
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

21st birthday

Jeanette is turning 21!

Looking at my friends, i think i too should be planning for my 21st birthday!!!
But what?
Hmm...will keep it in mind. Now my birthday part of the brain is beginning to work. haha =)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Time with friends, family and sweet heart!

Ok, although, i have been spending time with Joshua practically everyday since i came back from mission trip, but not to worry, i do have time for my own stuffs too! It is not like I'm together with him 24/7 you know. If not that's bad. haha..he needs to work! And that reminds school is starting! I can't believe it! You mean 3 months just flew pass?! But i like this holiday particularly.
Going for Church Camp, Mission Trip, not really working..hmm, must collect my pay! And just going out spending! Phew! Lucky i did save the last semester..haha, right now..let's just say that i wil start saving up spend again! Wee!!! =)

So right, cause last sem i only took 4 modules..cause i knew i can't make it for Jap 2..which means this sem i will have to take 6!!!!
Well, I kinda thought of it and...
Tadah! These are the modules I will be taking though i think that the exam dates are not really good good.
But still..
TS3236 - Ecologies of performance
TS3232 - Performance and Social Space
TS2233 - Praxis in Theatre and Performance Theory
TS2237 - Acting: Theory and Practice
MKT1003 - Principles of Marketing (which i think i will surely get this time round!) ThuR: 12-2
LAT3201 - Thai lang 3 (the module that i will bid last cause only a few people will actually take it) =)

On Saturday, 26th July'08
We had this Camp and Mission Echo , basically is just getting together and chill and relax to me and..haha..Joshua is popular in church now.
How come? Hmm, cause Amos took my lappy to screen his flash thing on Yunnan. But you see, My pic of Josh and I is the wall paper for my lappy, so..haha well, our picture were on the screen to cut the story short with loads of people looking and it was before we, Joshua and I arrived.

Ok, and i have to wear this for a short in prompt 2 skit. I'm suppose to be acting as Auntie Rosie..

On Sunday, we played the game - "Do you love your neighbour?" It is something like blow wind blow lah..and half way, claris told me to go back home cause we are going to eat out.

Headed to Parkway and to look and see at Cheryl's new Lappy, a Mac Book. I want one too!! =(

Check the price and talk talk before we headed to Fish and Co for yummilicious lunch!

Claris was fascinated by the shrimp she found in her soup and had to take a shot of it

Shopped at Giant and bought goodies back home..and took a family photo with Dajie's graduation gown. Well, we don't have lots of funds to spend on those, studio shot..haha..a shot like this is good enough for us.

Just the sisters! Next year, it will be my turn wearing it! Wee! =) Time flies! My graduation is coming! Since my kindergarden days...

Lastly, time together with Joshua! Watched movie in my house..half way and then we had to head for dinner with my family. Notice given was about 10 min before we all set off to crab party. So, while Joshua and my dad had good seats in the front, the 5 of us, mummy, dajie, me, cheryl and claris had to squeeze in the back. Haha, but we are used to it lah. Moreover, the destination is not that far away. That reminds me...where is my camera! Someone took my is not in my bag. How am i suppose to upload my pics! hmm...will update later when i find my camera..opps

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No regrets

Being with Joshua is not only about good times, but during sad and troubled times. Somehow, in all that we go through, we will smile.
Going to places we went.
Chomp Chomp!

Clarke Quay

No regrets.

Anyway, miko and dan this is for you.

Hope that you are feeling better le girl. take care!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Mummy!

16th July'08
We celebrated my mummy's birthday!
And of course, we played Mj too, to company her.
But lucky for me, Joshua and I won quite a bit to pay for my share of the birthday cake my da jie bought. hehe..

