
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm back from my overseas holiday trip!!!

On the way! in the car?
Ok. I shall be honest with you.
My dad thinks that it was too dangerous to go to Thailand and so we postpone our trip to March!!!! Which means that there is no holiday this year!!! And I will probably miss some classes next year too!
Oh well, we just got to adapt to the surrounding changes right? And so, instead of going to Thailand, we went to Malaysia in Joshua's car.
Well, just me and Joshua.
My mummy didn't want to go and watch movie. She says that it is a waste of money!
All I knew was that I wanted to watch BOLT!!!
Well, Joshua got a little..quite frustrated while driving towards Johore due to the confusing signs saying we have to take BKE to go to Johore.
Nevertheless, after much perseverence..we reached.

And we had lunch at secret recipe. Same cost just in different currency which = Cheaper!!! hehe..I like.

While walking around, we spot this counter that says uniquely Singapore. And so we took some photos.

Well, yar, Singapore is unique.

I'm Unique!!!

In the end we pick BOLT and the day the earth stood still.

BOLT was fabulous! While the day.....with the long title wasnt good. Feel like sleeping. Is predictable and yet no action and just..I wonder why the ticket was selling fast. We should have watched transporter 3..or twilight..Argh.

Is ok. Another time.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas is coming! At least the banner there says so and lots of decoration in Singapore says so. It adds up to the atmosphere I must say. THey should have some festive season all year round. Each and every month. Then People, will be hyped up and happy all the time. Cause there is always something to celebrate don't you think?

Oh and I was like, Dec, Christmas, Jan, CNY, what? And it dawned upon me, Valentines day! I got really excited cause I never celebrated Valentines day with Sweet heart before. He says, yup, we will celebrate by watching tv at home. Diaoz..But I know that there will be something. I just know. =)
Ok, so back to Christmas. We took photos, which I wanted and requested especially for us to go to town just to take photos with the christmas decorations. Cause my house here have no decoration. My mum doesn't want to take out the christmas tree. She says taking out is ok but putting it back is the difficult one. Oh well..So I will have to go to town for my christmas tree!

Big tree, normal tree, bear tree. You've got them all. Nah..what about candy tree? cake tree? haha..

Lastly, let me introduce you to Sasha! My baby! All ready to go to Jurong Swimming Complex.

My mum, cheryl and claris came along. Dajie didn't go last min cause she got flu.

Yup. And it was super fun! At least I did enjoy myself. =) Wee! With the slides and the lazy pool and the wave pool with the rain that got me extremely cold.

Yup, so that wraps up my so called 'bandkok' trip. Going to Malaysia, watching movie, going to Orchard to take photos and going to Jurong Swimming Complex which is way cheaper than Wild Wild Wet. But not as colourful as Wild Wild Wet but it is fun!

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