
Saturday, July 28, 2007

camp echo!!!

today is camp echo day!!!hmm...actually our camp like pretty long ago le right? but you know, i think this one is better than the last cause it is more cheerful, friendly and people know what, ever since i join this church in sec 2, i finally really 'blend' in le. like friend friend with the people. yar and how old am i now? eh..going 20 soon..GOSH!! i'm going 20 soon! people people, y birthday is coming!!! but i'm glad that the church is opening up. as in more people relational to others and not just their own know what i mean??
ok! show you this..for those who did not go!!!
is the same one at church echo.ok, the short version one for now..cause the long one is..really long.

next baby and i of course! we met up today! Really like to spend time with him. hearing his whole mission, about being i/c of the men and all..although i don't know much about the army terms but i do get the rough idea la. and him lying on my shoulders as he sleeps on the bus..just really spending time with him. walking in the shopping mall and not buying anything, just talking.
We had lunch together at Asian Kitchen. and i ate the pork la mian. yummy!! go try it ok! It is less than 10 bucks that's all i remember. the soup is delicious! along with the meat and la mian. yummy!!! but we didn't take any photos though. it is ok! oh and we shared the oreo muffins that i bought yesterday. not sure where i got it though. i only know that it is somewhere near the campus crusade book store? at some food court? haha..not much of a use right..maybe jialin got write on her blog. it is hope she didnt change the address or put it as not to public. the muffins is pretty good too! yummy!!! food..maybe i should do a journal on food too! go reecky and video and blog..all about food! that's a pretty good idea! what do you think?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


gosh just check my mail and i got 18 new emails!!!Seriously i can't keep up with this. I really not the kind who reads mails. cannot keep up with this stamina..haha..and hmm, i thought i was just i/c of making the pinwheels and windchimes...that's all right? Just do my part can le la. OH!! by the way i have a good news for you all!! some of you know le but some of you have here it is!! I PASS MY DRIVING!!! got this piece of paper as my temporary license..I PASS I PASS!!! Yuppie!!! So..anyone wants me to drive them?? eh just that there is a tiny bit of problem. i got no car. anyone would perhaps like to give me one? hehe just kiddin la. i'm so going to get a car myself! gonna work get a car. So probably..4-5 years later ba. NO PROBLEM!

For those who have not taken your Driving test and hope to hear from some 'experienced' people like me for some tips..
Actually, there is really no tips to give you.

But just be focus loh.

Take note what your previous instructors have been telling you..

Like checking blind spots. I personally have a problem with checking blind is very irritating. Cause you check your blind spot liao then the tester look at you to see if you got check blind spot..but you already check finish. During the test, it happened la. And i purposely turn my head to 'check' blindspot again just for him to see so he won't mark my basically, i check a lot of times..just for him to see. and that actually got me my pass!! To tell you the truth, i got 16 demerit points which is pretty high..

8 points for veering off course twice..HELLO!!!i was in my own freaking lane lah!!! then the explanation he gave me at the end of the test..was that i turn back the steering wheel too fast..WHAT!!!! And that was the only remarks he gave me. 8 demerit points for that! plus my previous instructors never complained about me turning back too fast!!

2 demerit points for turning the steering wheel whilst vehicle is crank course. Crap!! i super made it a point that i didn't la..there was a car in the crank course too! haiz...that one i also don't know why.

Required additional reverse manoeuvre/attempt. I saw him marking this on my paper. Which is the truth. But no points deducted. As i was coming out of the parallel parking, i was like shucks!! think i'm gonna hit the pole. can i make it? can i make it? No, i can't make it. So i reverse loh..If you really think you cannot make it, don't push your luck. How lucky can you get? Plus reverse once won't get demerit points. Which would you pick neh?

Another 4 demerit points for changing lane abruptly. If i'm not wrong, it was changing to the left filter lane. But i was in the center lane cause..Bus lane thingy loh.then only can get into left lane only when it is broken yellow line. Do you know that?? actually i don't know that until my last 2 lessons of revision. then the instructor ask me..that's how i come to know about it..about last min but still better than nothing!hehe..

last 2 demerit points. for wide turning. I admit. nothing to say. so that's for my 16 demerit points.

