
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Exams are coming!!

haha, exams are coming, i'm studying and having fun and i just had church prac for tml service. Yup. Kept thinking that some thing bad is gonna happen to Leroy and i kept praying that God will bring him back to me safely in one piece. IS so unsettling and i really cried ok tear..and then when i get a call from leroy and a message! i teared again but this time out of joy. Haha..anyway, i wanna thank Josh for like 'making' me read the bible again..yup. Cause the verses comforted me.

What is it..
Psalms 121: 7-8
The LORD will keep you from all harm-
he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore

When i read this, i had peace that Leroy is safe. He is safe and I need not worry.

Yup. And another one.
Jeremiah 10: 23
I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own;
it is not for man to direct his steps.

This verse, i put my child photo with cheryl and claris to book mark it in the past. I know the reason for 'book marking' it.
It was to remind me that my life is not my own.
Then with the photo when we were young and to look at myself now..and i will reflect on how far i have come not by my own strength or my direction.
i remembered my intention of bookmarking it.
It teaches me to depend on God rather than my own.
To not follow my ways but God's way.

Anyhow, Isaac is leading worship for tml and he has exams and since he could do all this bearing in mind that his exams are tougher than mine..i agreed to replace Grace once again for this week. So basically, i have been going for prac for 4 weeks straight le and it is supposedly to be during the most hectic time? haha, amazing right? Well, it looks like i actually am able to do this every week one. Is just dependent on your own heart if you want to or not.

And a dream i have last night was not good. Just, don't come true. As for the whole dream, it is a secret.

OK lah, i think it is time for me to study. :)
Jia You for exams everyone!! Woohoo!!!
Can't wait for exams to end.
To Pick Leroy up from the airport. Haven seen him in days..7th may 2a.m.
And i hope that RedBull will reply me soon and let me continue to work for them cause i really need a job to pay for my trips to Church camp in Malaysia, Yunnan mission Trip and perhaps a holiday in Thailand with beloved Miko who has been wanting to go since..year 1 if i remember correctly. Right? So..WHO WANNA GO THAILAND FOR HOLIDAY?!!! Please tell us!!!

Lastly, hmmm...well, i haven been studying with Josh, Miko, Daniel, Yong Huey, Geksheng and Isaac for some days in this week..and i Thank you all for companying me to study. It makes studying a whol lot easier and fun. :)

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