
Thursday, July 19, 2007

sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday...

it has been a long time since i blogged! wanna blog about the outing on sunday, monday's driving, tuesday's addiction to kai xin bing guan chinese drama series, wednesday's girl's outing and thursday's..oh today is

OK! so lets start with Sunday ba!!! Well, as some of you know about it, i planned a pretty unique outing in a sense that i invite friends to come out and meet but not exactly all of them know each other..the only confirm thing is that they all know me! yup. We were supposed to meet for just watching Harry Potter which seriously, i have no idea what they were talking half of the time..i mean, the army harry potter come suddenly so little people? then what happen to the girl whom harry potter liked and whom betrayed the army? like no mention of her after that!! Haiyoh! anyway back to the outing.

Miko decided to meet up earlier to do some shopping! of course i dont mind although i dont intend to buy anything..then we also met yy earlier too!! And 3 of us had lunch with my mum, and 2 meis at cineleisure..but is good then they can interact with my PLUS it is a good time for yy and miko to get to know each other since they do not know one another..oh and of course i'm late. Cause have to wait for my mummy to shower first mah! opps..! hehe..and yy had to wait for us. Oh! Miko was late too! and we kinda like met on the way..w/o my mum cause she rushed into the earlier train when i told her to 不要乱来! but..she still cheong inside the train. yupz. And she said i 'sa bo' her but i already told her 不要乱来 liao ma..

But you is a small world after all..and i still think that timo, and just came late on purpose...hmm..although timo said that he waited for half an hour for his bus..but is ok! Yar, a small world afterall is because somehow they kinda like know each other and the conection is not through me! Justin knows Miko cause both of them were from Mjc..just didnt hit my mind. Then, Joshua and Justin are friends in VS. Timo and Justin knew each other through army!!so, Justin like know quite a lot of people suddenly! As for YY and Josh, well they already know each other well before hand. And Miko knows me of course, yy and Justin! not that bad like the outing at first i was still wondering how am i gonna introduce so many strangers to each other..And..let's not talk about the movie cause it is not that fantastic or anything..But gotta thank Josh for helping us book the tickets before hand! And YY and Timo!!never say bye then leave le! so bad! Must at least wait for me to top up ezlink card first mah..

Monday's driving..i'm not exactly sure how to describe that day but i really thank God that there is no dance prac!! YES! not that i don't like dance but it is really too tiring..imagine work then straight away rush for driving then immediately after that still got dance prac..oh man..hectic know. oh..that reminds me. My schedule for tml is like that. Work till 345pm, Rudh for driving 425pm to 605pm, then must reach Singapore Conference Hall for rehearsal at 645pm!!is impossible..confirm must take cab le or some kind driving instructor is willing to drive me there. Speaking of driving instructor..Patrick Yue taught me on Monday and he drove me home!!yuppie! and not to miss any opportunity, i invited him for our church windchaser thingy. But there is minimum chance that he will attend we dont have each other's contacts..what are the chances? hmm, just wondering why aren't there any female driving instructors?

Oh you know what!!!My driving practical is coming how how how!!!plus i hit kerb TWICE!!during the monday's lesson. sianz..Why! Why! but i really do wanna pass. I hope i can pass..oh my gosh!!! my driving practical is coming Monday!
Good Luck to me! Pray for me okokokok!!Anyone who is reading this right now. Pray for me now! And thank you so very much!

And not to mention, my roomie is still in a mess. Not just mess mess. It is hurricane MESS!! the look of it just..yucks! how can my room ever be clean! i just don't know how. Like, i'm forever packing up my room. haiz. but anyway, instead of cleaning up my roomie, i got addicted to 开心宾馆 chinese drama series!!! Super funny! must watch ok! go and borrow and watch!! it is super funny!!!

((OH MY GOSH!)) the table just collapsed! luckily my legs arent under the table if not...i think our labtops are ok right iz? and pastor's video camera..i hope.)))

Enough of the addiction although i feel like watching at this very moment! I watched 9 episodes straight on tuesday..but bad for the eyes really bad..Oh! and we finally got dad his chair! black and pretty nice. That's what i think personally..but next month must deduct allowance le cause all of us must fork out a bit of money for daddy's present. Just that my mum's one..what do we get her? i know..her birthday over le but it is not counted as long as we have not celebrate yet!!! So gotta think of something. any suggestions?

Wednesday. Girl's outing! suppose to be Jenna, Krystel, Sze Wei, Dawn, Patricia and I go meet one. but SW busy so cannot make it. In fact, i have no idea where is she now. Never reply me sms or anything..maybe she overseas ba..then Krystel last min project got something cropped in the end also cannot left Jenna, Patricia and Dawn!! the 4 of us..Oh!!Patricia and Dawn send me the photos alright!!! the ones where we kept posing in front of MAC with our 60cents icecream..Still pretty enjoyable with the 4 of us. BUt the thing really weird is that we went all the way to PS to eat Yoshinoya for dinner and had MAC ice cream for dessert. I mean heartland mall also have..need not go all the way there mah..And Jenna! really proud of Jenna!! She now going uni SIM straight for a 2 years Honors in Business!!! So basically, we kinda like graduate together but she will have a degree with honors, and diploma and i will only have a degree..darnz why didnt i go to poly!!! Why did i go to TJC! tell me!!! but you know you can't turn back time to change your pass whatsoever, so treasure whatever you have now and make wise descisions now. We can't turn back time like how people do it in the movies. Jenna i'm proud of you!!

After that, while Jenna went back home, Dawn and I went to Patricia's house to see her dogs..called bubu and getche. hmm, Pat, did i spell correctly? Super hyper dogs! but i personally prefer getche though. if only i can have a dog too..well, my mum probably will throw it away in the dustbin! She just ain't friendly with animals..don't know why is not like we are having Asthma anymore.. i mean we have all recovered! Oh there was once when i brought a kitten back..she got the maid to put the kitten into the plastic bag and wanted to throw it into the dustbin!!! So in the end, i have to carry the kitten to Pui's house. if not..i really don't see a future for the kitten if it stays with me. It would probably end up in some garbage area when i'm not there to protect it. yup..but now, the idea of sneaking a pet in my room is floating in my mind...if i can, i would get a small size one, really obedient and not make so much noise..then can sneak it in..but gotta settle my room forst lah

yupz, so we stayed there until midnight which doesn't feels like it at all! in fact it only felt like it had just turn 11pm..but oh well..and PAtricia's mum fetched both dawn and i back. Thank you SO MUCH! really grateful for that. when i pass my driving, i will fetch people back too!!It is a gift you can really bless people with. So pray that i will pass my driving ok! : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not talk about the movie?! Harry Potter 5 was great! It was a masterpiece! =C