
Monday, March 3, 2008

JOSH on the PAPER!!

OHHHHHHH!!! LOOK AT THAT!! i have a friend who is on newspaper!!!
ok not for the first time. but first time in a long time!!! My mother was like Joshua is in newspaper you know. His picture is really big!!! Big publicity sia.
So right now i'm thinking..why out of so many NS guys they choose to pick Joshua? hmm?
No idea. except that quote "he was committed and driven"
Ok let's see what else it writes ok.. "The 21-year-old thinks it will boost his chances when he applies for a scholarship with employers such as Singapore Technologies Aerospace and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore to pay for a degree in aerospace engineering."

Mind if i say something josh?
But didn't you already tried to apply for scholarship? for the aerospace degree and got rejected? OH! Yar that was when you don't have yout testimonial..SOOOO!! Are you gona apply again!!! Hope you will get it! They should really you know especially with you and your big picture on the news. (and can i say to proof that the NS testimonial thingy really work so people will chiong..hehe) Maybe you should bring it along to the interview too!!! haha.. Alright lets have a close up on him shall we? WJ is gonna be so proud of you!!! Right!!! :)

Tell me if you do get a scholarship alright!!!!

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