
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

There is never the perfect plan

Hey! I know i haven been blogging for a very very long time.Opps..but still, i have been doing things ever since the sick days..i now wanna live my life to the fullest. haha..ok bah..i cant remember much much lets start from last Tuesday.

I had school, wasnt feeling as up to stamina like now :) but still i went to school. I cant bear to stay at home any more. it was a little too much of a mental torture. Went to school, had class as usual..the only special thing for school wise was acting for the screen. Yup, we had to act for the screen but as William was busy with The West Wings, we decided to do it next week. Anyway, I really wasn't prepared. haha..yup. So, waited for Yong Huey to finish her acting with one of the scenes from My Besy Friend's Wedding. Yup. After that..we, Yong Huey, Daniel, Joie, Ryan and I went for dinner together. Well, you know as usual, Daniel will drive us there. So sweet right? And all of us back home. We went to Terminal 3 for dinner, walk around, chit chat and played with the trolley which is really the highlight of the day!!! hmm, but the videos and photos are with Ryan. Gonna get it then post it up for you all k!! Be patient!

Wednesday. Well, shucks. what did i do on wednesday? Oh ok project meeting. which never end. Actually i'm suppose to be doing it now. OH! better do now. later got meeting...okok update soon on the same post. is saturday the 12th of april. finally im rid of most of the project. Which is seriously tiring i must say but enojoyable. I have good team mates like Fen, Jun and Sonja. Show you their pic..soon..haha, if i remember..yesterday, we worked the whole day until the end we were a little slow in the home and plong myself to sleep.

Continuing post..
Thursday, Well, i spend the day on school and then we went for rehearsal for thai traditional music..and then had dinner. It feels so long ago..really needa refresh my memory.
Come Friday was the real thing!!!

Hey who knows the title of our performance on youtube? i cat find it..

anyway, here are some photos.

This is the as you can see our thai traditional music class ensemble but i'm not inside. I'm dancing

Spot me!!
Initially, i was partnering terrance, the guy behind josh and i but because there wasn't enough purple cloth to wrap us..we wore black pants and had to change partner. Debbie, the girl behind me was josh ex partner..But anyway, i got rehearse with Joshua before lah during the first few classes when we were partners. Looks like we were partners afterall..

Next up are the more professional Thai exchange students themselves. So pretty right? their clothes and stuff..

And the 'band'..traditional instruments still got electric one know..look at the wire connecting to the forth instrument from the right!!!!

And Aacaan Kung danced too!!! haha..well, basically, the whole performance right..we only did one song and the rest was done by the pros themselves and i just sat and enjoyed myself..haha..

This is how the pants purple cloth wrap would look right!! If you can notice, the pants is getting shorter..cause they were running out of cloth..
Me and my ex dance partner, terrance.

My new dance partner, Joshua, Heiting and I
Phyllis, Josh, me and Heiting
And i cant remember when this shot was taken..
Josh and Jade
Me and Jade!!
Phyllis, Jade, Pretty boy, i think his name is Kung..and me.
Well, we only left when accaan

Finally when accaan came...we all pose..tadah..

Oh yar..Our performance was at NUS's Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music which is a building far away from the Arts Faculty..lucky..there were some drivers with cars..made it so much easier..
After that, we went for dinner..

Well, i had planned to go see leroy after the performance but he said it was too late le so no need..So i only managed to see him the next day, Saturday.
I had band prac before that and..haha i only knew on that day at about 10 when jislin sms me..asking if im coming down for prac..and i was like ok..then she said do you know that you are playing the keyboard and i was like WHAT!!
Anyhow, i reached church at 1030, the time when prac start and yup, all was good.

the only part that wasn't going well was my surprise chocolate for leroy. I had bought a Huge bar of Chocolate with the fireworks stuff inside, so it will explode in your mouth..and when i went to the fridge to get was MISSING!! I haven found the culprit yet till special chocolate and surprise.
So in the end, i had to rush down to Seng Kang where he lives, go to cold storage and buy another bar of chocolate..a normal, not so special one. which i didn't feel satisfied about it..My surprise is now some normal stuff..

Leroy had 2 weeks MC and thus will not be going for the Taiwan trip with his army mates..and he wasn't happy about it..why..hmm...cause..
He had his hand cut cause of pus which is totally gross..still remmeber the wound is wet and the bandage was wet and had to change at guardian..eww..i can't bear to look at it. I thought i was gonna puke. Poor Thing. Anyway, from that moment, i knew with conviction that i can't be some surgeon and doctor i just can't take it.

Sunday. OH sunday! okok..Church study..and then..i had to finish this Thai Traditional Music learning diary..What have I learnt. I wrote half way and fell asleep. I was too tired. Actually right now, i'm pretty exhausted due to datelines and stuff to finish. But I'm waiting for Tuesday..Yes it is coming. And i can have a real short break of like a day before i make the next charge..Sunday was just the essay thing lah..

Monday. I had Thai Traditional Music class which was totally fun! I kept laughing and laughing..until a point i think it is safer to take my inhaler..and isaac was like you better take..I want to go home one..refering to the past incident which landed me in NUH. And then i realise i had nothing to do from 4-8 when The West Wing starts..

Well, More about the class first..Let me entertain you! ok lah i mean the pictures and videos.

Video here.

At the last part, Accaan was asking who played the long drums during the first 3 musketeers were played the long drums they were invited to the front of the class

1st: you all know..Joshua. Isaac, you all also know. Gek Sheng, he always comes to my church to study during reading week. And the 3rd musketeer, Shao Xiong in black. Told you i would show you the photo..

