
Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Wah lao, keeping burping today..usually happens when the journey is exptremely jerky hint hint..To bus drivers of course..All Singaporeans should understand what I is just how bad the jerk is. Seriously, they should improve their stopping skills..I mean they have been driving and driving..I wonder why their skils do not improve..Losing balance on the bus is one thing but sometimes the jerking..wahlao, cannot take it!! I know some of you say then don't take bus lah..but you know, i got no choice..funding issue..

Sometimes, I really feel like puking..and if one should puke in the bus, I do not think that it is the person fault but rather the bus driver's fault..haha..

Anyway, after a long examination, and a long ride on bus 10 to Harbour Front..I had to burp out all my excess air to prevent accumululation that will lead to real puke..eww..

Interestingly, the train today is also jerky!!!NEL what happen to you?? is it the rain? the stop was much drastic as compared to normal..for every station till serangoon and even in the middle of between stations..hmm...

And had to catch another bus before I reach my house busstop..more jerking..

*burp!* See! I'm still buring out the air!!! Gosh..Accumulation of excess air = number of halts made, = no of when busstops before destination and train station, plus number of traffic lights that turn red, and stopping in the middle of nowhere..Why not you try taking the journey will know what I mean..

You will feel bloated after the trip I assure you!! Hunger reduced dramatically Why? because you have eaten up too much air!! not to mention the want to puke.

Ok enough of puking...

I just finished my third paper. 2 more to go!! WOOHOO!!
This paper, well, I find that I wrote more fluently than the other..points in my head already? haha i also not sure lah..Don't wanna reflect on it. Just needa create more brain space for notes of two other modules..

OK!! hmm, should i continue studying??

Monday, November 26, 2007

98.7fm keeps me company

Have been listening to 98.7fm..while studying. You know it is impossible for me to study in total silence. I don't think I can take so much silence. I will explode. The idea of you just all alone just to study.. Well, today, think Isaac got exam, and my sister too, so i'm at home studying for tml's examination..Singapore Film. Hope I can do well..Just studying..writing notes again..well, that's the way I study. I make my own notes. Cause I trust my own notes more than any others!!! haha!!

Ok lah, gotta go back to work. why!?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Lookie what I got?!

Lookie!! This is my latest anniversary present from my baby!! Coming 29th Nov, we will have been together for 1 year 10 months!! Fast right?! I can't imagine that! Time flies. Just like that. Don't even feel like it has been 1 year plus..anyway, that's a good thing.
Babe, don't get jealous that your mum has been giving me things : )

Reflective right!! can even see me 'inside'
WooHoo!! pretty!!

A Sign for me to dress up?!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Numb feeling

I'm feeling numb le to the idea of studying..I'm just taking my own time now, cause no point pushing myself when I DO NOT WANT to do that anymore. It is not good for myself.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I have been wanting a pair of roller skates since like forever..but i can't seem to find any in Singapore..What the heck!!

EVERYWHERE have blades no skates.

I want the 2 wheel in front 2 wheel at the back.

Anyone hae any idea where to find them?

I really want a pair..

Like for my own CHristmas present you know..

I wish I can have a pair of roller skates this Christmas

Monday, November 19, 2007

What I want for Christmas

Is early but Christmas decorations are already up..


A dozen of roses that symbolizes LOVE.
A Garden of sunflowers to make me happy.
A moment with you that will be remembered.

Not a passing day.
Not a joke that brushes things away.

I do not like jokes that can pierce.
I do not like smiles that actually hurt.
I do not like laziness as an excuse.

I wanna see effort.
And Love must be the reason not the topic

I feel like running away from here.
I feel the need to leave this place.

I wanna forget who I am
I wanna forget your expectations.

There is a me spirit trap within
And trying to set myself free.
And when I'm free there won't be stopping.



I WILL BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Won't be Your Right any longer.
I'm claiming it my own.

From this time onwards, it will be my RIGHT!

