
Friday, March 21, 2008

Virus in Disguise

Virus? You've got it wrong doctor. How can a virus be this powerful!!
Hmm, lets call it mr Swollen. Since it practically burst my head, gave me a big bulge full of air in my stomach and definitely swollen throat.

The story.
Went to School on Wednesday for project meeting.
Throat feels a little itch. dust kind of feel.
So i was thinking. Might as well go and see a doctor get some medication before i get worse.
Besides, it is way cheaper to see a doctor in school and i was going to school.

So i went.
doctor said it is just a virus. Lozenges is enough. That is all you need. Extra is unecessary. Wahaha..ok
Phew not that bad. ok. happy and paid 2 bucks and went for project meeting.
Half way through the meeting, i started to get a little dizzy after popping one lozenges in my mouth.
Is it the lozenges or what?
So during the meeting i was like 'in and out' of it.

Meeting over.
Took bus, train and bus home. As usual. Can't remember what happen but i thought i was just sleepy.
It was only when i had to climb upstairs to my room before vulnerability sets in. Icy cold sets in. Shivering. Took a whole lot of time to get changed out of my jeans and plong on the bed covering myself with thick blanket. Even then, i was still freezing.
Heat was radiating out.
So there i was, hot and cold. desert hot on the outside, freezing cold on the inside.
Am i overstating it? hmm, lets see..NO!
The difference in temperature is so vast you definitely know ok!!!

I can't exactly say i slept. i was in a state of shock.
Got called twice to get down and eat.
Thinking you have to eat if not you will feel worse.
Fed myself. Didnt take as much food as i would like to.

shucks being attacked againnnnnnnn

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