
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I'm Back!!

My second Mission Trip! This is different from the first I must say. Really. Cause unlike the first one where I went together with my elder sister, this time, I'm going there by myself. Far away from my family, and friends and more importantly Joshua, considering that we just got attached. Haha, And my HP Bill was a bomb!!! And I gotta pay back my over spent debts on Hp bills. Opps. But, it was good hearing Joshua's voice over the phone when you are really missing him. I got home sick. Unlike the first trip when I thought I could stay there like on and on. Totally forgot about home. I guess, that's the difference when you have someone who really means alot to you is away from you. Taking OFF From Singapore. The clean and beloved small island.
Towards Thailand First then to the Huge China.
In the Air.
On the bus.
Ok, that's me, really excited for this journey. Cause I really was. If Joshua could join me then it would be much more comforting when I got home sick.
And after travelling for really long. You can't imagine. We landed on our destination? Not quite. Had to pack our bags and only bring a small travel bag that will last us for 4 days? Lucky I bought more t shirts. I just knew I needed more t shirts. Haha. 2 set of clothes just doesn't fit in my head.

And on the bus. Long Journey that gave me giddyness at times due to rocky road and stuff. I got in and out of my half asleep mode to see if we were reaching. Seriously, come night, we haven't reach yet. Only found a place to stay before we manage to continue our journey.

Our place.
The toilet. Yup. Pretty clean. That made me think, that this trip won't be as bad as I thought right?
Bed. With flatten pillow. I'm so thankful I've decided to bring my own mini pillow along PHEW!!! and managed to sleep properly. haha. Pillow, important. Cause as I come to realise, most of the pillows there are flat.
First taste of Mian.
Mini chairs and table. I thought it was quite cute.
And after dinner, we rested for the night in our beloved room.

My mini pillow that allowed me to have a good sleep.
Sky is bright and blue! Is clean!!!! So clean that when you take photos, it is as if it is photoshopped. You know.!!!
Loading our bags in for more travelling.

Another taste of Mian? For breakfast. Yup. Seriously, it is not good to keep eating the same thing. But at least, it is food.

On the bus.
Outside view
Amazing right? You can't see so much vast land and view and mountains in Singapore.
A small town?
Our restaurant. RESTAURANT. What's the image in your mind? And then look at the restaurant that I went to.
Our tea.
Our dishes.
Our restaurant
And more travelling.
Finally reach the school up in the mountain that we are suppose to go.
Lots of greenery!!!
Good for my eyes. The doctor say look at green stuff to improve eyesight right? No?
I'm so in love with the view. Just that, they do not have shower facilities. They don't shower only like once a year perhaps. And Toilets are a total contrast from what you see here.

Our small building. Where we would rest. They were really hospitable and welcome us.

And we, I, we had dinner with the chinese officials!!! How cool is that? They really eat a lot lah. But I understand why. When you climb mountains, you eat more. That is what I did for the following day.
Me, trying to eat more for the next day but really it was not working for me until the next day when I really needed the food because of the amount of energy I used up climbing up the mountain.

Our Room.

My Bed. Not too stable. I was pretty afraid it would collapse while I was sleeping and did not want to move at all. Or didn't dare. Anyway, you can see my mini Pillow. Really came into good use.
The morning. Fresh Air.

The great view.
You know when the songs we use to sing about the mountains and seas and how great and amazing it is? You really won't get it until you see it for yourself. That's for me. Breath taking.

The school.

Their exercies book.

Their classroom. Pretty reminded me of my primary school when we still use chalk.

The students! No school uniforms!
Building in construction. Sometimes, I wonder, will all these buildings we create destroy the amazing view? Just hope that it won't. If not we will be missing out.
Squashed in the car as we got to our start point of the hike.
Another small school.
And they clean up the place.

Our tour guides. AKA chinese officials. They are really kind and helpful and seriously patient and pro on hiking mountains. They were like talking on the handphone and climbing up like stairs like that and I, we, I was like trying to climb up with the help of a bamboo stick.
The slippery ground.
Taking a short break.

And we saw a farm! A farm in the middle of the mountain after we climb for quite some time..
Where we came from.
He looks cute in that photo.
Amos and his bamboo stick.

And we came to a little village up in the village. I wonder, how will I be like if I was to be born in a village up in the mountain. How will I be different from today?

Us and the water supply. Where? the bamboos behind us. Oh that was our mission. Haven't I told you? TO check the water supply, how do they transport water down. To see if it is clean and how can we improve on the water supply, so they wouldn't need to travel all the way to collect water at a certain place.
The village.

And another smaller school! so, this is like our third school. from the place we stayed to the start destination of the hike and after a super pretty long hike, past the farm.

The classroom.
Ok, this is my beloved shoe that kept me going throughout the whole journey.
Full of mud.
Another village after much hiking. Wah! And we are still not at the top.
We had our lunch there. They treated us really good. LIke hey we just came up and then they were like oh you all want to join us for lunch and stuff. I'm touched although it was still in the morning in my opinion but I had to eat was hungry already.

Oh, they have a bad habit though. They smoke. Like free. But It is their culture. They offer a cigarette as a hand of friendship. =) Applicable only to guys. So Amos, kept on getting offered. And he had to keep on rejecting it cause he don't smoke. and they drink lots of wine too!!!! In the morning. All day?

