
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I will remember you.

It is so good to be back home! I have learnt to appreciate what I have so much more, and realise how blessed I am in Singapore especially, where its clean and developed. especially the toilets. haha, was really happy to use a clean toilet. haha..

Is so good to be back home also because you know that there are people waiting for you. People who misses you! Like my family saying we will be there for you when you sms them that you are coming back and sweet heart!

When I got off the plane, I just couldnt wait to grab my luggages and get out to see my sweet heart! But, I remembered that I had to buy perfume and Baileys for you. i really did things as fast as i could. And grab my luggage. Almost forgot about my skates! Lucky Amos reminded me and the umbrellas that i bought too! Umbrellas are a highlight in Kunming by the way. Is the place you would wanna go if you wanna buy umbrellas. haha..

Anyway, while we were sorting out our luggages, i looked out, and there i saw Joshua standing there. It was so good to see him! He stands out though he was wearing a dark green shirt. Just stands out. It was pretty to spot him. haha..And also, I was so excited to tell him about everything! I'm just so overjoyed!

Coming back home, I saw my mum, waiting for me at the sofa. haha..and i distributed presents. Bought presents for each of them. And i know that they will appreciate it. Really felt welcome home and dearly missed by my family and sweet heart too! I missed you all too!

Sweet heart followed me home with my dad. And only left at around 3-4, while we catched up with each other since I only landed at 11pm. And he still had to go to work the next day. I really appreciate it. Everything he has done. And I know that I am on his mind. You just know it. It is different when someone says that you are on his mind and when someone says that you are on his mind and you feel it and can say it yourself with confidence. Is totally different. You know that he is focus.

Today, read my sweet heart's blog and diary. How he felt and what he had done. I appreciate it so so much. Just made me much more assured and secure.

Moving on from the past. Joshua had deleted the photos and stuffs. Told him to look through the stuffs to see what they had done together, instead of throwing everything away just like that. Not to like be reminded of the past but to like as you go through each and every image, you are putting those past down which will enable you to move on.

Talking about moving on from the past, Ginette kept emphasising the point about me getting together with Joshua too fast, and many out there think this way too. And how did I managed to move on so fast? Well, I didn't exactly understand it until i heard myself say that because I 死心 already. The relationship I had, I had already 对他死心. And when I heard myself said that, I understood why. The hope was dead. Made his words empty. There was no point continuing. This, on top of everything that had happen. Yup. So, if you are wondering and worried or have doubts if i had moved on or how is it possible for me to move on, I have moved on. A long time ago.

Also, i said that i hope that this relationship will last.
She says that i say this all the time.
And I said, what's the point of getting into a relationship if it does not last?

And so, I am with Joshua because I see us last. Both of us are working towards a relationship that will last.

This evening, we had dinner together! Yummy Japanese food, Marche style. haha..He treated though i tried to pay. I really enjoyed the food especially especially so cause to mission trip. The food here is really fabulous. We do not really appreciate what we have until we go through without it. So right now, I'm happy. Totally. Filled my stomach with yummy food. Yum Yum!!

Some food we had.
Oh, and i updated our diary and Joshua was reading it. While i just observe his reaction. Is good to look at his reaction. Sometimes, he will have 'the look'. Or smile to himself. hehe. I'm still observing the look. Can't wait to snap a shot of 'the look' and you will get what i mean. opps.

After that, we walked around MPH to look at car magazines. Joshua really wants to get a car and will be going for test drive soon! well, not so soon ok. At least 3 weeks later ok.

And then we headed to the washroom. Haha, you have no idea how happy i was to go to a clean toilet. haha. I was just happy happy!!! Can't imagine. I'm actually happy about going to a toilet!

This, book! I saw it at MPH. And 20% discount for all Sophie Kinsella books!! Wow!!! So i got it. And we were like 'snatching' to pay for, well, now both of us have a stake in it. Joint ownership. And went to esplanade to relax and listen to some live performance, before taking a stroll and took bus 70M home. hehe..And i could see that he was tired due to little sleep last night and told him that he need not walk me back. But still, he said he wanted to and say hi to my family first before leaving. A reason to walk me back. And I said that ok but I will walk him back to the bus stop to wait for 58 just in case he took the wrong bus but in the end, i didn't cause Joshua says that he wants me to be back home safely. Not to walk him out. And so, i listen to him. He cares about my safety.

I love you Joshua. Thank you for all your effort, getting to know my family and spending time with me.

I believe in you and in us. Lets be focus.

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