DAMMIT I'm Angry. I'm not jealous. I'm Freaking angry!!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

School's OUT!!

I'm super happy!!! Yesterday was the last day of school and I felt free!! WOOHOO!!!! no more assignments!!! haha..the last one i handed up already although the duedate is only on monday but..i just do what i can i dont wanna visit school again at least until exams..must take my paper mah..oh yar!! surprise you this week..

Hmm..have you heard of sight reading..well, this time, we kinda have sight singing..

well..people..can hear yourself and improve..hehe

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finally finish that damn essay

WOHOO!! finally finish the horrid essay which i dont think i will do well, but in any case, I know that I did what I can..Do the readings, and try to understand as much as i can and apply what i know..i mean ah yar, i print out the essay le lah..dont care le..tired. dont wanna drag this essay any longer. It has been such an agony. And my day just pass like that. Sian..

BUT!! i finally finish that all that matter..

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Hey people, I'm thinking of having a movie marathon on saturday.

I know it is a bit last min and by the way, you don't choose it I choose it..ok not really lah.. but i'm watching the movies that are in my modules..

Like Forever Fever, Money No enough, Eating air, the not so nice one like 12 storeys..I don't like it though no offence but it is really never mind.

OH YAR!!! who got the series of friends??? I gotta watch that too..hmm..shucks..gotta check out what episodes to watch for exams..wahahaha

Just to let you all know, currently, is should be held in church? although i havent book the place or my house..i mean where else sia..okok and then right it starts at 12..taking in expected late comers into consideration, the screening must start at 1230..after which..hmm...we finish at about night time?? 730 can or not then those who wanna go dinner can go together but i not planning that..

As you can see, 7 hours not really long..i mean how many movie can you watch? at most?? most? is 4 take your pick what movie you wanna watch I will try get it on friday..

List of movie..
Bujang Lapok --i vote for this..important for me..
12 storeys--im not interested..but you can vote for this
Forever Fever
Money Not Enough
Eating Air
15 --R(A)21, and i dont have it and i doubt the video shop rent this..even if they did, it should be censored.
Singapore Dreaming..

Well, the more fun movies in my personal opinion is Bujang Lapok, Forever Fever, Money No Enough..
Eating Air and Singapore Dreaming..still bearable
12 storeys and 15 does not make much sense to me..but I think Sw can understand much more..
This movies are for one of my module...

Another module gotta watch....

friends..selected episodes,
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
I Not Stupid
Spice Girls MTV i suppose..hmm, who got their interview video?
The Ring and The Ringo..which I have not watch at all because I'm freaking scared!! And I do not want to shoren my life nor have nightmares because of a module..Not worth it..but i guess more people should be better bah...Haiz..

and Study week!! Who wanna join me? Study session from monday to friday in church from morning till night.
No distractions. you will have a chair, table, aircon..No tv to nothing..accept a pile of notes that you will bring to study. Will be fruitful!!!! Leave me a message at "RightToSpeak"! if you wanna come for the movie marathon or the study week!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

One over, but more to go. Is ok. One at a time.

Last week of School!!! WOOHOO!!! freaking happy but it is also the busiest last week of school!!! I don't recall it being this hectic in the past. Why??

Anyway, the practical is over. Seriously, I have a weak heart. Have been in anxiety for a pretty long time just for the practical. Now that is finally oer, my heart can finally rest. And i have just finish finish and i say FINISH my journal!!! yes!!!. And a point to note, if a journal that can finish, it is no journal at all. My Truthful opinion. Wahaha!!!

Ok, ok now is the thai language issue and the module that shortens my life. Hah. I really don't wanna mention it!! Cause it will literally pollute my blog! Wahaha and will shorten my life further just seeing those words that make me feel like puking...hehe..

ok lah think I better start doing the thing I dread. Readings..on something I do not like, makes no sense, an argument that seems to explain everything but in fact, is a lie. It doesn't!!! It just goes round and round..trying to make sense of something but fails to. You know what is the worse thing? They don't even know that they failed to make sense and think that they are a genius! Tell me, just tell me..why am I wasting my time on these things?? Getting to know how the 'genius' think? Perhaps ba. okok back to work!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Rushing through Journal

You know, the thing about journal, it is suppose to be personal right? and you write it because you want to right?