That's not all though! there is a warm up before you do your test. It didn't feel like a warm up to me but rather a sprint. Everything was very fast. Ok go here, go there...really quick unlike normal lessons..then as for the test, the speed was a bit slower cause i made it slower. the only conversation i had with the tester was..
He said: "turn turn!"
I said: "but there is a car coming."
He said: "Turn now! Turn now!"
I said: "ok."
Silence again.
He said: "Go to number 41."
I said: "eh, where is it?"
He said: "there there."

Seriously, how useful can there there be? dots..

I said: "eh.."
He said: "parallel parking"
I said: "eh..ok.."

So, i drove slowly looking out for 41..which i have some sort of idea where it is.. and then he jam my brakes saying where you going..there! And i saw it!! 41!!

then there was silence again. or he giving instructions. and while i was driving i was thinking if i should ask how his day the end, i think it was not a good idea afterall..

so for the next dunno how many instructions given, i just said ok and focus on my driving..sonner than expected, the whole thing was over. just like that.

Enough of driving le..needa do the slide show thingy for camp echo..which is this saturday!!!Don't panick, everything will be alright! Just do your thing.

Oh! and baby is now on mission again. the good news is Singapore this time. You know, i really can't stand his flight timing. It has never been once a decent timing for people like me! Flying off or landing midnight 2-3a.m..Like last saturday. His flight landed at 1 a.m..but the real problem is that the baggage have to come out an hour later!!!Dunno what's up with the in between the plane to the collection point for baggage. Wait until super long. So we managed to leave the airport only after 3a.m..the whole alarm system in my body was beeping - "TIME TO SLEEP NOW NOW NOW!!!"

The next day was Sunday. So have to wake up early for service. really cannot take it. i must be crazy to want to join the army in the past man!!! the little amount of sleep baby has to endure in camp. I think i will just coma after that..or go into hospital due to overexhaustion. Seriously, so after service and bible study and lunch, i practically went into coma straight..till around 7p.m due to shock because of realization that baby is going to book in tml and i havent spend any time with him yet! we didn't meet up in the end was really understanding. So i went down for lunch and went back into coma again until monday at 8.37am..alarm starts ringing..time to go to work...thankfully i had to only work 1/2 day cause got driving test. And i got to meet up with baby for lunch!

After that he send me for my test and encourage sweet! For that moment i didn't feel like i have been a good girlfriend to baby..i mean not seeing him for so long and in the end he is the one who accompanies me rather than me accomapnying him. But then again this isn't realy the issue right? the main thing is that we get to spend time together!!! Thanks baby!

hmm,how come i'm writing about this now? anyway..really wanna give thanks to God! Before the test, i had been thinking. There is nothing much more i can do le. Well, i can panick, or revise in my head and be focus. But what more can i do? another important thing i can do is to rely totally on God. At that time, i was like trying to take my 'future' into my own hands. i mean why not rely on God? And just leave it all to him?

Another thought that crossed my mind was the day of judgement actually. totally like no link right? but i was wondering, people get nervous before a examinations then what about judgement day? would i can so nervous that i can die again? Exams here, we can take again but what about that day? there won't be another chance..right? cause now, right now, we have all our chances to make things right. right? just a thought for you to think about.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Teddy!

First thing first! Happy Birthday to Teddy! See!!! Even put it as the title of today's blog. happy right?? Anyway, i totally have no idea at all that teddy's birthday is today until yesterday..opps..hehe..but i really don't know know lah. Just come teddy suddenly ask if today free for dinner not..yarz. Anyway, i've got quite a lot of things to thank God for about yesterday! i'm really lucky seriously!

As you know i had driving lesson yesterday, so gotta leave work early. Then while i was in the bus on the way there, it started pouring heavy rain! okok, the heavy rain is abit too exaggerated but it did rain! luckily, luckily, chains was also going home too and we took the same bus and he had an umbrella! which he loan THANKS chains! thank you so much! if not, i would be running in the rain le just to reach Ubi for my driving lesson..and guess who i saw!!! the driving instructor i invited to the windchaser!!!!!!!!!! But it is a pity that he will be going to Germany so cannot come for the windchaser..Haiz. But i did invite him for the 50th anniversary. although i didnt know the time but i did say that the tickets were free..and nope i did not get his contact number again..well, hope to see the driving instructor again. but not in driving centre after my driving practical test! cause it would mean that i did not make it which is not a good news at all!!!

