
Saturday, July 7, 2007

On bus 58

Hmm, while i was on the bus i was penning thoughts down in my head..,somehow like there is a diary in my head too!! Firstly let me say that last night was the best sleep i had in days!!!!!!! Because i finally thought to myself..Argh! heck care lah just sleep in da jie's room cause i was so tired and i really dont wanna wake up in the middle of the night plus i had dance prac the next day which is today lah basically...and already at the prayer meeting i was already pretty dizzy le..felt as though i can get unconscious any moment. So, i slept in my da jie's room. Switched on the air-con and slept but of course..after da jie's mj and returning to her room she would naturally switch off the air con open the window and turn on the fan..which is fine by me anyway since her room is much cooler than mine. For once, i slept 'peacefully' - meaning that there is no biggie noisy fan that goes won won won...seriously!!!you dont believe just ask anyone in my family! ask iz ask baby ask anyone who has heard the loud fan speak as i allow electricity to pass through it! Sleeping in da jie's room was like so a blessing to me..peacefully quiet..

Not only that!!! it rained last night! and made the weather refreshing and cool and cosy at the same know what i wasnt thunder storm but just rain that did just know you know! the sleeping weather..Singaporeans should know it unless they only just experience air-con their entire life!!!

And then what happens next? Sebastian starts singing his song. In case you do not know, the song 'under the sea' is my alarm clock..So sometimes i really find Sebastian really that's the order for me to get up..but then i felt i was having the giddy thingy and was extremely tempted to say that i've got a headache and not go for dance.and after a few snoozes and sebastian's nagging i pulled myself together saying darnz! Just get up girl!!! so i got up and when i did, the giddy thingy just disappeared. Only then i realized that it was my head playing games with me. I wasnt actually giddy it was just an illusion my head was giving as an excuse not to get up.. Yupz. So next time when you dont feel like getting up just suck it up and get up! Cause for all you know it is your head playing games with you..

Dance was unexpected. Cause last week prac was hectic and exhausting. Tell you i was like half dead and i expect this to be worse. But thank God it was not. We just hmm, danced once..backup for props and decide on our costumes. So by going for this prac which 'luckily' i did..i got the feel of what is going on and confirmed my costumes. ehh..that's the next topic...

For the sake of the ministry. These are the few words we have been using. Cause as you know the girl's dance is this retro dance to the music "Girls just want to have fun". Retro clothes. EWW!! That is so not me! and seriously if my juniors see me in it or just anyone..i will be the joke of the day. You should see the faces of the girls as we were assigned with our costumes. But for the sake of the ministry...i'm assigned to wear this poky doty leggings, skirt, tank top over some swimming costume kinda clothes. Can you just imagine that? i think you better not. Well, enough details. Wait until the performance and take pictures of what the dancers are wearing and the you will know exactly how it looks like. So keep reading my posts!!! hehe..oh but the YFC 50th anniversary is only on the 3-4th August. Wait till then, i will write my reflection about it!

After dance, i went home. Still pretty sleepy cause it was the sleepy weather today..just after the rain where the air is fresh and cooling..but i had to go to Ah Ma's house. It was been awhile since we went there. And my mum has been nagging us to go so yupz. okok. if my mum sees this word nagging she is going to say this is call nag meh? i where got nag? Say a bit then say i know what i mean. But how do you say it in another word? say that she has been repeating to us for the past few days that we have to go to Ah Ma's house and we must make our time free again and again? hmm...well..why not you help me find the right word to describe it?

Well, over there it was just pretty just much our family plus my third aunt and my Ah Ma. Our other relatives werent there. We didnt play Chinese dad? well that is like his mother's house..but he just basically sat in the living room to watch t.v, cheryl and claris were studying da jie was reading magazine. my mum was talking to Ah Ma. So that was the scene when i reached there. What did i do? hmm, offering seaweeds to mei meis and organizing my songs in this laptop transferring songs to the MP3..cause iz gonna re format this lap top. Cause it has been giving weird problems. Like..the virus scan dont know what happen not working anymore. Suddenly cannot play dvd on my laptop, and cannot dl stuff when pple send things to me in mail as attachment. and everything..okok labtop, i'm not saying that you are stupid. IZ said it. Oh yeah by the way my laptop has feelings emotions. So sometimes when it gives problem i will scold it or sayang it. Like the one time i was shutting down but it took really long then i scolded it like can't you just shut down and immediately went to the 'fa me la ti' the shutting down. Well, i guess it is like that when there is only 2 people in the office. You just needa create another 'person' make it more crowded?