Mummy, me and Joshua!
The same opposite expression again by claris and cheryl

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Philippians 1:27
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Back to the scene

I cant really sleep now when the scene last night just kept replaying in my head and tears just comes.
Last night i went to Joshua's house for the first time.
Jojo is really sweet. And does not judge and would roll over for me to stroke her tummy.
I saw his dad for the second time. He was silent.
Didn't felt welcomed.
Perhaps deep down i just wanted to see and hope for a miracle.
Anyway, we watched the 9pm channel 8 show and right after his mum finished her phone conversation, that was when all the qurralling started.
And i was the trigger of it.
Cause Joshua was not to bring any girl back for the next two years and he brought me back after 2 months. About there.
But I've never seen so much unrest and violence in a house before except on t.v.
Not that there were any hitting of each other but if you over hear the whole commotion and the words his mum and Joshua used. You will be shocked.
Anyway, eventually, i was asked to leave though it felt more like i was being ordered to leave cause my presence was not wanted.
But Joshua refused to let me leave and the whole thing gets worse.
Am I that detestable to his mum?
It is just my first visit and i've never got chased out by anyone before.
Even when times when my mummy and I are angry with each other, i get grounded, i don't get chased out.
But last night, all those leaving the house stuff, for good and said "right now", how can that be possible? Like where is he suppose to live?
And i understood how what Joshua means.
To threaten his livelihood.
But then again, the provoked Joshua was not good too. Raising his voice and 'fucking hell' comes out...
Both of them were and are not giving way to each other.
Doesn't matter if i have my rights or not, i rather not have it.
Plus, seeing his dad in the middle of the conflict.
Imagine, on one hand is his wife and on the other is his son.
Sweet heart, your dad just wants peace.
Give him peace.
After all this has been going on for a really long time.
Give way and perhaps she will too and even if she does not at least you know you did your part in making peace.
Think about your dad.
Plus this has been going on since 'forever'.
I kept thinking about your dad and his words which made the house more bearable.
It takes time.
Stick with their 2 years.
I will wait and time will pass.
We will go through this together.
I will be at your side.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Out with Miko

Joshua's graduation

Yesterday, the 11th July'08 was Joshua's graduation commecement thing. And was the day when I'm suppose to meet his parents for the very first time, and that they will be hearing about me about the first time too?

So anyway, i was not expecting anything. Just be smiling. And it won't be a surprise that they reject me and stuff but i'm glad and really glad that at least Joshua's dad came to see Joshua's commencement and at the same time having the chance to see me for the first time. At least he came 'to see me' in a sense. Thank God for that. I'm really happy and grateful for that.

I just want to say that although i may not have been there throughout your universtiy life, i want to be there with you now and for the days to come. Always.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm so in love with you

I"m back for another post.
Well, i should have wrote earlier when the words were flowing in my head but i had to company my mum to buy a scew. 4 screws actually which are hard to find and we were at defu lane and walked from block 30 to block 2 just to get the screws. It was a long and hot walk but not bad. At least we are together. haha..guiding each other as to where we were heading since both of us are half blur and 2 became clear! anyway, lets talk about yesterday

At the bottom is my new diary! I have officially finish my blue diary and am gonna continue with this one. my 3rd diary for this year i have to say but it is good investment. Anyway, yesterday, i basically spend a days time to travel to tp mall to get tickets for the night and that we could have good seats for the movie Hancock. So anyway, it was still quite a rush. Will plan a better one next time. Maybe i'm just getting all jittery knowing that i will be seeing his family on friday. Argh! How bad can it be? Why am i so concern about it? Cause i care that's why! Ok be a girl and breathe.

Back to yesterday!
We took a cab from tampiness mall to grapevine, where we pass old tampiness road where i remembered that long yet memorable journey home on bicycle and i really appreciate for your effort. Loads of hard work just to get me back home.

Had our yummylicious dinner where we were suppose to plan for something important in greater detail.
Not telling you all yet but soon. BUT not so soon though. hmmm...

Took some photos, and i figured that my camera is able to take good night shots! Wow! As in the lighting lah..can see both the face and background can..