Speaking of driving instructor, i was thinking who was gonna be my instructor for that day since Patrick was taking a different car number..Guess who i got? Julius! Initially i thought he was deon the chief driving instructor but later i realized my mistake. but that is ok! cause he said that i can pass too!! Just needa relax. And i think i did pretty ok just needa lane discipline. You know, sometimes i forget about the keep to the left rule..until i see the car in front of me keeping to the left and i was like YAR! i needa keep to the left! hehe..Oh OH i forgot to say something! Patrick thinks that the WIndchaser post card was pretty meaningful! and the words too! Good Job Karen!!

It seems taht i ahve a lot to pen down last night but kinda forget le..gotta be the rehearsal ba. Last night rehearsal started from 7-11 got home only at 11 plus gonna 12..w/o dinner. Was really starving but i know, there was food provided over there but somehow, i kinda like never got the chance to take a bite. By the way, last night was the first time the dancers put their make up on. And i'm still not use to the make up thing. My skin can't breathe!!! How can they actually put so much make up!! I can't stand lipstick i realized. it makes my lips heavy as in heavy not look heavy but heavy and i feel like "am i eating the lipstick?" As for the poka dots legging..i think i'm getting use to eat after wearing it for the third time but i still dislike it. detest? not really le lah. But i do hope that my taste won't change. Imagine me being crazy about poka dots? Just can't imagine. NO WAY!!!! No laughing you guys when you see the 50th anniversary.

And pray for my driving practical! hehe..OH!!!!and my baby is finally coming back!!!My my i can't believe that he has been away for 3 weeks already! how did i managed that?

Friday, July 20, 2007

Swollen eyes!!

Today i woke up with swollen eyes. And i say again swollen eyes!not sore eyes.
Think so think bit me while i was asleep. Well, at least the swell is not cause for inside which is good news in a sense but it would have been better if my eyes were not swollen at all..

today is gonna be a busy day..and tiring..but i'm sure i will be able to pull through it. Yupz!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday...

it has been a long time since i blogged! wanna blog about the outing on sunday, monday's driving, tuesday's addiction to kai xin bing guan chinese drama series, wednesday's girl's outing and thursday's..oh today is

OK! so lets start with Sunday ba!!! Well, as some of you know about it, i planned a pretty unique outing in a sense that i invite friends to come out and meet but not exactly all of them know each other..the only confirm thing is that they all know me! yup. We were supposed to meet for just watching Harry Potter which seriously, i have no idea what they were talking half of the time..i mean, the army harry potter come suddenly so little people? then what happen to the girl whom harry potter liked and whom betrayed the army? like no mention of her after that!! Haiyoh! anyway back to the outing.

Miko decided to meet up earlier to do some shopping! of course i dont mind although i dont intend to buy anything..then we also met yy earlier too!! And 3 of us had lunch with my mum, and 2 meis at cineleisure..but is good then they can interact with my PLUS it is a good time for yy and miko to get to know each other since they do not know one another..oh and of course i'm late. Cause have to wait for my mummy to shower first mah! opps..! hehe..and yy had to wait for us. Oh! Miko was late too! and we kinda like met on the way..w/o my mum cause she rushed into the earlier train when i told her to 不要乱来! but..she still cheong inside the train. yupz. And she said i 'sa bo' her but i already told her 不要乱来 liao ma..

But you is a small world after all..and i still think that timo, and just came late on purpose...hmm..although timo said that he waited for half an hour for his bus..but is ok! Yar, a small world afterall is because somehow they kinda like know each other and the conection is not through me! Justin knows Miko cause both of them were from Mjc..just didnt hit my mind. Then, Joshua and Justin are friends in VS. Timo and Justin knew each other through army!!so, Justin like know quite a lot of people suddenly! As for YY and Josh, well they already know each other well before hand. And Miko knows me of course, yy and Justin! not that bad like the outing at first i was still wondering how am i gonna introduce so many strangers to each other..And..let's not talk about the movie cause it is not that fantastic or anything..But gotta thank Josh for helping us book the tickets before hand! And YY and Timo!!never say bye then leave le! so bad! Must at least wait for me to top up ezlink card first mah..

