
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What a week!

Gosh! Let's just say that im exhausted due to insufficient sleep from last night..and this morning at 6 plus in the morning da jie!!!!! Why you put alarm on your phone!!! Worst still, it was outside our rooms and she didn't go and switch it off. It was killing me. So i had to get off my bed which is not as easy as you think!! Cause my bed is really high up above my table..Just to switch off the alarm. Not to mention i was haunted with the marketing test in my dream. So lets just say last night wasn't a good night to sleep. And tonight!!! I'm so gonna sleep at 9pm. OK! No choice.

Yup. And another thing, we viewed each other's final mini movie during Acting for the Screen module. And there was one clip that gave me tremendous motion sickness cause the camera was moving and moving. Thinking about it now is head will go in circles. I had to turn away from the screen for awhile..and i dont understand how my other classmates managed to view the whole thing.

Yesterday, i had wanted to blog more but you know, i was studying at the same to give Joshua the limelight..haha..ok

I went to the doctor yesterday due to the rash at the back of my neck which never seems to go away. So finally went to the doc at YIH. The good thing is that i don't have to pay anything. Not to mention, i'm a little broke this month. Gotta wait until next month before i'm not low on cash. That reminds me, i gotta check if Sze Wei had bank in the money..
Anyway, it is not that serious lah. He just gave me a cream. Say that if it still doesn't go away then come back again. Please!!! Just disappear!!

Also, you know after Leroy said that i was 'fat', as in i only have fats and no muscles..
Some peeps say that he is so mean!! But is ok lah. I kinda agree with him anyway.
Oh! And when i took my weight yesterday, cause the doc says so..guess my weight..

haha ok lah. You know i will tell you. I was 42.7kg.
I was stuned!!! Gosh! Means i have to put on 2.3 kg before i can donate blood. All along i thought i was 44.5kg..that was the last result i got when i last took my weight.
Shirley!!! You needa do something about it!!!
You not only needa change your fats to muscles but you also needa put on more weight!!!!

hmm, oh! i did belly dancing a little on sunday to work out my stomach and my arms. I've got a dvd. It says for beginners. And it was alright for the first part but the later part i was hmm..lets just say i found that i have to put in a lot of effort? hehe..Maybe i should try the yoga one soon. But that is gonna be super tough..Ok bit by bit.
At least i'm working out yeah! And i have tried to eat more.
You know what's the problem? My stomach size does not fit my appetite. I have such big craving for food! But when i get to eating it.. like a little and i am already full....HMMMM!!!! This is tricky.

Oh and after doing the belly dancing stuff, haha, i can see the lines on my stomach coming out a little which i pretty like it. I love to see dancers' stomach with the tone abs and the lines that shape them. Looks wow!!!!!!!! Then can go to the beach!! wahaha..

Ok ok. Have i been talking too much nonsense? Well at least i'm like releasing all the nonsense stuff that is going on in my head. Wahaha..ok

And another thing!!! To tell you guys the truth..i have been crying the past few days. But i didn't cry today.
And i cried for a reason. Although it may seem a little like wth..
Hehe..I went to watch PS I love you!!! And man! It was so touching the whole movie thingy. Her hubby is so sweet!!!! This is the only movie that really made my cry from the beginning to the ending. It is weird cause it was like tears and laughter again. I was like her. Crying that her husband had died and laughing when remembering the good times they had together..
Oh and Daniel!! I finish reading Shopaholic and Baby le!!! I had to read it fast even though i have like test today cause i really like reading the Shopaholic. Haha, and i teared too as i was reading as she imagined that her husband was having an affair and she was pregnant..haha..and i just had to read the end.

Gosh, i'm so easily affected. Believing in those stuff so easily, as if it were really real. (happening to me)..

well is a long post w/o photos and you all maybe tired but still..ONE MORE THING.

LASTLY, Yong Huey!!!! Jia you fot your dance this friday! I will come support you de. 8pm at UCC right!! :)
Do you want flowers? Or just more baking stuff? haha..Jia you! Put a good show ok!!!

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