
Friday, March 28, 2008

Selt outing

This is a overdue post but haha..all i remember was the amount of chocolate high i got. At esplanade there.
Well, it is better off than blogging about me not being able to breathe right? so waste effort to blog on being sick. haha..

anyway, you know these 2 handsome guys. Ryan and Daniel from SELT module last semester. haha. Still keeping in contact. Of course! Who say module mates friends won't last? hmm..
Yong Huey and I as cheeky as always. Is a pity Joie didn't join us. hmm, but next week, think we gonna meet again just before preparing for our exams. And i so wanna go to the beach. Hint Hint!! :)

Oh oh oh! and we took some pictures with those light bulbs..
I think YH was suppose to play the sax and Daniel the guitar. I'm playing the violin!! Can you see!! It is so obvious!!

the four of us!! At sushi tei. yummy food.
Aiyah..i go watch tv le..

Monday, March 24, 2008

My three musketeers

I had another attack today. But i'm certain that it is no asthma. there is no weezing thingy in my chest. Anyway, the doctor i really think they have no clue and only 'suspect' that it is a Asthma attack. But it is not lah. i've had Asthma attack before. I know what it is like. Well, they just gave me more medication for opening up my chest which i already have but on a heavier dosage. Gosh. 3 times le with the doctors. Each time, it gets more and more expensive. Shakes my head..
2 bucks to 50 bucks to 80 bucks. And i dont think they know what is really happening with my body. Despite having my precious blood drawn out and x ray. Such a mystery.

But thanks to my 3 musketeers!! iz, josh.c and shao xiong, who were there to drive my to NUH and practically stayed there all the way until i collect my medicine and ready to leave. All the way until like 7 plus 8?? Then Josh.c drove me back. I'm so bless.

Josh.c he is the one at the most left. The one who drive.
Iz, you guys are familiar with. third from the left. From church. Can always count on him.
Shao Xiong. hmm, can't find his picture. Will show you when i have ok.

So anyway, the main story is that after thai music class, the four of us went to have something to eat because i was already feeling quite weak at that moment le. then..after the attack, the 3 musketeers made sure i was alright and delievered me home after much waiting at the hospital safe and sound.

Thanks a million guys.
You all are the best.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Virus in Disguise

Virus? You've got it wrong doctor. How can a virus be this powerful!!
Hmm, lets call it mr Swollen. Since it practically burst my head, gave me a big bulge full of air in my stomach and definitely swollen throat.

The story.
Went to School on Wednesday for project meeting.
Throat feels a little itch. dust kind of feel.
So i was thinking. Might as well go and see a doctor get some medication before i get worse.
Besides, it is way cheaper to see a doctor in school and i was going to school.

So i went.
doctor said it is just a virus. Lozenges is enough. That is all you need. Extra is unecessary. Wahaha..ok
Phew not that bad. ok. happy and paid 2 bucks and went for project meeting.
Half way through the meeting, i started to get a little dizzy after popping one lozenges in my mouth.
Is it the lozenges or what?
So during the meeting i was like 'in and out' of it.

Meeting over.
Took bus, train and bus home. As usual. Can't remember what happen but i thought i was just sleepy.
It was only when i had to climb upstairs to my room before vulnerability sets in. Icy cold sets in. Shivering. Took a whole lot of time to get changed out of my jeans and plong on the bed covering myself with thick blanket. Even then, i was still freezing.
Heat was radiating out.
So there i was, hot and cold. desert hot on the outside, freezing cold on the inside.
Am i overstating it? hmm, lets see..NO!
The difference in temperature is so vast you definitely know ok!!!

I can't exactly say i slept. i was in a state of shock.
Got called twice to get down and eat.
Thinking you have to eat if not you will feel worse.
Fed myself. Didnt take as much food as i would like to.

shucks being attacked againnnnnnnn

Saturday, March 15, 2008

When you Look at me

"Then You Look At Me"

Laugh and cry
Live and die
Life is a dream we're dreaming

Day by day
I find my way
Look for the soul and the meaning

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

People run
Sun to sun
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun
Life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going


And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
As lost I have been
I'll find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes from you. From you.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Fattening up!

well, i just weighed myself. I'm now 44kg!!
one more kg to go.
the only problem is that my fattening program is not turning up too well..
i had a bad plan

haha..basically, i have been popping stuffs into my stomach. Just eat and eat and eat. Trying my best to gain weight

I have done it. But i found out that, eh..i'm getting more flabby!! cause i'm not working out as much as i eat, so the fats dont have the chance to transform into beautiful muscles!!! i so needa exercise now.

