
Friday, March 28, 2008

Selt outing

This is a overdue post but haha..all i remember was the amount of chocolate high i got. At esplanade there.
Well, it is better off than blogging about me not being able to breathe right? so waste effort to blog on being sick. haha..

anyway, you know these 2 handsome guys. Ryan and Daniel from SELT module last semester. haha. Still keeping in contact. Of course! Who say module mates friends won't last? hmm..
Yong Huey and I as cheeky as always. Is a pity Joie didn't join us. hmm, but next week, think we gonna meet again just before preparing for our exams. And i so wanna go to the beach. Hint Hint!! :)

Oh oh oh! and we took some pictures with those light bulbs..
I think YH was suppose to play the sax and Daniel the guitar. I'm playing the violin!! Can you see!! It is so obvious!!

the four of us!! At sushi tei. yummy food.
Aiyah..i go watch tv le..

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