
Thursday, April 17, 2008


Currently, Leroy is in love with this girl!

Asking me to teach him how to play 'her song'. great! i'm so excited..(believe?)

Well, last time, i use to teach him. hmm...i dont mind teaching him this one too but..more of like for her than for me hor..haha. Poor me. I needa find someone else too!!!! Humph!

Anyway, is late and uploading photos will take quite a while so i will finish this later.

Continuing from where i've stopped

Wednesday, i went to study with Miko, Josh and Daniel till was cold in the library which made us wanna eat steamboat for dinner. So the photos you have been seeing..yup. steamboat. the variety was not a lot but still not bad.

And Miko, you know i will post it up so, expected. But you 2 look good together! =)

And it seems that our study has doubled in size!! haha..

Then we headed for yummilicious dessert. The only not so good thing is that the aunt is not really very hospitable...

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