
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dislike: Worn out

This is the most worn out holiday I ever had. In fact, this does not feel like the holiday I had in mind. I'm so super duper tired!
Yup. Is the overnight shoot.
And a morning shoot after that. Is Super tiring!
Made me wonder why I agreed t be the director in the first place.
I should have a terms and condition the next time.
Wah seh.
Really not funny la.
Cause when I do not have enough sleep, maybe I said before, I feel so tired definitely, weak, and even worse, grumpy..I get sick easily like flu especially, my eyes feel acidic, puffy eyes..
Yup. And many more!
Like yesterday, after shoot and stuff, I got a cold..
But I know the solution to heal asap for my body.

It may work for you.
You can try.

1. Take Vitamin C pill.
2. Take LemSip for flu, mix with extreme warm to hot water.
(I do not like drinking it hot but I still do, cause I know that after I drink that and perspire, I will be ok real quick, instead of lying in bed, saying I'm gonna die and keep blowing my nose with a whole lot of tissues and feeling all germy, trying to sleep or rest.)
4. Fill a water bottle with warm water, and hug it. And after maybe within 30 min, you should be in GOOD SHAPE!

At least it works for me.

But right now, my eyes still feel acidic.
Tried to rest just now. But when I close my eyes, My mind is just bombarded by so many thoughts..that comes and goes. Just occupies my head. And I don't remember them if you ask me.

Ok. I'm really hot now. Gonna bathe and rest.

I need to be in deep sleep for a full whole day.
If night can last 24 hours just for a day. Then, I can go sleep long long!!! =) Wee!

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