And not stop eating of course. If not!!! I will probably slim down.
Ok! gonna work out now.


Sunday, March 9, 2008


The star of the day!!! Yong Huey!! You are Hot on the dance floor!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What a week!

Gosh! Let's just say that im exhausted due to insufficient sleep from last night..and this morning at 6 plus in the morning da jie!!!!! Why you put alarm on your phone!!! Worst still, it was outside our rooms and she didn't go and switch it off. It was killing me. So i had to get off my bed which is not as easy as you think!! Cause my bed is really high up above my table..Just to switch off the alarm. Not to mention i was haunted with the marketing test in my dream. So lets just say last night wasn't a good night to sleep. And tonight!!! I'm so gonna sleep at 9pm. OK! No choice.

Yup. And another thing, we viewed each other's final mini movie during Acting for the Screen module. And there was one clip that gave me tremendous motion sickness cause the camera was moving and moving. Thinking about it now is head will go in circles. I had to turn away from the screen for awhile..and i dont understand how my other classmates managed to view the whole thing.

Yesterday, i had wanted to blog more but you know, i was studying at the same to give Joshua the limelight..haha..ok

I went to the doctor yesterday due to the rash at the back of my neck which never seems to go away. So finally went to the doc at YIH. The good thing is that i don't have to pay anything. Not to mention, i'm a little broke this month. Gotta wait until next month before i'm not low on cash. That reminds me, i gotta check if Sze Wei had bank in the money..
Anyway, it is not that serious lah. He just gave me a cream. Say that if it still doesn't go away then come back again. Please!!! Just disappear!!

Also, you know after Leroy said that i was 'fat', as in i only have fats and no muscles..
Some peeps say that he is so mean!! But is ok lah. I kinda agree with him anyway.
Oh! And when i took my weight yesterday, cause the doc says so..guess my weight..

haha ok lah. You know i will tell you. I was 42.7kg.
I was stuned!!! Gosh! Means i have to put on 2.3 kg before i can donate blood. All along i thought i was 44.5kg..that was the last result i got when i last took my weight.
Shirley!!! You needa do something about it!!!
You not only needa change your fats to muscles but you also needa put on more weight!!!!

hmm, oh! i did belly dancing a little on sunday to work out my stomach and my arms. I've got a dvd. It says for beginners. And it was alright for the first part but the later part i was hmm..lets just say i found that i have to put in a lot of effort? hehe..Maybe i should try the yoga one soon. But that is gonna be super tough..Ok bit by bit.
At least i'm working out yeah! And i have tried to eat more.
You know what's the problem? My stomach size does not fit my appetite. I have such big craving for food! But when i get to eating it.. like a little and i am already full....HMMMM!!!! This is tricky.

Oh and after doing the belly dancing stuff, haha, i can see the lines on my stomach coming out a little which i pretty like it. I love to see dancers' stomach with the tone abs and the lines that shape them. Looks wow!!!!!!!! Then can go to the beach!! wahaha..

Ok ok. Have i been talking too much nonsense? Well at least i'm like releasing all the nonsense stuff that is going on in my head. Wahaha..ok

And another thing!!! To tell you guys the truth..i have been crying the past few days. But i didn't cry today.
And i cried for a reason. Although it may seem a little like wth..
Hehe..I went to watch PS I love you!!! And man! It was so touching the whole movie thingy. Her hubby is so sweet!!!! This is the only movie that really made my cry from the beginning to the ending. It is weird cause it was like tears and laughter again. I was like her. Crying that her husband had died and laughing when remembering the good times they had together..
Oh and Daniel!! I finish reading Shopaholic and Baby le!!! I had to read it fast even though i have like test today cause i really like reading the Shopaholic. Haha, and i teared too as i was reading as she imagined that her husband was having an affair and she was pregnant..haha..and i just had to read the end.

