signs of improvement except for the cooling effect to get me awake for the early sunday mornings. I decided to try something new.

" Roll away dark circles and brightens eye contours EFFECTIVELY" It better be effective.
"Jade is an exceptional massaging medium as it contains trace minerals that benefit the human body. Through massaging with Jade ball, energy will be emitted and penetrated into the skin to nourish it."
"Jade Roller contains ample mineral elements that emit energy to supress and prevent bacteria from breeding. Thus, it is more hygienic than other rollers."
It sounds like the Jade ball is made of Jade..I shall not judge. It prevent bacteria from breeding. Hmm, I'm guessing my other Yellow and Green Version rollers had bacteria and thus were not effective over time. Ok fine. This roller better be GOOD!

Tried it. It makes you massage your eyes a little longer as the ingredients inside really take sometime to get out. As for the Garnier Yellow and Green Versions, it is more of like one roll and your eyes are wet. Get the idea. Thus, you do not spend much time massaging your eye. I'm guessing.

Next. 30 rubs to finer and fairer skin. Whitening Marvel Gel.

It says" Dead skin is the main culprit of all skin problems. Removing dead skin is the first step towards beauty. Our skin produces new skin cells to replace agng & dead skin cells everyday. If they are not removed on a daily basis, they will build up on the surface of the skin and lead to clogged pores, resulting in all kinds of skin problems.

Ginvera Green Tean Whitening MARVEL GEL reaches DEEP into the cornified layer of the skin to remove dead skin cells that clog pores, cause and support balckheads, thus eliminating and preventing formation of blackheads which can lead to pimples. It also improves the absorption of skincare products and regulates oil secretion to prevent pimples. The removal of dead skin cells will stimulate the growth of new cells, thus unveiling the natural fairness and radience of skin within."

I know I have blackheads. And I'm seriously having pimple outbreaks here and there, luckily not the whole face. Phew! And I realise too that my pores are visible which is not a good thing. Thus, I got this. And

THIS BELOW. On Ads too. Finally something that talks about minimising your pores.

It has Hyaluronic Acid. Also known as "a powerful moisturiser found naturally in the skin and used by dermatologists to re-plump the skin and fight against wrinkles". That Sounds good.

COMBINED with Pro-Xylane "naturally derived and bio-degradable anti-aging molecule"

WITH "Active Micro-Smoother, a Beta Hydroxy Acid, that works cell by cell to help renew skin intensively smooth skin's surface"

"It helps minimise the appearance of pores and smooth the skin." Personally, I do not really like this sentence. What do you mean by minimise the appearance of pores? Means is actually big but you made it appear small when the fact it is still big? Like using make-up to cover flaws? NAH. Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe, it really reduces the size of your pores and thus, really it minimise the appearance of pores.

The Last thing I got from Watson. Bio-Essence Hydra SPA ENERGY.

"Restore new, youthful skin by hydrating and nourishing your skin while sleeping." Sounds like a good idea.

It says" Our skin rejuvenates itself during sleep. If skin is provided with adequate moisture and nourishment during the night, the speed of skin rejuvenation is doubled. Hydra SPA Energy Complete Nourishing Sleeping Mask is a light and refreshing sleeping mask that is enriched with minerals, botanical essence, Bio Energy Fluid, Tanaka tree bark essence, Angelica and herbal essence. It replenished moisture, nourishes and repairs skin while you sleep. Apply an adequate amount before you sleep and wake up to a new revitalized and moisturized, youthful and brighter skin. Say goodbye to tired skin."

Personally, I thought it was a good idea to mask my face while I'm asleep than getting mask and having to lay there for 5-20min depending on the brand of mask you use and listen to music..and relax. I'd rather mask my face while I'm sleeping. First Saves time. Second, Longer mask time. It better be good. I'll update you on my progress.

From a sick girl with some pimples popping out with relatively dry skin & slight rash on my back..I shall inform you of my progress over the next month if it is working with the new products I bought.

And one last thing I bought. Eyerevive. I must be crazy! SPEND SO MUCH! But it is a eye massager which can help circulate my eyes rather than just applying creams and lotions all over my face, we as girls must find other ways /methods that can help with our face right? Afterall, our face is only this big. How much products can we apply on our face?

Moreover, I have been eyeing it for more than a month. I think this is not a haphazard decision. It is a new version! Improved from the old. Phew. Luckily I didn't buy it earlier. If not, I will be sianz about the new version. Why I bought this? BECAUSE I can't stand it when people say I look tired or comment about my eyes..YOU KNOW WHAT. And after years of applying different brands of products of eye stuff till I feel like giving up with no sort of improvement, I really think is time to go for something new right? Moreover the newer version allows me to see things while the massge is going on.


"OTO Eye Revive is elaborately designed according to the ocular profile and distribution of acupuncture points around the eye. Using 22 finger-like massage feelers, it producers magnetic energy to boost circulation and encourage relaxation of the eyes.

It is best to use OTO Eye Revive EV-200 for 5-20 minutes each day to stimulate the metabolism of ocular cells and promote ocular movement, allowing the skin around the eyes looking more lustrous, silky and youthful." better work.

To make let you know the results, I should be truthful about the other products I will be using as well.

Clean and Clear Toner.

Face Lift Cream
SK2 Facial and drinking Brands Innershine.


Morning: Massage Eyes with eye revive. Apply Marvel Gel to get rid of blackheads. Wash face with SK2 Facial, Apply Clean and Clear Toner, Bio Essence Face Lifting Cream and LOREAL Pore Minimiser, with JADE ROLLER. Apply Sunblock.

Afternoon: Apply Marvel Gel to get rid of blackheads. Wash face with SK2 Facial, Apply Clean and Clear Toner, Bio Essence Face Lifting Cream and LOREAL Pore Minimiser, with JADE ROLLER. Apply Sunblock.

Night: Apply Marvel Gel to get rid of blackheads. Wash face with SK2 Facial, Apply Clean and Clear Toner, Bio Essence Face Lifting Cream and LOREAL Pore Minimiser, with JADE ROLLER. Apply Moisturizer. And Bio-Essence HyDRA SPA Energy.

Let's see how it works! OH! IS 6.30pm le! Gotta wash up and meet Sweet Heart! He must be leaving work soon.

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