
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Datelines of Projects!

You know what? I really am fortunate to have fun and good friends although work was a lot of work basically haha..But because of your friends, somehow, we just work really hard and have fun together at the same time. Yup! I really like this semester a lot cause i really like what i'm studying, and i have made good friends all my modules. And all my projects was fun too though lots of hard work..

Anyway on monday, thai tradtional music class was different this time..AND ISAAC!!! you missed it how could you!!! I have to collect your assignment for you know! haha pass you when i do see you. And presenting my third musketeer Shao Xiong..Anyway, the class was just to collect assignment, see our performance on that day and try out the thai food which is really yummy and sweet!!! hehe

PLus Josh you all know him.
And Yong Huey haha,
And JiuRong.
Eh..never take photo with jade!

After that was time for meeting for preparation for today's presentation!!! For Mr Bottle!!! The designs needed more editing which i had to do..we too had to settle settle our report which is a whooping...50 plus pages? Am i right? But it was definitely way thicker than other groups..made me feel more secure with attaining a higher grade..haha..and reprinting design samples..and the powerpoint..tough to explain w/o making people confuse and so we had to re arrange and stuff which basically took a lot of time..and ok..we only managed to end at 2a.m this morning? wow..we really spend a lot of time.
I knwo i was already going on auto mode..and our working speed were like slowing Jun was having problems finding the attachment button..haha..and we didn't rehearse..It is amazing how the presentation went since we didn't rehearse.
SO by the time i reach home, it was already 2.50 something right?
So Thanks God for Joshua who happen to study until really late too in school because of his test today!!! And helped us buy BK burger..dinner yummy!!!! i really needed that. And driving Jun and I back home. If not haha..i have no idea how late it will be plus the cabbie fare..

Oh! reminded me..i made a decision to take a cab today cause i think the extra hour of sleep will really help a lot..haha..but well, i'mnot sure cause i had nightmare about the project of suddenly having a few more group members and stuff and our parts are not finish..anyway aside from that..the ride to school was 21 bucks plus!!!
FAINTZ..well, expected. No time to faint. Got strong and went to SOnja's roomie to continue doing whatever we have to do. Cutting the circle, painting the hand, going through my parts for presentation..

Oh and printing..the report, getting the brownies from Daniel--20 bucks! (where 7 out of 16 pieces got taken by Mr bottle and Dr Seet)(it was just suppose to be 4, 2 each!!!) Daniel's brownie is really nice. Dr Seet can't resist it, my friends all say is nice..haha..the 20 bucks is worth it in making people happy. Well, so basically, i only have 3 pieces. haha..

Unexpectedly, really, being especially tired, i really ran the most. From class to collect brownie and back to class, from class to printing area to pass thumbdrive..I was like the runner..My heart was beating so fast, climbing up and down the stairs..I really wonder how i did it! But just in case of an attack, after all the running, i took my inhaler..haha..cant afford to have an attack during preentation can i?
And then the connection to the computer didn't work..which is irritating, especially with Dr Seet telling us the girls to quickly start. IS NOT OUR FAULT!! Is the connection!!!!! So some hippcups with technology..IRRITATING..But we still went ahead with our presentation..i was like the third to present so reach my turn i was talking talking talking..quickly and I can't believe it was me talking..Words just came out of my mouth w/o much thought. haha..Is on automatic mode..

The good thing about our presentation is that we were not shot at with lots of questions, People like our presentation and the designs Like no questions were targetted at the designs phew. which is good cause i dont think i would know what to say haha..and of course BROWNIES! Thanks Daniel for making them haha. Oh By the way Dr Seet remembers you! And i'm sorry i forgot to tell him that you are making it if not i think he will order like 10 boxes for you! You will earn lots of profits from him..haha

Haiz, is a pity that we didn't manage to get a group photo together but we will meet up soon right!!! Icecream outing..haha..and probably working for Mr bottle.. Which brings me to another thing but.............................................................................................CENSORSHIP. Better not complain. He is your client. And i needa work to earn money for my mission trip.

haha thanks Fenling, Jun and Sonja!!!!!!

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