
Monday, July 2, 2007


Hebrews 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

I always like kinda know this verse but it is only till now that it touches my heart. As in its meaning takes effect inside of me. Faith is a powerful word. It talks about the future and yet it is exhibited in the present. It takes a leap of courage to have faith. What do you think?

Well, baby is in Taiwan now. And we will have no contact for the next 3 weeks but baby, you will be in my heart. Come back safe.

One thing i'm absolutely glad is that after this Taiwan, this pattern of us leaving each other behind will cease or at least not happen frequent.

Anyway recently i have been having the unable to breathe feeling. Not that my asthma attack is back but i have just been going through the motions of life that i forgot to reflect. Take time to enjoy the moment. The surroundings the work i have done..It is as though i have lost sight of my direction in life. Day to Night and Day to night.

And i read the book waiting for growth. "Busyness does not become holiness. Waiting corrects this. Waiting tunes our hearts, alters our materialistic hunger so that we can walk with the poor and thirsty whom our Lord loves." Something like take time to pause. I mean we are always so busy with deadlines and somehow we ourselves become dead man walking.

Oh and i learnt that we are like a container..and somethings we do drain us and somethings we do fills us. There are somethings we do that make us alive and some that just take our liveliness away..So if work we are doing are draining us, the more we needa do things that makes us feel more alive! Instead of not doing anything having that mentality that i needa save my strength and end up lazing around which have no effect at al and at the end of it feel much more drain than if you had done something to fill you up. But of course rest is imperative too. We definitely needa sleep.

But you know, we sleep not because we are tired. Sleep is actually meant to prepare us for the work ahead for us. Like how farmers plant their seeds in winter..though above the soil nothing is growing but the roots are growing so that when summer and spring comes,it is more abled to spring up into a plant. Our day starts not after we arise from bed but it starts when we go to bed. Rest is to prepare us for more work ahead. yupz! : )

Well hope that after reading this it will be useful to you people. Cause personally, i learnt alot!

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