After Lunch, we head back to the school we came from before we started our destination. WooHOO!
While we were hiking back, it started to rain! and I got totally drenched LIke seriously. Drench. Except for my head cause proected by my cap and windbreaker but my pants and shoes..Soaking wet.

The girls are so pretty there can. THey have such huge and sparkling eyes!!!! Don't you agree?

And I love their spirit.

And back to the school where we stayed near to.

They really love taking photos a lot. =)

Despite us being dirty, the chinese officials still allowed us to sit in their car while they drove us to a hotel. Our next place of stay, to clean up. I feel so bad! Is like I'm so muddy and everything and we made their car muddy too!

My diary, suffered cause of my fall. during the rainy trip down. But I don't mind. Cause, it shows what i've been through. haha.

Our hotel! I'm so relieved. With water to wash up and clean my stuff and be clean clean!!! And lucky for me I brought extra t shirt. See! =) lucky I brought extra. haha.

Felt extremely happy about being clean again. Is a different kind of feel once you enjoyed being dirty. haha.

And we headed to the governor's place. I was like expected building and all but...

A house. Not the kinds you see in Singapore. The kinds, I have been in contact with for the past 2 days. Oh and they paid for our hotel accomodation did I say that? Haha. okok. And right, so we developed lots of photos to send to the children we took with at the school for momento. Yup.

Discussing about the water issue.

The kind official who drove us and we made his car dirty. I don't think I can do that to Joshua's car. I think Joshua will really love his new car that will come soon. I know.

Building a tourist area. Looks really quite nice. But what can be compared to the dirty toilets and the beautiful mountains?

Me, Amos, and our 2 beloved mountain tourguides officials.

A dog that looks like a lion. But it is really tame.

And while the adults got interested in buying accessories, I got interested in the dog and kept on wanting it to take a shot with me but it refuse to.

Border of Burma

My comfy bed. I love my comfy bed!!!

And my ever relying mini pillow. haha.

More travelling again...back to the place. where our belingings are. hmmm...I miss new sets of clothes.

It was cold up there for once.

That little shelter down there. is not really a shelter. Is a toilet.

And then the most amazing view that all of us had to get off the bus to take some shots in the middle of the journey.

You understand why?

And finally! our hotel

Looked like photoshopped right? Is wah! It is taken with my camera.

A little dog that caught my attention at the hotel that I'm staying. So cute! And Tame too. Oh by the way do you know how much they sell puppies over there? $16 bucks!!! And how much does it cost to have a dog in Singapore? Wah seriously over price can. ok..they 16 bucks one is illegal but didn't look that illegal to me considering that the whole overheadbridge was selling illegal stuff. It was like normal. Like all of them are allowed. Until they start to leave out of the blue and I was wondering why..and realise that it is illegal. But still, not running away you know what I mean. Is like leaving for the time being till 'they' leave then they will return back.

And finally!!!!!! 1st Western meal in days!!!

Look at how happy Dorcus is!!!

I'm drooling right now.
Well, you trying eating Mian for a few days lah. then you will understand what I mean.

I'm a happy girl!

Adapting to the Chinese dressing style. There is a reason why they fold up their pants especially after the muddy journey I went through. But I think I look nice with my jeans fold up right?

Stop fooling around Amos!

Ok, you must be wondering like why is there a shot of this. Cause I like the wedding gown ma. Nice right? While we went to develop photos for the children. I spot this photo and had to take it down for my wedding can. haha.

Another restaurant. This shot looks better than the place. It is really crowded but I decided to make it look good.

The other view. Not the full picture though. It is suppose to be famous for the mian. again. When I hear Mian. I just can't get my appetitie. But they say is different. And yup it is indeed different. It is yummy.

Went to giant I think to buy pencils and presents for the next school we are going to. And I spot pretty pencils and had to take a shot. Opps! But I did not buy any lah.

I like the little mermaid!

This pencilcase just reminds me of Joshua. Like how? Cause he wants to buy a stationary sorter divider kind of thing to sort out his stationary lah..and this really suits it. got a compartment for eraser and pencil and ruler and stuff. Haha. ok. Of course he is nto looking for this lah. Just that it reminds me of Joshua.


A cap! for Joshua! RUSH! reminds me of the car...hmm, thinking that maybe it will psycho him to get the rush.

(UPDATE: he is getting a Honda FIT instead. But I like it too!)

Isn't she adorable?

The next school. Where Singapore ITE students build a kitchen for the children there.

We witness the opening. =)

THe guys are really fun to be with. The girls are really gentle and feminine. till the games.

Look at the school view!!! How come all the school I attended not like that one.

Bonded some friendship with them.

Lent them my camera for a while to take a shot. Since I can see that they were really fascinated by my camera. And this is a shot they took of me.

And allowed them to write their name on my book. =)

I miss them.

Game time!

Gave the kids 2 of my frisbees after that. For them to remember and play with it lah. =)

Yup, I'm still into the folding jeans style.

Ginette spread her umbrella craze that lead all of us to buy umbrellas. More than one each. I believe.

And finally back home. Can't wait.! Almost got lost cause I went to the washroom and then when I came out all of them were out of sight and I was like ok. I still got my passport and air tix I can get there myself. And When I reach the entrance, I saw them waiting for me. They thought I was at the washroom at the entrance. Wah seh Gave me heart attack lah plus my chinese isn't very good can. Language is very important.

I must learn more.

And soon, this memorable trip has come an end and I'm so glad that I went. I will be back. =)

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