
Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas is coming!

Well, I've received feedback from Joshua that I hardly have lunch with him le since he got a car. And so, I went to have lunch with him. At vivo city. Actually, my vocab of food in Singapore is so small, after eating together with Joshua for countless of times, I really run out of ideas where to eat. And if you ask me where to go and eat, my mind will be blank cause..we have been like to all the places I know I like to eat le. Hmm..there must be more.

I like this shot of him trying to take a shoot of me. hehe. So after I had lunch with me, I went to bugis to walk for awhile before meeting him again for dinner.

If you have sharp eyes, I'm wearing something extra here. Compared to the previous photos above. I wore my new jumper! I bought at bugis street. My mum gave each of us 200 bucks to shop for our christmas and chinese new year clothes..present. Whatever. Just that, I haven't actually receive the money yet and I already use my own money to buy. I'm facing some financial crisis now.
On top of that, Look at the bottom!
Sweet Heart got a new pair of spectacles! Is his christmas present from me.
Well, early present.
He keeps asking me what do I want for Christmas..but I have no idea.
Really. Until maybe I go out and see if I want something like on the spot.
But I something I wanted was a long letter from him on a white paper, with red ribbon tied. LONG LETTER! haha.. I'm so bad. Means present needs lot of effort and time to do la
I wonder where he will find the time to do it.
okok. Of course I have christmas wants!!! Like..Going on a holiday overseas to see snow!!!
oh! I thought of something..
I want to iceskate for christmas!!! =)

Does he look expensive?

So anyway, we were at suntec and they were hanging those huge stuff from the ceiling..lots of christmas tree, and I thought, what if they fell down? That would be...disaster! But of course it didn't.

Haha, don't mind him. He was just trying to make as if he is eating the 'donut'.

And at the basement, he was asking what I wanted for christmas!

!! You know it is easy to know what you don't want but not easy to know what you want. I really need to go throught lots of elimination process before I know what I want.

So anyway, I said that I wanted Joshua to dedicate a song to me on radio. haha..and so happenly there was this machine for dedication. and..

He dedicated a song to me, although they did not play the song..why..

Lucky for you all, I got the video!! haha. Thank you Joshua. =) Enjoy!

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