
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm so in love with you

I"m back for another post.
Well, i should have wrote earlier when the words were flowing in my head but i had to company my mum to buy a scew. 4 screws actually which are hard to find and we were at defu lane and walked from block 30 to block 2 just to get the screws. It was a long and hot walk but not bad. At least we are together. haha..guiding each other as to where we were heading since both of us are half blur and 2 became clear! anyway, lets talk about yesterday

At the bottom is my new diary! I have officially finish my blue diary and am gonna continue with this one. my 3rd diary for this year i have to say but it is good investment. Anyway, yesterday, i basically spend a days time to travel to tp mall to get tickets for the night and that we could have good seats for the movie Hancock. So anyway, it was still quite a rush. Will plan a better one next time. Maybe i'm just getting all jittery knowing that i will be seeing his family on friday. Argh! How bad can it be? Why am i so concern about it? Cause i care that's why! Ok be a girl and breathe.

Back to yesterday!
We took a cab from tampiness mall to grapevine, where we pass old tampiness road where i remembered that long yet memorable journey home on bicycle and i really appreciate for your effort. Loads of hard work just to get me back home.

Had our yummylicious dinner where we were suppose to plan for something important in greater detail.
Not telling you all yet but soon. BUT not so soon though. hmmm...

Took some photos, and i figured that my camera is able to take good night shots! Wow! As in the lighting lah..can see both the face and background can..

Look at the background!!! Woohoo!!! Sorry..a bit fascinated by the background. haha..
And this morning, i woke up early with the song Something about you playing in my though telling me to wake up. It was raining and all the weather was cooling, a great time to sleep but still i woke up cause i had something on my mind. Which is to get out of the house and hopefully make it to hougang mrt before Joshua does hopefully and company him to work. And so i was rushing like the others but for a different and happier reason. Was smiling and phew! i was early..But i'm glad i made your day, seeing you smile, makes everything worth it. Seeing that I've made you the happiest person probably on the train though all of you are going to work.

And i got to use my new umbrella which i bought from Kunming!!!

Ok things to do..Buy swimming costume. Plan the plan. Plan my timetable soon. Go out with friends of course!

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