
Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Seriously while the choir thingy is crumbling down, i got a new project in mind!! my room! In case you are wondering what choir is a long story. the problem is that the children dont wanna sing. maybe i needa alter my plan a bit like more acting instead. i'm sure that will have a more positive response. Will it? But seriously do i really click well with the kids like pastor said? i still am not sure. Anyway why am i still thinking about church stuff? i'm having leave..argh! There is like something wrong with me totally after that O.T. on friday. I practically went mad in my routine. Pushed myself for dance on saturday..rushed to meet leroy for the 'last time' before he goes to Taiwan..and sunday i became braindead. And the condition of my room is definitely not helping aircon, stuffy and all..and i just realized that my room is 4 degrees higher than the living room!!!Argh! you know you know!

I always convinced myself that it is just my brain playing tricks on me because i really wanted an aircon..but was only till today that i realized that i'm so not plaing tricks on myself..when downstairs is 29 degrees, my room is 33.5 degrees!!no wonder it is so hot..and not the exercise rom climbing the stairs that is contributing to it...and i havent been sleeping well for the last dont know how long always waking up in the middle of the night in prespiration. Like last night..i was hoping that it was going to be 6 soon so that i can go down to my mei room and sleep where it is much more cooler and cosy. And you must really know the difference between cosy and stuffy. My room: stuffy. Mei room: cosy. But guess what! it was only 4 plus in the morning!!! but seriously i think no one really cares cause their room are fine! If only they would sleep just a night in my room and understand my condition...hmm..or i can spoil their air con accidentally...then they would get all the aircon fixed once and for all!!!!!!!!!! but that is such a mean idea right? i'm not a, i've come out with this plan call projectRooM!

Well it kinda requires dismentalling my furniture a bit. And i promise you it is just a bit. And so i like wanted to 'seek consent' from my mom and told her that i intend to take m furniture down. And what i got was a strong rejection!!! SHE IS SUPPOSE TO SAY YES!!!nevertheless, i' still continuing with the project. Cause..her obvious main concern is the things 'packed in my furniture' In my point of view i think it is 'hidden"!! hello...we dont go and use the things in my furniture Legos and Barbie dolls and stuff toys..loads of them..but i know we cant just throw them away. Don't worry i will be very considerate. I will still ensure that those things will still be hidden somewhere in my room..Unless somethings really useless like..those plastic big bulbs that have absolutley no me..i'm gonna out in the recycle bin. Asyou know, i'm like pretty frank here but still when you read this don't go around telling everyone..

As for now, i've fixed some puzzles that were initially hidden in my furniture and intend to glue them to my wall..Which means i've technically created more storage space to put other things...In case you are pretty blur let me explain. In my furniture i have 2 storage space. And my plan is to take away one storage space (say 1) so i'm left with storage space no. 2. And now my plan is to create as much space in storage space in 2 so as to accomodate the things that were initially in no. 1 get it?

So right..when the time when i really take my furniture apart, my mum wouldnt be so mad cause..her stuff are still stored in my room..I'm not gonna create a mess..but of course my room now is in a mess..but dont worry when the time will be great! And i wont be sleeping above the table but on the floor where the fan can blow me direct and i as the owner of the room will be happy and satisfied with it.

Well if you know me for some time, my room really never takes the tidy form for very long and come to think of it i think it is because i'm never really satisfied with the arrangement of my room. I mean the furniture has been in the same place since pri 6..7-8 years that is really a long time and all i'm asking is to change the things around to get a new view of things..and a room that will look bigger..look bigger..this is important cause now my room really looks like it needs space!!!!!!!!!! for air to circulate and wrote really about the choir thingy..seriously, i think i needa stop the YFC concept of people coming down to prac..i mean these are children..those who come for prac in YFC are like in sec school..JC..uni..working..people who are more independant. Haiz...needa think of a plan that can accomodate parents and the children

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