Gosh, i'm so easily affected. Believing in those stuff so easily, as if it were really real. (happening to me)..

well is a long post w/o photos and you all maybe tired but still..ONE MORE THING.

LASTLY, Yong Huey!!!! Jia you fot your dance this friday! I will come support you de. 8pm at UCC right!! :)
Do you want flowers? Or just more baking stuff? haha..Jia you! Put a good show ok!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

JOSH on the PAPER!!

OHHHHHHH!!! LOOK AT THAT!! i have a friend who is on newspaper!!!
ok not for the first time. but first time in a long time!!! My mother was like Joshua is in newspaper you know. His picture is really big!!! Big publicity sia.
So right now i'm thinking..why out of so many NS guys they choose to pick Joshua? hmm?
No idea. except that quote "he was committed and driven"
Ok let's see what else it writes ok.. "The 21-year-old thinks it will boost his chances when he applies for a scholarship with employers such as Singapore Technologies Aerospace and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore to pay for a degree in aerospace engineering."

Mind if i say something josh?
But didn't you already tried to apply for scholarship? for the aerospace degree and got rejected? OH! Yar that was when you don't have yout testimonial..SOOOO!! Are you gona apply again!!! Hope you will get it! They should really you know especially with you and your big picture on the news. (and can i say to proof that the NS testimonial thingy really work so people will chiong..hehe) Maybe you should bring it along to the interview too!!! haha.. Alright lets have a close up on him shall we? WJ is gonna be so proud of you!!! Right!!! :)

Tell me if you do get a scholarship alright!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

More on Baking session!

Let's just say we started with this..Totally delicious, made none other by Daniel. This was what we had for our lunch..part of was yummy and chocolate is hmm, this is hard to describe. But i love it ok!!! One of the best thing i ever had!
Yong Huey and I all ready with our treats that the 4 of us made..cream puffs, chocolate cake and double chocolate cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, done by Ryan, Daniel, Yong Huey and ME!!! Haha ok lah i know i didn't do much. Still!!! I played a part in it ok!

I know the puffs look a bit disgusting..with the cream ozzing out and the puffs flatten but not bad for first try :)

Proudly by 'the elder brother'.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

i'm fat?

leroy says that i'm 'fat'. not big size in that sense.
But that i have no muscles and just have loads of fats..hmm..
Thus, i'm officially declaring that i'm gonna work out and concentrate on changing these little fats i've got to muscles..

Oh btw, i went to daniel's house to bake with Yong Huey and Ryan..
The real bakers are seriously Daniel and Yong Huey..
Still, i did do something!!!!

His house is OMG!!!
Beyond spick and span!!!
It is immaculate!
Well, just to give you peeps some idea..
It is some sort of show house where you see the furnitures display and all that stuff..
It is like that!! And this is real with people living in it!! haha
I wish my house was like that. But, you know, living here since like forever..ok, not forever.
OMG, i can't remember when i moved in. Anyway, it is when i'm still pretty young ba..haha
So after years of staying here, drawing on the wall with my pencil..buying lots of stuff, it is hard to have the show house feel lah.
But! But, i like it here. especially outside? haha..somehow, it looks more and more holiday place to me..
Well, it is ust a feel ok! Not because I hardly stay in my house. can't keep yourself at home for a long time. You will get bored no matter how big your house is!
Moreover, i have been living here for a pretty long time!

Perhaps, now..i think i'm able to.
Why? haha..cause i'm like watching antm alot from cycle one
And in addition!!! I got the next 'new' book! Is Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella.
Ok, it is not mine. It is Daniel's. I went to his house for baking remember?
And his room have lots of books!! Books that i would wanna read and he kinda like got all the books by Sophie Kinsella!!
I have read Confessions of a Shopaholic,
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan,
Shopaholic Ties the Knot,
Shopaholic & Sister.
But i had no idea tere was the Shopaholic & Baby!! Was pretty sad when i finish reading shopaholic and sister..
So right now i'm excited!!! WooHoo!!!

OMG! I still got homework to do...oh no..why!!!! i wanna read my book!!! and still have to study for some test.. Hope it is postponed..hahaha..