
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas is Coming! This 2009!

Can't believe I didn't blog about this. I left the photo in the SD card without transferring to my computer, thus..the result of not blogging.
Well, perhaps the first treat we have for Christmas started with giving Joshua's car a good maintainance and a fresh pump up! I mean, just look at his face..His is glowing with cheeky satisfaction! Maintaining a car do remind me a little about going through a facial..getting dirty and painful so that you can be clean and fresh, squeezing the bad stuffs out.
And so happenly they have a resting area for us customers to take a seat in the comfortable, air-conditioned room. And I spotted a cross, sitting up at the corner of the room.
Their awards..which gives me a better impression of them, knowing that my..ok, Joshua's car is in good hands, although I have not much knowledge about cars. No wonder it is so important to have awards.
AND LOOK! A CD player with Sofa..I don't mind if one of my room of my future house is something like that. A Chill Room. Haha..
And the containers are actually seats! Isn't this cool or what!

But I can't handle the seats. It looks nice but I don't think I can seat there for long. I'd rather seat on the sofa with Joshua.
Heavy metal TOOLs!
A new Car!
And Random pictures I took before I went to bed and rest for Standard Charter run.

BUT! A Christmas Event My Church had organized, called SET ME FREE!

I was so excited that Sw actually invited me to be one of the photographers! I AM a PHOTOGRAPHER! (Not pro. PRO in the making!) =)

And I was so dedicated to my JOB! Cause I felt super honoured! Oh yeah!
And to the few whom I invited to the event and turned up, hope you all enjoyed your day! For those who didn't..Oh well..I can try my best to ask Sw if he is willing to upload the movie on Youtube, so at least you guys know what you have missed out.

A band. Themed: Checkered Shirts..
Yesterday, I had my very first Christmas present! From my Students! Oh man! I'm super touched la! I can't believe they bought me a present! They must love me as their teacher! What do I teach? Is a secret at the moment..Muahaha..I should have brought a camera and took a shot of them presenting the present to me. Then you will know how cute they are. =) I love my students! Think I'm starting to like the idea of being a dedicated teacher. =) Not in school though. Just to a few students, so that we can build up a relationship. =)

So, this is the present they bought for me!
And a Baby Stitch is born!
Sasha, don't be jealous. You know I still love you. =)

Hmm..What should I get for them? Oh man! I need to prepare presents! I'm busy today though I'm not working! Tata. Ok Blog Done. Strike out on to do list.

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