Monday's driving..i'm not exactly sure how to describe that day but i really thank God that there is no dance prac!! YES! not that i don't like dance but it is really too tiring..imagine work then straight away rush for driving then immediately after that still got dance prac..oh man..hectic know. oh..that reminds me. My schedule for tml is like that. Work till 345pm, Rudh for driving 425pm to 605pm, then must reach Singapore Conference Hall for rehearsal at 645pm!!is impossible..confirm must take cab le or some kind driving instructor is willing to drive me there. Speaking of driving instructor..Patrick Yue taught me on Monday and he drove me home!!yuppie! and not to miss any opportunity, i invited him for our church windchaser thingy. But there is minimum chance that he will attend we dont have each other's contacts..what are the chances? hmm, just wondering why aren't there any female driving instructors?

Oh you know what!!!My driving practical is coming how how how!!!plus i hit kerb TWICE!!during the monday's lesson. sianz..Why! Why! but i really do wanna pass. I hope i can pass..oh my gosh!!! my driving practical is coming Monday!
Good Luck to me! Pray for me okokokok!!Anyone who is reading this right now. Pray for me now! And thank you so very much!

And not to mention, my roomie is still in a mess. Not just mess mess. It is hurricane MESS!! the look of it just..yucks! how can my room ever be clean! i just don't know how. Like, i'm forever packing up my room. haiz. but anyway, instead of cleaning up my roomie, i got addicted to 开心宾馆 chinese drama series!!! Super funny! must watch ok! go and borrow and watch!! it is super funny!!!

((OH MY GOSH!)) the table just collapsed! luckily my legs arent under the table if not...i think our labtops are ok right iz? and pastor's video camera..i hope.)))

Enough of the addiction although i feel like watching at this very moment! I watched 9 episodes straight on tuesday..but bad for the eyes really bad..Oh! and we finally got dad his chair! black and pretty nice. That's what i think personally..but next month must deduct allowance le cause all of us must fork out a bit of money for daddy's present. Just that my mum's one..what do we get her? i know..her birthday over le but it is not counted as long as we have not celebrate yet!!! So gotta think of something. any suggestions?

Wednesday. Girl's outing! suppose to be Jenna, Krystel, Sze Wei, Dawn, Patricia and I go meet one. but SW busy so cannot make it. In fact, i have no idea where is she now. Never reply me sms or anything..maybe she overseas ba..then Krystel last min project got something cropped in the end also cannot left Jenna, Patricia and Dawn!! the 4 of us..Oh!!Patricia and Dawn send me the photos alright!!! the ones where we kept posing in front of MAC with our 60cents icecream..Still pretty enjoyable with the 4 of us. BUt the thing really weird is that we went all the way to PS to eat Yoshinoya for dinner and had MAC ice cream for dessert. I mean heartland mall also have..need not go all the way there mah..And Jenna! really proud of Jenna!! She now going uni SIM straight for a 2 years Honors in Business!!! So basically, we kinda like graduate together but she will have a degree with honors, and diploma and i will only have a degree..darnz why didnt i go to poly!!! Why did i go to TJC! tell me!!! but you know you can't turn back time to change your pass whatsoever, so treasure whatever you have now and make wise descisions now. We can't turn back time like how people do it in the movies. Jenna i'm proud of you!!

After that, while Jenna went back home, Dawn and I went to Patricia's house to see her dogs..called bubu and getche. hmm, Pat, did i spell correctly? Super hyper dogs! but i personally prefer getche though. if only i can have a dog too..well, my mum probably will throw it away in the dustbin! She just ain't friendly with animals..don't know why is not like we are having Asthma anymore.. i mean we have all recovered! Oh there was once when i brought a kitten back..she got the maid to put the kitten into the plastic bag and wanted to throw it into the dustbin!!! So in the end, i have to carry the kitten to Pui's house. if not..i really don't see a future for the kitten if it stays with me. It would probably end up in some garbage area when i'm not there to protect it. yup..but now, the idea of sneaking a pet in my room is floating in my mind...if i can, i would get a small size one, really obedient and not make so much noise..then can sneak it in..but gotta settle my room forst lah

yupz, so we stayed there until midnight which doesn't feels like it at all! in fact it only felt like it had just turn 11pm..but oh well..and PAtricia's mum fetched both dawn and i back. Thank you SO MUCH! really grateful for that. when i pass my driving, i will fetch people back too!!It is a gift you can really bless people with. So pray that i will pass my driving ok! : )

Monday, July 16, 2007

monday blues?

monday blues is like really kicking in..i just don't feel like doing anything!!!But i know i have to. And seriously i thank God that there is no dance today if not i will be going crazy le..Church then Driving then still got dance..actually i'm not even sure now if i can concentrate driving yet..oh no!!!!i just remembered!!!i still have yet to renew my PDL! sianz liao..still must go s'pore post to renew..this is..argh!!! why did i forget about it! ok relax just don't think too much one step at a time..anyway hos my new blog skin? hmm, i think is too pink le..gonna make some tiny changes here and there but definitely not today..ok! any comments sbout my blog skn???