So anyway, we stayed there for awhile only..i still thought i had time to blog there but nope. My dad got bored and wanted to leave. and we went to J8 (Ah Ma's house near there) to walk around look see look see..And we sure did just look see look see..only when we encounter with some digital stuff did we really walk in. Kinda reminds me of the time when Iz Bk and i went shopping at Bugis Street just yesterday. I mean we just walked! w/o going into any shops!!! And i was like there is a guy's shop here..but they kinda just walk past it? touching of the clothes no going through the racks...And i was kinda overwhelmed with the things around me cause most are girls suff and you still have to include the speed that they were walking..yupz. And as we were walking half way..i was surprised to find Iz finding something that attracted him! So did Bk...But they didnt touch anything! We just walk past shops and they saw what they wanted and seriously i had no clue what had attracted them. In the end, Iz didnt get anything. Bk got a jeans and a shirt..i got myself 3 pairs of earrings and 2 t-shirt and a shorts! hah! oh man i really gotta stop buying t-shirts..but...

so enough of bugis street back to J8. the only thing that cheryl and i were interested in for electronic stuff is..CAMERA and VIDEO CAMERA! so of course we went through and touch here and there play with it looking at the price..and cheryl asked me to get a new camera..and i said no. Cause i have a camera which i got it last year..still good and usable and doing good..but looks like it is not anymore..Cause i just got a call from my baby saying that he got a bad news for me. that it rained yesterday in Taiwan and he brought my camera out and it got wet and now somehow spoil le...........Well my only concern at that time the memory card ok???you must be like what?! which is more expensive my dear but i was thinking of the photos in the memory is the pictures that matter..although i think i did transfer the pics to my laptop. I did right? eh...

But not to worry he said it was fine. it is the camera and would get me a NEW CAMERA! But should i get a camera just like that? i'm in no rush ba..i think. so for the next dunno how many pics for you all pls bear with it..bear with the words..bear with my stories. i shall have more paragraphs instead of one big chunk.

We had dinner at Crystal Jade..ate until we bloat. But it was just me cheryl and mum and dad. But it was cool...I just somehow kinda get use to eating chinese food in chinese restaurants. Trained since young. Chinese food has never been eat once, love it. EXCEPT for XIAO LONG BAO! but they don't have but it is ok. rating..alright loh. As i said, i just get use to eating chinese food. Oh but their red bean paste is a bit to the sweet side..yupz. so dont order that if you cannot take too sweet stuff.

Then we went to NTUC supermarket. Seriously as an experienced first hand witness..whatever you call it..when you have children next time, bring them to eat dinner or lunch whatsoever first before bringing them to the supermarket to shop for your groceries. You will find that you can save a lot of money on snacks. Cause as a kid myself in the past..and experience from my family, after a whole load of food stuffed into your stomach, you won't feel like eating snacks. Even if you did, you will just take a bit of snacks. The danger time to shop for groceries is just before lunch or breakfast cause that is when your stomach is like shouting "feed me! Feed ME!!" Then you will confirm buy a lot of today, i did take a few snacks though. Just lots of fruits..the sight of snacks just make me feel more bloated but the impression of helping me digest the food properly. so yar, took honey dew, apples, orange..wanted to get papaya but mummy had already gone to get the other essential stuffs like rice, milk..and i can do w/o papaya..

claris is smart lah. she already wrote a list of snacks for mummy to buy for her while she went out with her friends..potatp chips. peanuts, mocha, chunky soup, bars.........

so now i'm home pretty worn out..oh! i got new toothbrush by the way! FINALLY! Systema. Really like using this brand of toothbrush. Personally recommend it! Yuppe! now no need to use free hotel tooth brush le..a toothbrush to call my own..

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