
Monday, March 8, 2010

Can't Really process the information

My elder sister finally came back home. Perhaps for half an hour?
Supposedly from Japan.
And guess what? The first thing she came and told me was "I show you something".
The next thing I know..I'm looking at her wedding pictures on her handphone. The gown she bought. And her wedding ring.

Well, it is not like my elder sister got married then she came back home to announce it..she will be in December in a church in the mountain..Romantic..And I will probably have to buy a plane ticket..Hmm..

I'm happy that she is gonna get married etc..maybe this is my first experience of someone so extremely close family getting married that I'm not used to. Can't believe that my elder sister is moving to her next stage of life or whatever you called that. Has she found the one?

Seems like I'm still believing in such a thing as called the one. May she have a happy marriage. =)

I'm still feeling tired though I just woke up. I was having rescuing a royal family from drowning in my dream.. Can't help it. Is funny that all of them are from different races but in the same room. I told them that my soldiers are slowing down the drowning of their homes but they have to leave right now. And they refuse to believe me. Some totally, some half-heartedly due to peer pressure, until they saw the water gushing to the room where they are in and while some half-hearted believers immediately came to me asking where should we go in emergecy mode, some chose to remain in denial, telling themselves that this c an't be happening, remain frozen in their chairs, until I had to drag them but they still refuse to leave. Wonder what was going through their head..

Must we only see to believe?
And why do some, despite seeing still try to tell themselves this is not true?

Anyway, I managed to save some while some was swept away by the water. And there was this 2 mother and son. Still frozen to their seats. Gragged them out and got them moving half way and all of a sudden, the mother shouted no! And carried her son back, wanting to go back to their seats and I had to pull them again..

The water was rising fast. By the time they realised that their seats were swept away by the water, they went running back to us..but it was too late. I had the door closing while trying to grab her. My people pulled me in. But I was unable to save them both.

On the other side of the door, I heard knockings. But it was too late. The door will never be open. The knocks became softer and lesser and eventually it stopped. And while the rest were relief that they were 'safe', I was banging the door, crying out no! When 2 other soldiers pulled me away from the door. We had to continue our escape.

We came through a series of tunnels with lots of people trying to get onto a the many mini boats, some swam. The water was still rising uncontrollably that led to a massive panick. We managed to get 2 boats. But in my dream, the number of royal people were much lesser than those we began with. We had to navigate through the tunnels to get out..through the slopes and gushing water..some did not make it.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a boy. In this dream, I was exceptionally concern for this boy. I'm not sure if that boy was my child or not in my dream. Nonetheless, I jumped off the boat and swam to him. Among so many helpless people, I went towards the boy. When I finally reached him, we hugged, as if we had known each for many years. Both of us knew we had to get out. While the mini boats were far gone, we swam. Empowered with much more determination to survive, we helped each other. We dragged each other up the slopes, as among the panick, we were focused on our goals. The same goal to get out.

The last scene of my dream was a tunnel with a light shinning through. And we were heading towards it.

It is funny. I can't believe it. A little me. Yet with such heroic and fearless behaviour in my dreams. This is not the first time in my dreams. Why when I dream of disasters, I would be leading? Do I really need a disaster to come for me to become a leader?
Who are my supporters in my dream? Why will there always be loyal soldiers who will listen to me? Why will there be a special someone that I will be determine to save? How did I have such determination in my dreams?

What about now? Now that I'm actually living and not in my dreams.. How did I become so timid to be righteous or a hero?

I still believe that there is something special in my blood. Ok. I may have watched too much movie etc.. At times like this, I do believe that I have a hero's blood within me.

You may think I'm having ridiculous talk. But haven't you felt like that before?

Alright. Sweet Heart, I hope that you are feeling better. =)

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