Thursday, July 12, 2007

yesterday, today, tml

hey! you know what! my baby called me yesterday and this morning! i know i know you people must be getting bored to this news but i'm so not! why? obviously it is because he is my baby! you just act, feel experience differently when it is with the one you love don't you? so it is the same way for me too!!! hehe..anyway, i'm 'designing a new skin for my blog..haven been taking quite a long time and will continue to do so but i hope i can finish it asap and the way i want it so look out for my new blog skin!!!!it is gonna be gorgeous, to me at least..haha..

Monday, July 9, 2007

Well, i just got a little bored tidying my room which never seems to get tidied so went online and did some quizzes! Check it out!
You Are 24% Girly
You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit.Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way.
well, this is quite expected no surprise to me.
Your Waist to Hip Ratio is 0.8

You are quite curvy. Most clothes look great on you.

Your Brain is 53% Female, 47% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

You Are Bold And Brave

But daring? Not usually?
You tend to like to make calculated risks.
So while you may not be base jumping any time soon...
You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting!

You are 53% Virgo

You Are A Woman!

Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood.
You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.
You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.
This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wife!

I can't believe that i'm more a woman than a girl! this is really unexpected. Especially when people around me like Kings say that i'm not matured. See! i told you i am!
You Will Be a Modern Bride!

While you aren't ready to throw away all wedding traditions, you want a wedding with a twist
You're more inspired by celebrity weddings on E! than from bridal magazines
Whether this means getting married on the beach barefoot or a mariachi band for the reception...
Your wedding will be a blend of old and new - white dress cocktail, personalized vows, whatever suites you!!!

2 weeks more

2 more weeks till baby comes back to Singapore. But you know, although this is the longest trip baby is having, i feel that it has been the best one though. No, not because he has been gone the longest but because, he calls back all the way from Taiwan to talk to me! for the previous times, is like dont even know what is happening to him over there. So i'm really happy! : ) Oh and he called me yesterday again!!! baby thanks for calling me it realy means a lot to me!

Oh and yesterday was my dad's birthday..mummy ask us to fork out some money so that we could get him an office roller chair as his birthday present since the one he has now is really in bad condition..yup and my mum's birthday is coming too! 16th when 16th July come remember to wish my mum happy birthday!! : )

A few thanksgiving before i start my day.

Thank God! For the refreshing weather once again. It rained, cooling the weather for me to have a nice and wonderful sleep for the whole night! i love the rain! Oh! and for the smoothie my mum made before i left for work! it is delicious and cooling and refreshing! the best way to start your day when you just get up! and an apple to make my day too! By the way this is my breakfast. And i REALLY think that this is the BEST BREAKFAST i ever had! Fresh! Yup! So thank God!

Oh Oh Oh! and she made smoothie for pastor too! so my mum helped both of us refresh ourselves in this refreshing weather! wow! I like smoothie! Hope to have more often! hehe..ok i can make it myself too!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

On bus 58

Hmm, while i was on the bus i was penning thoughts down in my head..,somehow like there is a diary in my head too!! Firstly let me say that last night was the best sleep i had in days!!!!!!! Because i finally thought to myself..Argh! heck care lah just sleep in da jie's room cause i was so tired and i really dont wanna wake up in the middle of the night plus i had dance prac the next day which is today lah basically...and already at the prayer meeting i was already pretty dizzy le..felt as though i can get unconscious any moment. So, i slept in my da jie's room. Switched on the air-con and slept but of course..after da jie's mj and returning to her room she would naturally switch off the air con open the window and turn on the fan..which is fine by me anyway since her room is much cooler than mine. For once, i slept 'peacefully' - meaning that there is no biggie noisy fan that goes won won won...seriously!!!you dont believe just ask anyone in my family! ask iz ask baby ask anyone who has heard the loud fan speak as i allow electricity to pass through it! Sleeping in da jie's room was like so a blessing to me..peacefully quiet..

