
Friday, November 9, 2007

Swollen eye

I have decided to talk about eye swollen eye seperately..hmm, cause it is horrible and it hurts. Badly. this is the..hmm, 3rd day..and the swell..ew..hate it. whatever

i always have this problem especially when i was a kid. Still remember there was once, my mum and the maid press me down so that she could just squeeze out the pass from my eye. Horrible experience. and Tramatized childhood.

Anyway, the doctor said that if the swell does not do out after 2 days, she will need to cut it out. I was super shocked lah!! cut it out? kinda reminds me of Leroy's mini i'm getting tramatized all over again..hope it will cure by then

by the way, the medication and consultation fee is free!!! cause I went to see the doctor at school basically. which is good. that i don't have to pay for it. I mean i also didn't ask to have swollen eyes. did i?

And i got this eyedrop which i have to have a drop every 2 hourly.. i guess it shows how bad it is..cause usually, it is a drop 3 times a ay that I have been faithfully putting the eyedrop for today.

tml gotta work. come on, eyes, heal..

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