Look at the background!!! Woohoo!!! Sorry..a bit fascinated by the background. haha..
And this morning, i woke up early with the song Something about you playing in my though telling me to wake up. It was raining and all the weather was cooling, a great time to sleep but still i woke up cause i had something on my mind. Which is to get out of the house and hopefully make it to hougang mrt before Joshua does hopefully and company him to work. And so i was rushing like the others but for a different and happier reason. Was smiling and phew! i was early..But i'm glad i made your day, seeing you smile, makes everything worth it. Seeing that I've made you the happiest person probably on the train though all of you are going to work.

And i got to use my new umbrella which i bought from Kunming!!!

Ok things to do..Buy swimming costume. Plan the plan. Plan my timetable soon. Go out with friends of course!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Had Lunch with dajie, Jia li and mummy and claris today!
It was like so last min for me. Cause i was in my room uploading photos about the mission trip which never seems to i cant start blogging about it yet. But will update you when i finish ok. Hopefully i can finish by the end of this week. haha
Anyway, claris came in the room and say we were leaving in 15 mins time for lunch and i was like huh..ok.
Faster went to wash up and change and before you know it, we left.
Took the public transport. The bus to paya lebar mrt before taking the train.
Well, Public transport has its own kind of experience though it takes longer than driving your own car but is different

You get to stand on the bus. if you have no seats thats what claris and i did

While behind, da jie and mummy found a seat each, pretty close to each other where they can chat.
And you get to see stuff like that too!! claris ask me to take a shot cause it looks interesting..

And we took the train, started with all of us standing before da jie and mummy found seats and i did and lastly, claris manage to find herself a seat.

I was snapping shots on the train.. of da jie and mummy and claris and all of a sudden, a hand grabbed my hand as though saying you are forgetting about me and i turn around, and there he was, a little baby boy! super adorable. And he seriously like taking my hand. And his mummy on the other hand was like don't hurt the jie jie..pulling him over to her side, while he tried to struggle kicking with his small strength and of course he kicked me..then he looked at me and we just smiled at each other.
Soon after, he spotted something shiny..the cross ring and wanted to take it. But his mummy was like nono..and you can see the whole scene, with his small outstretched hand, trying to touch the shiny cross ring.
And then, the train headed into the tunnel where it is all dark, and he saw his own reflection through the glass and got fascinated by it..
But it too means that we were gonna reach our stop so soon, we bidded good bye.
Though it was a short time, it was our time.
And tadah..

We have a seat!!

Next up, we met jia li, da jie's boyfriend..where he will treat all of us to eat yummylicious food!!!

Da jie kept on blocking her face, not letting me take a shot of her..dunno why also, until when say take photo with jia li not good meh..and she finally pose a shot with him.

This is where we went to eat..

Ordered only 3 dishes and rice. And i was reminded of the days when i was in Kunming, eating the food. And i was wondering how come we got so much good food here when we did not even farm it ourselves in a sense..really thankful for the food we have here.

Claris's satisfied look.

And we went down, mummy looking at stuff. She likes this kind of jadeish looking things..not my taste though..but maybe as i grow up i will learn to appreciate it.

And she said, she got small stomach le..and i ask her how come we didnt go swimming today and she said that which is more important? swimming or getting treated by Jia Li? Of course get a treat ma..haha..agreed.

Finally, we head to the carpark, where Jia Li had no idea where his car was and said, you know what.. you all wait for me here and i will go drive the car to pick us up and he walked a few steps and his car was just in front, so we all in the end walk to the car since it was so so near!!! Haha..And he drove us back home before he and da jie have their couple time. Wee!!

In the car..

In the car, my da jie, dunno what happen to her..suddenly wanna send me subtext.
Through a song she asked me to listen attentively. wei ni xie shi..
About a guy who learns to play a piano for the girl etc..write a poem for her..
And she said about like is different if a guy knows how to play piano and play for the girl as compared to a guy who doesnt know and learn to do the same thing..
Lets just say i got your point. about that. I'm not exactly acting dumb but just dont wanna comment.
You are talking about L and J right..
It is not true la da jie.
I know the difference.
And i know who treats me best.
Anyway, i want someone who is more than able to write a song for me.
I want someone who is focus and responsible and understanding and sensible too.