Not only that!!! it rained last night! and made the weather refreshing and cool and cosy at the same know what i wasnt thunder storm but just rain that did just know you know! the sleeping weather..Singaporeans should know it unless they only just experience air-con their entire life!!!

And then what happens next? Sebastian starts singing his song. In case you do not know, the song 'under the sea' is my alarm clock..So sometimes i really find Sebastian really that's the order for me to get up..but then i felt i was having the giddy thingy and was extremely tempted to say that i've got a headache and not go for dance.and after a few snoozes and sebastian's nagging i pulled myself together saying darnz! Just get up girl!!! so i got up and when i did, the giddy thingy just disappeared. Only then i realized that it was my head playing games with me. I wasnt actually giddy it was just an illusion my head was giving as an excuse not to get up.. Yupz. So next time when you dont feel like getting up just suck it up and get up! Cause for all you know it is your head playing games with you..

Dance was unexpected. Cause last week prac was hectic and exhausting. Tell you i was like half dead and i expect this to be worse. But thank God it was not. We just hmm, danced once..backup for props and decide on our costumes. So by going for this prac which 'luckily' i did..i got the feel of what is going on and confirmed my costumes. ehh..that's the next topic...

For the sake of the ministry. These are the few words we have been using. Cause as you know the girl's dance is this retro dance to the music "Girls just want to have fun". Retro clothes. EWW!! That is so not me! and seriously if my juniors see me in it or just anyone..i will be the joke of the day. You should see the faces of the girls as we were assigned with our costumes. But for the sake of the ministry...i'm assigned to wear this poky doty leggings, skirt, tank top over some swimming costume kinda clothes. Can you just imagine that? i think you better not. Well, enough details. Wait until the performance and take pictures of what the dancers are wearing and the you will know exactly how it looks like. So keep reading my posts!!! hehe..oh but the YFC 50th anniversary is only on the 3-4th August. Wait till then, i will write my reflection about it!

After dance, i went home. Still pretty sleepy cause it was the sleepy weather today..just after the rain where the air is fresh and cooling..but i had to go to Ah Ma's house. It was been awhile since we went there. And my mum has been nagging us to go so yupz. okok. if my mum sees this word nagging she is going to say this is call nag meh? i where got nag? Say a bit then say i know what i mean. But how do you say it in another word? say that she has been repeating to us for the past few days that we have to go to Ah Ma's house and we must make our time free again and again? hmm...well..why not you help me find the right word to describe it?

Well, over there it was just pretty just much our family plus my third aunt and my Ah Ma. Our other relatives werent there. We didnt play Chinese dad? well that is like his mother's house..but he just basically sat in the living room to watch t.v, cheryl and claris were studying da jie was reading magazine. my mum was talking to Ah Ma. So that was the scene when i reached there. What did i do? hmm, offering seaweeds to mei meis and organizing my songs in this laptop transferring songs to the MP3..cause iz gonna re format this lap top. Cause it has been giving weird problems. Like..the virus scan dont know what happen not working anymore. Suddenly cannot play dvd on my laptop, and cannot dl stuff when pple send things to me in mail as attachment. and everything..okok labtop, i'm not saying that you are stupid. IZ said it. Oh yeah by the way my laptop has feelings emotions. So sometimes when it gives problem i will scold it or sayang it. Like the one time i was shutting down but it took really long then i scolded it like can't you just shut down and immediately went to the 'fa me la ti' the shutting down. Well, i guess it is like that when there is only 2 people in the office. You just needa create another 'person' make it more crowded?

So anyway, we stayed there for awhile only..i still thought i had time to blog there but nope. My dad got bored and wanted to leave. and we went to J8 (Ah Ma's house near there) to walk around look see look see..And we sure did just look see look see..only when we encounter with some digital stuff did we really walk in. Kinda reminds me of the time when Iz Bk and i went shopping at Bugis Street just yesterday. I mean we just walked! w/o going into any shops!!! And i was like there is a guy's shop here..but they kinda just walk past it? touching of the clothes no going through the racks...And i was kinda overwhelmed with the things around me cause most are girls suff and you still have to include the speed that they were walking..yupz. And as we were walking half way..i was surprised to find Iz finding something that attracted him! So did Bk...But they didnt touch anything! We just walk past shops and they saw what they wanted and seriously i had no clue what had attracted them. In the end, Iz didnt get anything. Bk got a jeans and a shirt..i got myself 3 pairs of earrings and 2 t-shirt and a shorts! hah! oh man i really gotta stop buying t-shirts..but...

