
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Little Projects in my head

I know is crazy when Sw says to make a real long film to be screen in cinema. I told him that he is crazy. But then, I realise that I too, have my own crazy dreams. I dream of having my own kindi! Haha..

Part of me don't think it is serious, but i just like writing down ideas whatever rough books I can find, as if i'm really having this real project..Like how I did with my Skating ideas..Maybe I'm someone who just does not have a single aim in life. When I'm so into something, I will be so into it. And when I'm brought out of the scene, I will be so into other things. Well, no wonder people say i'm not serious.

There are so many things in life to venture into..I can't seem to pick one I really love and have passion for. Those are variables..I keep telling myself. At least, stay true to the things that matters the most.

Stay true to my faith. Stay true to the people I love. As for things, it comes and goes. I just like having different experiences in doing different things.

You never know. I may actually direct a great film one day. Or be a humbling and loving teacher at a kindi. You never know. But right now, I still am writing my kindi plan. Hmm, what about my inline-skating? I still love skating. But right now, I gotta focus on helping my mum and her business. Once her business is smooth sailing, which I so hope will be soon, I will start to pursue my interest again. Whatever my interest will be.. =)

Still, it is irritating to not be able to blog about work right here...due to image reasons..So, I shall be silent. BUT IT IS A REALLY GOOD COMPANY! I believe in my teachers. They are real good teachers. =) If only I had teachers like them back then when I was young..but well, even if I turn back time, I wouldn't have teachers like that cause I'm totally not interested in learning English back then. I was into Art..Into Badminton..into skating...I had my own students when I was in Primary school! Believe it or not..Haha..Maybe I do like to teach! haha..

Sorry..Just checking out my own passion. How can anyone be so certain of their passion? They must be really focus people. Ok. Time to relax..

Love my work when people signs up. Cause it means that people too trust in my teachers. =)

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