
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Teddy!

First thing first! Happy Birthday to Teddy! See!!! Even put it as the title of today's blog. happy right?? Anyway, i totally have no idea at all that teddy's birthday is today until yesterday..opps..hehe..but i really don't know know lah. Just come teddy suddenly ask if today free for dinner not..yarz. Anyway, i've got quite a lot of things to thank God for about yesterday! i'm really lucky seriously!

As you know i had driving lesson yesterday, so gotta leave work early. Then while i was in the bus on the way there, it started pouring heavy rain! okok, the heavy rain is abit too exaggerated but it did rain! luckily, luckily, chains was also going home too and we took the same bus and he had an umbrella! which he loan THANKS chains! thank you so much! if not, i would be running in the rain le just to reach Ubi for my driving lesson..and guess who i saw!!! the driving instructor i invited to the windchaser!!!!!!!!!! But it is a pity that he will be going to Germany so cannot come for the windchaser..Haiz. But i did invite him for the 50th anniversary. although i didnt know the time but i did say that the tickets were free..and nope i did not get his contact number again..well, hope to see the driving instructor again. but not in driving centre after my driving practical test! cause it would mean that i did not make it which is not a good news at all!!!

Speaking of driving instructor, i was thinking who was gonna be my instructor for that day since Patrick was taking a different car number..Guess who i got? Julius! Initially i thought he was deon the chief driving instructor but later i realized my mistake. but that is ok! cause he said that i can pass too!! Just needa relax. And i think i did pretty ok just needa lane discipline. You know, sometimes i forget about the keep to the left rule..until i see the car in front of me keeping to the left and i was like YAR! i needa keep to the left! hehe..Oh OH i forgot to say something! Patrick thinks that the WIndchaser post card was pretty meaningful! and the words too! Good Job Karen!!

It seems taht i ahve a lot to pen down last night but kinda forget le..gotta be the rehearsal ba. Last night rehearsal started from 7-11 got home only at 11 plus gonna 12..w/o dinner. Was really starving but i know, there was food provided over there but somehow, i kinda like never got the chance to take a bite. By the way, last night was the first time the dancers put their make up on. And i'm still not use to the make up thing. My skin can't breathe!!! How can they actually put so much make up!! I can't stand lipstick i realized. it makes my lips heavy as in heavy not look heavy but heavy and i feel like "am i eating the lipstick?" As for the poka dots legging..i think i'm getting use to eat after wearing it for the third time but i still dislike it. detest? not really le lah. But i do hope that my taste won't change. Imagine me being crazy about poka dots? Just can't imagine. NO WAY!!!! No laughing you guys when you see the 50th anniversary.

And pray for my driving practical! hehe..OH!!!!and my baby is finally coming back!!!My my i can't believe that he has been away for 3 weeks already! how did i managed that?

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