More photos as they were instructed what to do on the spot.
And here is the video...Enjoy!! oh and don't mind my is tough work to concentrate on the shooting ok..haha..

Video here

After class, jade and i went to look for the cute uncle to take photo

Tadah!!! Phyllis, me, Aacaan, Jade and Joshua. From the Dance group for the 2nd performance. Lets meet up okok!!! Miss you guys.

The West Wing..Yong Huey wanted to watch so i was like ok lah..then suddenly Timo also want to watch cause of someone..his crush..nope. i dont think i would consider it as his crush. He seems really quite serious about her. Anyway this is like the first time i ever hear him talking about liking a girl!!! i was like ok i company you..but my friend coming too. Then monday, as i said i got nothing to do..ok i got something to do but i didn't bring my things because..i was like rushing to school and stuff..went to library and slack for awhile..and then Josh ended his class and too had nothing much to i asked if he wanted to go and see The West Wing..yup. so in the end is Yong Huey, Timo, Josh and I go together..Tickets and seating problems wasn't much of an issue cause like really very very little people turn up to watch the production lah..Which is pretty sad..but good for us. We Bought the cheaper tickets and got upgraded since it was really empty..

The play was scene after scene after a mini performance each lah..i was thinking that it should have been more smooth flowing..but it was fun. Still could have been better..haha better not comment too much cause next year i will have to be in a play production too..ok nothing to comment le.

So what did i do from 4 to 7 plus at least..walk and talk lah..and TIMO was late!!! made us miss 2 scenes of the play..Naughty boy. Somemore your crush acting know..stil late. Haiyah..actually, he is late most of the time. Nothing new.

Ok Tuesday. i had to act for the screen. 10% for now. Practical exam, i really had to act..Ok..i was a little late for Dr Seet's Marketing class..saw 2 groups present..and fenling, Qi jun and Sonja and I were like man, we are like the most bonded group. And we must show this class how united we are haha..the other 2 groups were facing some group members issue. Well, i'm really lucky to have such good members in my group! We must aim for A! Like seriously!!! Oh Tuesday!!! I know..I went for patricia's birthday! her surprise celebration by her brother..haha how can i forget!!!okok. Sorry Patricia..Didn't mean it. ok more photos then..

Oh yar! I got a ride from Joshua, send me to patricia house which is like a total maze. We were lost. Driving in cirlces. ther is one road call conway circle..something like that..and all the Li hwan and Tai Hwan drive, road, terrace all the similar names. But! We eventually made it there. Thanks Joshua! Thanks a lot.

Patricia's Birthday

This is the Birthday crown which says Birthday princess
This is her bog booboo..haha not even sure how to spell..
And getchy..Super cute!! I like Getchy a lot! He is so obedient and cute even though he is black. I wanna get a dog like that too! When i get my own house. Cause.. in my house no animals allowed!!! my mum will throw it into the sad right..
Patricia, me and Krystel. Jenna, Sze Wei didn't come..wonder why...

This is Patricia's Brother who planned the whole thing.
Patricia's elder sister..
Patricia and her mum.
And of course her boyfriend too!!!
The whole crew..Oh and there is Freddy holding Booboo with Krystel. Freddy is Krystel boyfriend..yup

And when the whole thing end it was already late and thanks a lot to Philip, Pat's brother, fetched like 6 of the crew you see there..home..So plus him and Pat is 8. 8 people in the car..


I'm a little lost in time now.. ah...Wednesday was project meeting the whole day. For Mr Bottle..Aiyaya..Never ending but lets jia you!

Thursday was..Shucks what did i do on thursday? Class..i think. and more project stuff..Oh yar!! I stayed in school to do. Hmm..shucks..i'm a little blur..then when did i go have diner with my church friends..Oh! Wednesday was Dinner with Church Friends..haha ok

Dinner with Church Friends
They were like already at the Blue Jazz cafe, somewhere near bugis mrt..yup and by the time i reach, some of them left i was like ok...and then the remaining were like watching me right? went down all the way from school just to let them watch me eat..hmmm...

Me, Karen, Isaac, Dorcus, Grace and Joy. As you can see, i'm the only one with the food..haha
Their stage
And their light!! Ohh i like it so much!!! especially the mini disco balls.. wonder where they got it..
And after dinner, all zao..i asked isaac and joy to turn around for a shot and they refuse..humph!!

Friday..yesterday right? OH yes is yesterday..Project meeting the whole day like seriously. No wonder i'm like so tired.. Project for 3 days straight..
Oh pictures to show you all from yesterday..

We went to confirm if thee was any last min stuff to do or changes cause..haha..i shall not comment. Yup, and He gave us t-shirt! Which we plan to all wear on the day of presentation. We are like the Magic team le. So while he went back to his house to collect somemore..i tok out my camera to take shots..So this is Sonja with the white t-shirt, Fenling with the black. Qijun was at the washroom..haha..
His office....hmm..oh and my Rusty bag..the pink one.
Close ups..
The existing stocks he has of want one? i got one!
Bags of Magnet..
And a poster of him..

Some certs and awards thing..not sure..i just took a shot anyway
His current goodie bag which is paste on top of it. So we changing the goodie bag
This is his magic set
This is all the stuff..ok still got somemore but in china..shipping over..will be in the goodie bag for the event we are planning for him..on man..really like the real thing lah.
Some game..from past stuff.

Comic strip..

Ok this is a really long post and i have like spend a few hours on this but not done yet..haha

i'm gonna rest first

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