
Friday, December 19, 2008

Likes: Contacts. Dislikes: Spects

I really do not like wearing spectacles but I have to for these few days cause my eyes got some infection and I have to put eyedrops. And to prevent it from worsening, I have to wear spectacles. But you know what? Spectacles is not my kind of thing. Everytime I wear them, I won't feel smarter like people say, in fact, I will feel a whole lot blurer..Dazy, Dreamy, Sleepy, just don't feel like doing anything, not even talking. It just don't feel right.

But when I do wear my contact lenses, I feel fresh. Ready to do things, get up and work out and do whatever. So, I have been trying my best to feel more awake with my spects on like going out, Yup. I have to force myself to go out. See things and keep adjusting my spects. Maybe is the way it is designed..and it pressed some acupuncture points or something. Haha, wild guessing. OK. Don't take this seriously and quote me ok. I may be wrong! Afterall, I don't have the scientific background or evidence to say anything like that. But if you do, tell me.

ok. =)
I got shoot tonight. Filming. Another overnight shoot. It is gonna be tiring. I like shooting but I do not like overnight shoot. I need some sleep!
And so, I'm gonna sleep now. Even though it is afternoon.

See you!

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