
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Cherish what God has given you

Saturday, 5th July'08
I had band prac which thank God i woke up at 10am despite me missing my alarm clock..haha..and immediately i sms iz that i just woke up and will rush down.
After Prac, Pastor came to talk to us, about the mission trip experience and eventually as he was saying.. he said, "Cherish what God has given you."
Which I think is really important. Not to take things for granted, Be it the things you have or the people you know. It was a good reminder.
After that i had lunch at home, leftovers but it was ok..before i met Joshua at turtle soup. And as i was walking there, i saw leroy's daddy's car parked there and was reminded of leroy's family. I found favor with them, was treated really well. And i really hope that i will find favor with Joshua's family.

But i just read my secret blog with jeanette and she said..
"But as I was reminded by some friends, I remind you too, that we should always remember to leave it all to God. I try to iron out the little details, but I forget my iron is not hot enough, not thorough enough, and God’s plan is always better than mine.
So I urge you (as I also have to continually remind myself), to always look to God for answers, because we can never find them on our own. When we rely on our own strength, it can only lead to heartbreak"

I should just rely and depend on God. =) Which brings me to another thing.

haha..tell you later.

We went to parkway after that to walk walk, somehow, Joshua having admit that he was looking for a hp cum PDA. You can see in his eyes when he wants something. Or through his speech..he will just keep talking about it basically. haha..

And so much for bu yao chong dong..

took a cab to bedok to a shop where we were to supposedly get a better deal..

And there it is, the nokia e71..correct right? =)

And before you know it, it is already his own.

After that, we head to our lao di fang. (got a few)
I find that we always hang out at esplanade, east coast park area.. hehe..ok, now still got my house! Too!

Cheese cake cafe.

Has all these sculptures around, and is a good place to chill and teaches me manners too..

haha they have signs that says..pls do not put your legs on the table and sofa..yup. And i got reminded a few times. I dunno why, but i just like to cross my legs ma..

We had a good chat and update each other with our thoughts and our feelings.

And i realise, hey!! My family knows him le! As well as most of my friends! About us. And i got their support now. =)

And my mummy is like reminding him to save up all the time for the future, long term and short term etc..

Is such a joy to be with Joshua. Can sense that he appreciates and values our time together. As though it is treasure. I'm his treasure. =)

Continuing with "brings me to another thing"

But one thing he let him take care of me. And i was like..lost for words at that moment. The first person. I mean i know my parents do take care of me but in a way, they are teaching me to take care of myself and suddenly here is someone who says let me take care of you when all along, you have been taught that you need to take care of yourself. Which was adnormal for me. But i will learn to let you take care of me. Allow me to take care of you alright. =)

I'm really happy.

The voucher we got at parkway. haha just for lovers. STRICTLY!

Terms and conditions

Expiration: This voucher does not expire, except in the event of substantial change in the stated 'lover' relationship between bearer and Redeemee; relocation by either Bearer or Redeemee; and/or any act of God that renders Voucher redemption all but impossible.

Value: Voucher redemption not to exceed face value as stated on the reverse side of this Voucher

Validity: This voucher is redeemable no more than one time. Redemption of the Voucher shall be indicated by the initials of both Bearer and Redeemee, in the spaces provided below, on the date indicated on the reverse. Once the Voucher has been this initialed, it shall be considered used and is no longer valid.

so what are the benefits? haha

Alone time, Big Juicy Kiss, Breakfast in bed, Craving Delivery, Date night, End to argument (which is really cute), Errand of choice, Foot massage, Friends night, Household chores, Sweet forgiveness, Movie of choice, Weekend getaway, and many more..

haha..maybe i should make more vouchers that i need.

Anyway, after that, we went back to my place to celebrate my dad's birthday! And I saw Jia Li, dajie hard to catch a glimpse of him. haha..Celebrated earlier than the actual day..but still happy birthday!!

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