
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Baby! Miss you!

My dearest babe, leroy has flown to distant Taiwan for army 2 a.m in the morning. Can't stand these flights. At weird hours. Makes my day go haywire...anyway, i'm still sleepy though i did sleep
think i'm gonna sleep again soon. well, think i will go shower first lah. Anyway, baby! Jia You! Your letter and Kara will keep me company..thinking that other girls who have their partners in Singapore to jia you them..haha..ok lah maybe it is a good time for me to be focus and concentrate on my studies..(like i can't do it when you are around..) anyway, i'm sure time will fly. See you soon!!! Before i sent Leroy off, i met the girls. Knew them since sec 1!!! haha..I was already quite sleepy, i wonder why and orered a cup of iced cappucino..usually, i don't go for that stuff..unless necessary..yesterday was necessary. TOTALLY!
I'm not the birthday is szewei on the left and patricia on the right yo..i just so happenly sat in between them thats why i was in the shot.haha..

And we didnt get a cake so..we got 2 pieces..from NYDC, which was enough for all of us. Anyway, happy birthday!! you are the first few turning, turned 21 years old.

The 5 of us. Almost complete..Dawn is in australia..coming back end of year.

So it is just Krystel, Sze wei, me, Patricia and Jenna.

That's all for now.

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