so enough of bugis street back to J8. the only thing that cheryl and i were interested in for electronic stuff is..CAMERA and VIDEO CAMERA! so of course we went through and touch here and there play with it looking at the price..and cheryl asked me to get a new camera..and i said no. Cause i have a camera which i got it last year..still good and usable and doing good..but looks like it is not anymore..Cause i just got a call from my baby saying that he got a bad news for me. that it rained yesterday in Taiwan and he brought my camera out and it got wet and now somehow spoil le...........Well my only concern at that time the memory card ok???you must be like what?! which is more expensive my dear but i was thinking of the photos in the memory is the pictures that matter..although i think i did transfer the pics to my laptop. I did right? eh...

But not to worry he said it was fine. it is the camera and would get me a NEW CAMERA! But should i get a camera just like that? i'm in no rush ba..i think. so for the next dunno how many pics for you all pls bear with it..bear with the words..bear with my stories. i shall have more paragraphs instead of one big chunk.

We had dinner at Crystal Jade..ate until we bloat. But it was just me cheryl and mum and dad. But it was cool...I just somehow kinda get use to eating chinese food in chinese restaurants. Trained since young. Chinese food has never been eat once, love it. EXCEPT for XIAO LONG BAO! but they don't have but it is ok. rating..alright loh. As i said, i just get use to eating chinese food. Oh but their red bean paste is a bit to the sweet side..yupz. so dont order that if you cannot take too sweet stuff.

Then we went to NTUC supermarket. Seriously as an experienced first hand witness..whatever you call it..when you have children next time, bring them to eat dinner or lunch whatsoever first before bringing them to the supermarket to shop for your groceries. You will find that you can save a lot of money on snacks. Cause as a kid myself in the past..and experience from my family, after a whole load of food stuffed into your stomach, you won't feel like eating snacks. Even if you did, you will just take a bit of snacks. The danger time to shop for groceries is just before lunch or breakfast cause that is when your stomach is like shouting "feed me! Feed ME!!" Then you will confirm buy a lot of today, i did take a few snacks though. Just lots of fruits..the sight of snacks just make me feel more bloated but the impression of helping me digest the food properly. so yar, took honey dew, apples, orange..wanted to get papaya but mummy had already gone to get the other essential stuffs like rice, milk..and i can do w/o papaya..

claris is smart lah. she already wrote a list of snacks for mummy to buy for her while she went out with her friends..potatp chips. peanuts, mocha, chunky soup, bars.........

so now i'm home pretty worn out..oh! i got new toothbrush by the way! FINALLY! Systema. Really like using this brand of toothbrush. Personally recommend it! Yuppe! now no need to use free hotel tooth brush le..a toothbrush to call my own..

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Seriously while the choir thingy is crumbling down, i got a new project in mind!! my room! In case you are wondering what choir is a long story. the problem is that the children dont wanna sing. maybe i needa alter my plan a bit like more acting instead. i'm sure that will have a more positive response. Will it? But seriously do i really click well with the kids like pastor said? i still am not sure. Anyway why am i still thinking about church stuff? i'm having leave..argh! There is like something wrong with me totally after that O.T. on friday. I practically went mad in my routine. Pushed myself for dance on saturday..rushed to meet leroy for the 'last time' before he goes to Taiwan..and sunday i became braindead. And the condition of my room is definitely not helping aircon, stuffy and all..and i just realized that my room is 4 degrees higher than the living room!!!Argh! you know you know!

I always convinced myself that it is just my brain playing tricks on me because i really wanted an aircon..but was only till today that i realized that i'm so not plaing tricks on myself..when downstairs is 29 degrees, my room is 33.5 degrees!!no wonder it is so hot..and not the exercise rom climbing the stairs that is contributing to it...and i havent been sleeping well for the last dont know how long always waking up in the middle of the night in prespiration. Like last night..i was hoping that it was going to be 6 soon so that i can go down to my mei room and sleep where it is much more cooler and cosy. And you must really know the difference between cosy and stuffy. My room: stuffy. Mei room: cosy. But guess what! it was only 4 plus in the morning!!! but seriously i think no one really cares cause their room are fine! If only they would sleep just a night in my room and understand my condition...hmm..or i can spoil their air con accidentally...then they would get all the aircon fixed once and for all!!!!!!!!!! but that is such a mean idea right? i'm not a, i've come out with this plan call projectRooM!