Well, I'm rushing the journal which I am rushing through not literally, I'm still taking my time which is, not very good. wahaha..but I don't wanna hate writing journal. Anyway, it is an assignment lah this know they want you to write as a journal but there are unspoken rules. like you can't really say everything that you wanna say in our own is pretty conflicting, having to write a personal journal and yet at the same time, it is not entirely you.

Also, my eyes is not really recovering..I'm pretty scared. How!!! Do I really need to cut it open?? tata gonna sleep now. nightz

Friday, November 9, 2007

Swollen eye

I have decided to talk about eye swollen eye seperately..hmm, cause it is horrible and it hurts. Badly. this is the..hmm, 3rd day..and the swell..ew..hate it. whatever

i always have this problem especially when i was a kid. Still remember there was once, my mum and the maid press me down so that she could just squeeze out the pass from my eye. Horrible experience. and Tramatized childhood.

Anyway, the doctor said that if the swell does not do out after 2 days, she will need to cut it out. I was super shocked lah!! cut it out? kinda reminds me of Leroy's mini i'm getting tramatized all over again..hope it will cure by then

by the way, the medication and consultation fee is free!!! cause I went to see the doctor at school basically. which is good. that i don't have to pay for it. I mean i also didn't ask to have swollen eyes. did i?

And i got this eyedrop which i have to have a drop every 2 hourly.. i guess it shows how bad it is..cause usually, it is a drop 3 times a ay that I have been faithfully putting the eyedrop for today.

tml gotta work. come on, eyes, heal..

Thursday, November 8, 2007

mail flodded!

Well, I haven't been checking my mails whatsoever, and now it is flooded!!! to the max..Oh my gosh..and well i'm better now for those who were worried about me since the last last post.. Thank you so much for your concern. haha but now i got eye infection!! shucks!! tell you more about it later.. started at 10am! yuppie! finally a late start for a monday morning. But next week still gotta be in school by 9 in the morning for the PRACTICAL exam. which of course, i'm still in the process of memorizing and trying to trust the words and put my emotions in it..gotta work on expressing it out the right way..wahaha..

and anyway, our practical class for that day was pretty fun..chatting around. the only thing we really neded to go was to get the go ahead sign from our teacher about poem and monologue..after that you can see, taking pictures..

And..timing our recital piece, to ensure that it doesn't go over the time limit
And trying to memorize our lines..

After that was Singapore film lecture and a movie screening at LT8 on Singapore Dreaming..and that's the end of school..on the surface it sounds and looks kinda fun right? Well, trust me, it is like a packaging..the stuff inside may not be as rosy as you think it is. Cause, there is still this journal I have to complete plus another essay..oh man..I personally do not like essays..yucks!!!but what to do..

Come Tuesday, after the seminar that shortens your life..lie you can really feel yourself, 'aging' and your life shortening literally not only because of the time taken for the seminar but what it does to your brain. Usually, I come out of the class, bloated with information and giddyness..AND I shall not talk about that anymore nor name it. DAMMIT!!!

But after that, I got a break and while I was on my way to the library to finish up my thai homework which is really getting tougher..I heard from my da jie that Thai 3 is worse and you can spend your whole week doing homework, with comprehension test and all in thai writing..which is what made it difficult for me in the first place. So i'm still thinking. Should I take Thai 3 next semester? or rather Japanese 2? cause both are just as tough..wahaha and I am gonna take a language module no matter what..

Anyway, as i was saying, I was on my way to the library when I heard someone call me "Tong" No one calls me Tong except my family members..and my elder sister's various selected ex boyfriend and her current boyfriend(Jia Li)..Well, that's how she call me and my family calls me so they also call me "Tong" loh. In fact, I think they know me as "Tong" first rather than shirley but anyway, it was Alvin who called with all the information given above, you should know his status.

