
Wednesday, July 25, 2007


gosh just check my mail and i got 18 new emails!!!Seriously i can't keep up with this. I really not the kind who reads mails. cannot keep up with this stamina..haha..and hmm, i thought i was just i/c of making the pinwheels and windchimes...that's all right? Just do my part can le la. OH!! by the way i have a good news for you all!! some of you know le but some of you have here it is!! I PASS MY DRIVING!!! got this piece of paper as my temporary license..I PASS I PASS!!! Yuppie!!! So..anyone wants me to drive them?? eh just that there is a tiny bit of problem. i got no car. anyone would perhaps like to give me one? hehe just kiddin la. i'm so going to get a car myself! gonna work get a car. So probably..4-5 years later ba. NO PROBLEM!

For those who have not taken your Driving test and hope to hear from some 'experienced' people like me for some tips..
Actually, there is really no tips to give you.

But just be focus loh.

Take note what your previous instructors have been telling you..

Like checking blind spots. I personally have a problem with checking blind is very irritating. Cause you check your blind spot liao then the tester look at you to see if you got check blind spot..but you already check finish. During the test, it happened la. And i purposely turn my head to 'check' blindspot again just for him to see so he won't mark my basically, i check a lot of times..just for him to see. and that actually got me my pass!! To tell you the truth, i got 16 demerit points which is pretty high..

8 points for veering off course twice..HELLO!!!i was in my own freaking lane lah!!! then the explanation he gave me at the end of the test..was that i turn back the steering wheel too fast..WHAT!!!! And that was the only remarks he gave me. 8 demerit points for that! plus my previous instructors never complained about me turning back too fast!!

2 demerit points for turning the steering wheel whilst vehicle is crank course. Crap!! i super made it a point that i didn't la..there was a car in the crank course too! haiz...that one i also don't know why.

Required additional reverse manoeuvre/attempt. I saw him marking this on my paper. Which is the truth. But no points deducted. As i was coming out of the parallel parking, i was like shucks!! think i'm gonna hit the pole. can i make it? can i make it? No, i can't make it. So i reverse loh..If you really think you cannot make it, don't push your luck. How lucky can you get? Plus reverse once won't get demerit points. Which would you pick neh?

Another 4 demerit points for changing lane abruptly. If i'm not wrong, it was changing to the left filter lane. But i was in the center lane cause..Bus lane thingy loh.then only can get into left lane only when it is broken yellow line. Do you know that?? actually i don't know that until my last 2 lessons of revision. then the instructor ask me..that's how i come to know about it..about last min but still better than nothing!hehe..

last 2 demerit points. for wide turning. I admit. nothing to say. so that's for my 16 demerit points.

That's not all though! there is a warm up before you do your test. It didn't feel like a warm up to me but rather a sprint. Everything was very fast. Ok go here, go there...really quick unlike normal lessons..then as for the test, the speed was a bit slower cause i made it slower. the only conversation i had with the tester was..
He said: "turn turn!"
I said: "but there is a car coming."
He said: "Turn now! Turn now!"
I said: "ok."
Silence again.
He said: "Go to number 41."
I said: "eh, where is it?"
He said: "there there."

Seriously, how useful can there there be? dots..

I said: "eh.."
He said: "parallel parking"
I said: "eh..ok.."

So, i drove slowly looking out for 41..which i have some sort of idea where it is.. and then he jam my brakes saying where you going..there! And i saw it!! 41!!

then there was silence again. or he giving instructions. and while i was driving i was thinking if i should ask how his day the end, i think it was not a good idea afterall..

so for the next dunno how many instructions given, i just said ok and focus on my driving..sonner than expected, the whole thing was over. just like that.

Enough of driving le..needa do the slide show thingy for camp echo..which is this saturday!!!Don't panick, everything will be alright! Just do your thing.

Oh! and baby is now on mission again. the good news is Singapore this time. You know, i really can't stand his flight timing. It has never been once a decent timing for people like me! Flying off or landing midnight 2-3a.m..Like last saturday. His flight landed at 1 a.m..but the real problem is that the baggage have to come out an hour later!!!Dunno what's up with the in between the plane to the collection point for baggage. Wait until super long. So we managed to leave the airport only after 3a.m..the whole alarm system in my body was beeping - "TIME TO SLEEP NOW NOW NOW!!!"

The next day was Sunday. So have to wake up early for service. really cannot take it. i must be crazy to want to join the army in the past man!!! the little amount of sleep baby has to endure in camp. I think i will just coma after that..or go into hospital due to overexhaustion. Seriously, so after service and bible study and lunch, i practically went into coma straight..till around 7p.m due to shock because of realization that baby is going to book in tml and i havent spend any time with him yet! we didn't meet up in the end was really understanding. So i went down for lunch and went back into coma again until monday at 8.37am..alarm starts ringing..time to go to work...thankfully i had to only work 1/2 day cause got driving test. And i got to meet up with baby for lunch!

After that he send me for my test and encourage sweet! For that moment i didn't feel like i have been a good girlfriend to baby..i mean not seeing him for so long and in the end he is the one who accompanies me rather than me accomapnying him. But then again this isn't realy the issue right? the main thing is that we get to spend time together!!! Thanks baby!

hmm,how come i'm writing about this now? anyway..really wanna give thanks to God! Before the test, i had been thinking. There is nothing much more i can do le. Well, i can panick, or revise in my head and be focus. But what more can i do? another important thing i can do is to rely totally on God. At that time, i was like trying to take my 'future' into my own hands. i mean why not rely on God? And just leave it all to him?

Another thought that crossed my mind was the day of judgement actually. totally like no link right? but i was wondering, people get nervous before a examinations then what about judgement day? would i can so nervous that i can die again? Exams here, we can take again but what about that day? there won't be another chance..right? cause now, right now, we have all our chances to make things right. right? just a thought for you to think about.

1 comment:

Back Story said...

I won't be nervous during judgement day cos I got a free pass lol... Just worried about my works though... prolly won't stand the fire test very well... sigh... Hey congrats! Wow! How come Ubi so many first time passers these days! you're the 3rd of my friends in a row! first was my camp friend then my sister and then you lol!
Ya I agree you were nuts to be thinking of joining the army back then! Good thing I nag you back to your senses hyok hyok! anyway old car nevermind as long as you buy a safe car... those china brand cars may be cheap but they're dangerous. Motorbike knock into you i think you injured as bad as the motorcyclist if you're in one of those Chery QQ