Well it kinda requires dismentalling my furniture a bit. And i promise you it is just a bit. And so i like wanted to 'seek consent' from my mom and told her that i intend to take m furniture down. And what i got was a strong rejection!!! SHE IS SUPPOSE TO SAY YES!!!nevertheless, i' still continuing with the project. Cause..her obvious main concern is the things 'packed in my furniture' In my point of view i think it is 'hidden"!! hello...we dont go and use the things in my furniture Legos and Barbie dolls and stuff toys..loads of them..but i know we cant just throw them away. Don't worry i will be very considerate. I will still ensure that those things will still be hidden somewhere in my room..Unless somethings really useless like..those plastic big bulbs that have absolutley no me..i'm gonna out in the recycle bin. Asyou know, i'm like pretty frank here but still when you read this don't go around telling everyone..

As for now, i've fixed some puzzles that were initially hidden in my furniture and intend to glue them to my wall..Which means i've technically created more storage space to put other things...In case you are pretty blur let me explain. In my furniture i have 2 storage space. And my plan is to take away one storage space (say 1) so i'm left with storage space no. 2. And now my plan is to create as much space in storage space in 2 so as to accomodate the things that were initially in no. 1 get it?

So right..when the time when i really take my furniture apart, my mum wouldnt be so mad cause..her stuff are still stored in my room..I'm not gonna create a mess..but of course my room now is in a mess..but dont worry when the time will be great! And i wont be sleeping above the table but on the floor where the fan can blow me direct and i as the owner of the room will be happy and satisfied with it.

Well if you know me for some time, my room really never takes the tidy form for very long and come to think of it i think it is because i'm never really satisfied with the arrangement of my room. I mean the furniture has been in the same place since pri 6..7-8 years that is really a long time and all i'm asking is to change the things around to get a new view of things..and a room that will look bigger..look bigger..this is important cause now my room really looks like it needs space!!!!!!!!!! for air to circulate and wrote really about the choir thingy..seriously, i think i needa stop the YFC concept of people coming down to prac..i mean these are children..those who come for prac in YFC are like in sec school..JC..uni..working..people who are more independant. Haiz...needa think of a plan that can accomodate parents and the children

Monday, July 2, 2007


Hebrews 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

I always like kinda know this verse but it is only till now that it touches my heart. As in its meaning takes effect inside of me. Faith is a powerful word. It talks about the future and yet it is exhibited in the present. It takes a leap of courage to have faith. What do you think?

Well, baby is in Taiwan now. And we will have no contact for the next 3 weeks but baby, you will be in my heart. Come back safe.

One thing i'm absolutely glad is that after this Taiwan, this pattern of us leaving each other behind will cease or at least not happen frequent.

Anyway recently i have been having the unable to breathe feeling. Not that my asthma attack is back but i have just been going through the motions of life that i forgot to reflect. Take time to enjoy the moment. The surroundings the work i have done..It is as though i have lost sight of my direction in life. Day to Night and Day to night.

And i read the book waiting for growth. "Busyness does not become holiness. Waiting corrects this. Waiting tunes our hearts, alters our materialistic hunger so that we can walk with the poor and thirsty whom our Lord loves." Something like take time to pause. I mean we are always so busy with deadlines and somehow we ourselves become dead man walking.

Oh and i learnt that we are like a container..and somethings we do drain us and somethings we do fills us. There are somethings we do that make us alive and some that just take our liveliness away..So if work we are doing are draining us, the more we needa do things that makes us feel more alive! Instead of not doing anything having that mentality that i needa save my strength and end up lazing around which have no effect at al and at the end of it feel much more drain than if you had done something to fill you up. But of course rest is imperative too. We definitely needa sleep.

But you know, we sleep not because we are tired. Sleep is actually meant to prepare us for the work ahead for us. Like how farmers plant their seeds in winter..though above the soil nothing is growing but the roots are growing so that when summer and spring comes,it is more abled to spring up into a plant. Our day starts not after we arise from bed but it starts when we go to bed. Rest is to prepare us for more work ahead. yupz! : )

Well hope that after reading this it will be useful to you people. Cause personally, i learnt alot!