He came to school just to study!!! I understand. You can never study at home. Got t.v, got bed. I usually will end up sleeping and get distracted. Or irritated when my sisters keep playing the piano or the guitar..can't concentrate. Well, the only time i can, can study at home is when the papers are like all together that kinda end of year exam, o'level, a'level, the next day kinda thing that i really die die must study..Hmm, in fact! I think I have been working harder than cheryl who is having her o'levels now. Dammit. But even then, I would study in church in the day. And it is just outside my house! Convenient right?! hehe..

Eventually, we headed to the library together..and i took out my thai book and homework..

while alvin was on his computer doing econs..some module that look like maths with formula. I really do think that I have completely lost touch with mathematics. Can't believe that it was my strongest subject last time. And how the hell did I end up in some artsy faculty..I don't know where I'm heading man..Still remember I was horrible in y arts subject..wahaha and not to mention, GP.
And look at the number of people in the library doing work? It is endless!!! Man! See that's why I'm so stress by all these people..
Well, tuesday's thai class starts at 6 and ends at 8 pm..And tuesday is really my lucky day having to meet alvin..he drove his car!! and I asked if he could give me a lift home after my school..and he said ok!! WooHOO!! I reach home before 9pm!! which is the earliest for a tuesday..Usually, I will be back about near 10..cause of jams and bus which take ridiculously long!! Which i wanna complain!! BUS 10!!! seriously this bus is irritating. One bus wait for half an hour especially when you just miss the will be like ok, i can go walk walk, take toilet break and come back in half an hours time. Waste my time lah!! Don't like bus 10 and yet i take it all the time whenever I have to go to school. Look at what i'm dealing with?

Come bull day. "Can I offer you a can of red bull to energize yourself?" blah blah blah..but you know..the thing I like about the job is that i get to drive! Yuppie!! And I improve my driving skills quite a bit sia..wahaha..the parking especially. but you know now is near exam period, so we will go to schools to give out as well..and I will have to go back to NUS. Got lesson, gotta go to school. No lessons, still have to go to school. My life's location have been just in this location. School. Long days..and I think I spend a lot more time in school than I do at home. Not THINK IT IS A FACT!! Hello..what is a home for? It is called a home for a reason, not a hotel. YOU GET MY POINT!!!

After work, I had project meeting! With Yong Huey, Ryan, Daniel and Joie and had dinner at Thai express with them after I carry, carry, carry and gave out redbull to those who are in need of energy..The 'closest place' from the office was vivo city since it was just a train ride down..yup and we rehearsed our dramatic speech there.

Didn't take much photo though. This is all I've got.
After that, Daniel, the one with the red shirt on, drove us home! WooHOO!! And during the ride, dunno why the girls start to get high with spice upon reaching home, i got back to work on my presentation slides which I did up to 1 plus in the morning. Gosh i'm so sleep deprived. I need more sleep. I wish I could sleep like 9pm every night now. To make up for the sleep losses..It is no use even if you sleep till 12 noon. I just needa sleep early..when the sky is dark when I AM SUPPOSE TO SLEEP!!!!!!

So thursday morning, or rather afternoon, hmm, i think i slept till 11. Even after that, i didn't feel energetic or anything. It is so tiring..My skin got the deprived feeling status..oh man..seriously after this disgusting exam period, i'm gonna sleep early, give myself a good treat with masks and spas sia..and going out, i need to broaden my location scope other than the nel line.

