
Monday, July 28, 2008

Time with friends, family and sweet heart!

Ok, although, i have been spending time with Joshua practically everyday since i came back from mission trip, but not to worry, i do have time for my own stuffs too! It is not like I'm together with him 24/7 you know. If not that's bad. haha..he needs to work! And that reminds school is starting! I can't believe it! You mean 3 months just flew pass?! But i like this holiday particularly.
Going for Church Camp, Mission Trip, not really working..hmm, must collect my pay! And just going out spending! Phew! Lucky i did save the last semester..haha, right now..let's just say that i wil start saving up spend again! Wee!!! =)

So right, cause last sem i only took 4 modules..cause i knew i can't make it for Jap 2..which means this sem i will have to take 6!!!!
Well, I kinda thought of it and...
Tadah! These are the modules I will be taking though i think that the exam dates are not really good good.
But still..
TS3236 - Ecologies of performance
TS3232 - Performance and Social Space
TS2233 - Praxis in Theatre and Performance Theory
TS2237 - Acting: Theory and Practice
MKT1003 - Principles of Marketing (which i think i will surely get this time round!) ThuR: 12-2
LAT3201 - Thai lang 3 (the module that i will bid last cause only a few people will actually take it) =)

On Saturday, 26th July'08
We had this Camp and Mission Echo , basically is just getting together and chill and relax to me and..haha..Joshua is popular in church now.
How come? Hmm, cause Amos took my lappy to screen his flash thing on Yunnan. But you see, My pic of Josh and I is the wall paper for my lappy, so..haha well, our picture were on the screen to cut the story short with loads of people looking and it was before we, Joshua and I arrived.

Ok, and i have to wear this for a short in prompt 2 skit. I'm suppose to be acting as Auntie Rosie..

On Sunday, we played the game - "Do you love your neighbour?" It is something like blow wind blow lah..and half way, claris told me to go back home cause we are going to eat out.

Headed to Parkway and to look and see at Cheryl's new Lappy, a Mac Book. I want one too!! =(

Check the price and talk talk before we headed to Fish and Co for yummilicious lunch!

Claris was fascinated by the shrimp she found in her soup and had to take a shot of it

Shopped at Giant and bought goodies back home..and took a family photo with Dajie's graduation gown. Well, we don't have lots of funds to spend on those, studio shot..haha..a shot like this is good enough for us.

Just the sisters! Next year, it will be my turn wearing it! Wee! =) Time flies! My graduation is coming! Since my kindergarden days...

Lastly, time together with Joshua! Watched movie in my house..half way and then we had to head for dinner with my family. Notice given was about 10 min before we all set off to crab party. So, while Joshua and my dad had good seats in the front, the 5 of us, mummy, dajie, me, cheryl and claris had to squeeze in the back. Haha, but we are used to it lah. Moreover, the destination is not that far away. That reminds me...where is my camera! Someone took my is not in my bag. How am i suppose to upload my pics! hmm...will update later when i find my camera..opps

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