
Monday, July 9, 2007

2 weeks more

2 more weeks till baby comes back to Singapore. But you know, although this is the longest trip baby is having, i feel that it has been the best one though. No, not because he has been gone the longest but because, he calls back all the way from Taiwan to talk to me! for the previous times, is like dont even know what is happening to him over there. So i'm really happy! : ) Oh and he called me yesterday again!!! baby thanks for calling me it realy means a lot to me!

Oh and yesterday was my dad's birthday..mummy ask us to fork out some money so that we could get him an office roller chair as his birthday present since the one he has now is really in bad condition..yup and my mum's birthday is coming too! 16th when 16th July come remember to wish my mum happy birthday!! : )

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