This surrounding look different right? well, I went to Seng Kang to study. SEE! NEL line. (Just came back from thai tutorial) hmm, I'm still in a dilemma..should i do thai 3 or japanese 2? I mean it is not like i'm doing terrific in thai 2..if i am then of course why not!!!wahaha..hmm..oh oh ok..i was in the middle about being at Seng Kang.Initially, plan was of course to study lah..with Miko as usual, but she decided not to, cause she say i got leroy to accompany me. So did Isaac who decided not to..oh well..i was still thinking of giving them red bull to drink i brought 4 cans..and those 4, i gave it all to Leroy, since he is in army must need it more haha..It has been quite some time since we last studied together. The last time, he was in his poly final year, and i was studying thai 1 for da jie's test..

Just look at him!! Doesn't he look focus? hey this does not mean i'm not studying ok..I studied until my lappy battery died on me and my computer was hibernating. There was nothing i can do about it..And it is also safe to say that i have been studying for at least 2 hours..since my battery life span is 2 and a 1/2 hours. can't lappy have more battery life span? like 5 hours? i think that will be fantastic!!!! wahaha.. So I started memorizing the stuff i need for the practical..this is the given passage..
this is a poem i picked Eve Clement if I remember correctly..
And this is from the play "Emily on the Emerald Hill"
And this is husky..haha..ok out of point.
But this is SERIOUS!! i need help..see right those 3 thingy I have..I do not know how to link in which order do i recite them and why...they are all women yar..something about cooking, managing the house..etc..but you know which order? and i must give a rational..can you believe it? me think neh people, GIVE SOME COMMENTS!!!!

wow, this post is pretty long..I haven't been rattling for so long for a long time..

Sunday, November 4, 2007

in school, some things do happen

Just to let you know, i'm risking my life to show this. I hope they won't 'kil' me when they do see this..wahaha..should have video it longer sia..

Eating at Munchie Monkey! Seriously, dont look at the pictures and think it is really yummy..we are just posing. The price you pay is not worth it for the amount you is too little!! not to mention...hmm..not as professional?

Patricia!! see what a blur shot you took!!!


I feel kinda suicidal today. Sorry guys, didn't go to church today even though it is like super near my house. But do you needa reason to feel suicidal? I can't wake up and i have to admit i disabled the alarm..after i realized that i unconsciously snooze until pass 845 am. I feel as though i'm losing control of my body, my mind, even my sleep. I have been sleeping like no one's business but when i wake up, my body's reaction is as though i haven't been sleeping at all like for the entire night, my body has been in distress and not relax and resting. On top of my own bombardment of freaking work i have to do during day time, i guess i gave my mind no rest at all. which explains the state i'm in.

And i got really irritated when cheryl keot playing the same secret song again and again, it drove me nuts that let me storm out of my house. and at that moment, i sense lost..bewildered. Like What the heck am i doing in this life! Argh! She is playing the tune again. I'm gonna become crazt soon. Change the song girl!! Shouldn't i be enjoying! you seriously don't needa be good in your work to enjoy, i guess, i should change my direction. I should enjoy being lousy at what i do. I is what i do best now..

And while i was having these thoughts and freaking blur me, alighted one stop before esplanade library..thus, i had to walk by foot..walking, walking..with lots of theories, and thoughts hitting all sides of my brain and then i saw!!!!!!this guy in black with white shoes all smiles running towards me like some kind of magical tale, you see your boyfriend running towards you at the moment when you feel so sucky. It is really comforting.. ahh..can't believe it. It is like a miracle.

Well, now that i'm home..not because i wanna go home..ok actually, i think deep inside of me i do wanna go home. i do wanna rest. But on the surface, i do not wanna go back yet. cause it would mean that this day is ending and the routine week is coming tml where i would just look forward to weekends all over again. i wanna get out of the routine. the expectations of the school. then again, i think i'm the culprit who puts much expectation on myself. I'm just not use to the so called year 2 life. Yup.

Anyway, i'm really sorry for not going to church today and miss the great fun games you all had! Tell me about the sermon and the bible study ok!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

i got a new blog skin!

Hey! so, how is the new skin? Good? well, i got tired of studying and enough with the freaking popular culture reading. I needa do something else! Anyway, i'm quite satisfied with this new blog skin!! Not bad Not bad.