
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Time Ever!

Perhaps due to the overwhelming exhaustion that I had experienced during the Open House for the Centre..

I went a little bizzare after that.
Had a super long nap.
Woke up and receive Sweet Heart at the front door.
As he surfed the net and I went for my morning (almost afternoon shower),
he crossed upon a place called Austin Hills in Malaysia.
Randomly, he asked, "Shall we go there?"
And I said, "OK!"
Almost immediately, I went to my elder sister's room to grab a luggage and started packing.
Joshua seemed a little stunned and he was like are you serious?
I was like Yeah! Why not? So..he continued his research to see if it was worth the trip online and called the place etc, while I continued packing.
I guess he did not want to disappoint me by being certain that we are really going..
What if we are not going?
I told him that I can just unpacked the stuffs..
I continued my packing.

It was only when he himself was certain that we were going that he started to get excited himself, telling me to bring the snacks and wine over to drink..and a movie as well.

Then..the word Austin Hills keep bombarding my head. Why does it sounds so familiar?
Like super familiar as if I have been there.
In my mind, I was pretty sure that it was that hotel. But it turns out to be the other hotel that I went for my Church Malaysia trip. Well..I have been there before. Haha. A long time ago.
On the way..

Checking in..
When we finally arrive at our room, Joshua was so amaze at how big the room was..It was HUGE!Impress with the entrance.
Impress with the cupboard and dressing table.
Impress with the huge tub.
And the TV that came with it.
After swimming at the pool, we headed to Jusco and ate Dinner.

It wasn't too bad an experience.
But the sad thing was..we have to check out the next day!!! But I just got here! Oh well..At least it was relaxing..

And the next day when I went to work, which was yesterday..I was still in a daze.Opps. I think I haven't fully recovered from the exhaustion. But thank my mum that she said I need not go to work today. Haha..Initially, I still wanted to go but I decided that, well, maybe I should rest at home and relax. After all, it is the school Holidays! Haha excuses..

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