
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Working out Plans

I'm excited about the upcoming Standard Charter. Is this week!!!
And I'm taking part for the 2nd time! Well..regulars must be thinking..No big deal what. I even join the Nike run the adidas run and whatever run..

It is totally different for me. Firstly, I'm not a born runner. I can't run great for my 2.4km. Struggled with it. Of course..It is mentally challenging etc. I kinda like the other fitness stations but I didn't really like running. But because I look sporty, people think I'm expert in sports! Which I would love to be.

Joining the 1st Standard Charter race last year..21km, I guess I did it more of proving people wrong. You see..people soon look past the sporty look and started to look down on my being able to do things. And running 21km was doing something to prove to people that I can do it. HUH! I can even run 21km and you can't! Sort of thing..Though my legs felt extremely tired after that..

This time, I'm running Standard Charter 10 km race. It sounds like a downgrade from last year but I wouldn't think of it that way. Last year, I had Joshua running with me. And I perservered on because I had Joshua beside me or in front of me..And the anger half way and the exhaustion etc..This year, I'm gonna run by myself. I wanna be independent. This time, I wanna run for myself. This time, I'm not gonna prove to anyone. This time, I'm gonna prove to myself that I'm not bad. Cause, most importantly, it is not how people view me. It is how I view myself which affects the way I carry myself as a person to others. If I think I can't make it, then my actions are I can't make it and people think that I can't make it. But if I think I can, then the opposite will work as well. =)

And why 10km? I believe 10km is a healthy enough run for me. Moreover, I really do not wanna kill my legs. I'm still young. And am a female! (ok..what is the connection) Haha..I need to take care of myself more..

While guys have the luxary to have a scar and still look a certain extent, girls do not have as much privilege as the guys. Haha..

I had my run with Joshua yesterday. Not at the same pace..but I know I had improvement. I ran for an hour! But I had improvement! Within the same time span, I ran a longer distance! Wee! Well, Joshua had improvement too..*Clap hand for him*

What is going through my mind exactly? Well, about my working hours next year. If I do want my skaing plan to work out..which I really do, I would love it if I can get the working hours I want. Haha..*cross fingers* =)

OH! my face progression!
Sorry if this post seem a little disoriented. I'm thinking issues and chatting with SW online.
Well, I didn't exactly follow the plan that I had planned out. I only wash my face twice a day..Morning and night. And I find that I need more preparation time. Usually, I give myself 30min to wake up shower, change pack up and leave for work..Truthfully, it is not enough. And applying so many things on my face, just to let you know..the night kind of like another cream..diff texture.
But is good to have my eye massaged. To have the tingling feeling when you apply the stuffs on your face, cause it means it is working!

My blackheads are minimised..thanks to marvel gel but I can't get use to the smell as yet..My skin does not feel as dry now..I think there is slight improvement..but also, how can it feel dry with lots of cream on your body? Haha..ok I need to stop typing nonsence..I need to cook! Tata!

Oh yes I cook!

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