
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Happy Birthday to ME!

I'm 21! the long awaited day.

Celebrating big? Nah. I didn't want to ever since my 20th birthday. Which was last year cause i didn't want to grow up you know. I mean celebrating adulthood. I did not want that. So I already had my 'big one' on my 20th. The last year of your teens?
I remember i use to tell myself like Oh NO! i'm turning 21. How how?!

Anyway, I've changed since then. Still I'm not gonna celebrate big. But the difference is, now, I'm all ready for 21!

As for birthday wishes, I do have of course. But who says birthday wishes need to be only made on my birthday? So, let me tell you somethings..there are some wishes fulfilled. Like what?

Like finding the one. Ok, i did not find it exactly but that is not the point.
Is the one that is the main point.
Like getting my roller skates. Though I'm still like uncertain about my stunts but I will do them and record them down for you all to see.

ok. So birthday wishes. Hmm..
I wish that Joshua and I will find our home. To work through all matters out and still loving each other always. =)
haha.. Family to be close together.

Ohoh..I should wish for birthday wishes that you peeps out there can fulfill for me too right? Well then, I am always attracted to Pull and Bear Jeans and their jackets. And that is the place I will go if I want to get things like that. Haha, I have been waiting for such a shop to come!
Oh and art box! I love art box diaries! A place I will always go from now on when i wanna get a diary now. =)

Monday, August 25, 2008

the start of my Birthdays

Thank You Guys!
I'm really touched. I had my first birthday celebration on the 22nd August'08. It was a surprise and i was not expecting it. I thought it was just a gathering, where we will go and chill and stuff. But..I really thank you guys for all your effort.
To know that we remember. So glad for having friends like that. =)

I was really surprised especially when I saw the picture on the cake. It is so cute! And that is going to be my present on its way to Singapore. Extremely touched. Haha, well, they had no idea that it can't be found in Singapore. Cause I myself have been looking for it over mini Singapore island for a long time. Thank you so so much! =)
And on sunday, 24th August'08, I received my second present from Auntie Judy and Uncle Tony. Initially, I was wondering why did they pass me a bag of something. What is it? Did I lend anything to them? And they told me it is for my birthday. It is a book called Promises from God for Today. Well, I was feeling pretty blue that day and had tears cause I was feeling sad. You know why. But thanks for your encouragements.

Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous, Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

But you know what? I've found encouragement too! I don't know how but as I was reading Psalm 32, it was like 'ting ting ting'. I can rejoice! Because of God's unfailing love, I can still rejoice even in times of hardship. Actually, really, I think I was being shortsighted and kept dwelling on the issue and failed to see that I have a almighty God with me. Almighty you know. Means, everything is in control you know what I mean? Is quite hard for me to explain the 'ting ting ting' realisation I had but I hope you kind of get the point.

Oh I like this photo! We are advertising for Ice Mountain!

God will provide

1st Samuel 9 - 10

Background was that the Isrealites want a eathly king and asked Samuel to choose for them.

Saul was chosen. Physical looks: a head above the rest, young..perhaps the kind of kind the Isrealites hoped for.
But through the passage, we realise that Saul was not confident nor street wise. Factors maybe because of his low standing of Benjamites in Isreal. Nevertheless, God chose Saul, and brought Saul to Samuel through mundane ways--finding the lost donkeys.
Passage was written in details..which shows us the extent of Saul's insignificance..

God too had planted a seed in Saul's heart.
1st Samuel 9: 10 " "I am the seer, " Samuel replied. "Go up ahead of me to the high place, for today you are to eat with me, and in the morning I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart."

Eventually, despite Saul's insignificance etc..he became king.

1. God moves ahead of you.
God is at work behind the scenes, preparing the way.
God's timing.
We must walk by faith and doors will be open in God's timing, and rely on His ability for the role set up on stage for you.

2. God starts a vision and a dream.
He plants a seed in our heart.
Fulfillment of what is desired in the heart.
Do we accept or reject it?

3. God's call may always seem to be 'too big' for us to handle.
Truth is God knows what he is doing. It is by grace that we are chosen.
Grace --> knowing what stupid things I had done and will do and yet still picks me.
God speaks to one person. An individual and plant it in his heart.
It passes on from that one person like a fire.
A vision, a call to follow. Share the dream Open door and confirm cal to you. And encouragement.

4. God will confirm the call
Just as how Saul's call was confirmed by Samuel.

5. God will anoint you.
To fulfill His call. God's spirit in and through us. Spirit of God will lead and guide us, break down strong holds. Power and effectiveness God provides.
1st Samuel 9: 9 "As Saw turned to leave Samuel, GOd changed Saul's heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day."

Hold on to the dream and wait for God's timing. Believe that God will be faithful. Heart.

6. But there will be opposition.
skeptical views and get you to give up the dream.
But we need to speak the dream and share the passion.
Don't let the dream die and nsecurity eat you up.

The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.

Go all out. Allow God's call and God's timing and His annointing.
Let God lead you.
Be bold, taking steps of faith.
Leave the baggage of the past that drags you down.
Learn from the past and forgive as you receive fogiveness.
You are where you are for that call. Only you can answer the call.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Acting: Theory and Practice 1

Lecture 1
Truth on stage is what the actor construes is real, what the actor believed in.

--Acknowledge a constructed world and decide that it does not impede you, then 'make truth'.
--Recreate those articifial as it seem real. If it is real to the actor, it will be real to audience.
--"Anybody can imitate an image but only a true talent can BECOME an image."

Comparing Greek, Shakespearean and modern time -- Scripts/Texts
- Paint pictures with their words.
- Extreme long dialogues and speech of how the environment is like, what had happened and their thoughts.
- More conversation, action and reaction.
- Still similar to Greek--detailed.
- Specific in how they should deal with each other.
- Act in terms of strategies (explicit in words).
- Conflict in drama and countering.
- Lots of clues given in the text unlike now(Modern-subtext)
: Modern
- Speech is reduced a lot, much more conversation reacting with characters.
- Need to analyse where the character is coming from--subtext.
- Their strategy: What they are trying to do with each other.
- Still putting on an act, still need to be natural.

Concept of actor's self -- ME
- The way you do things

VS the actor character
- Character that I'm playing.

In Brecht: Actor's self and actor character coexist, commenting on each other in performance.
In Stanislavsky: Transfer actor's self into character. You become the character.

Reading 1: Realism in Russia: Nemirovich-Danchenko, Stanislavsky and the Moscow Art Theatre

Answer to practical challenges of new realism found in Moscow Art Theatre- MAT
-How actor should match his art to the new dialogue, and how the writer should adapt his writing to the new techniques of the stage.
-Naturalistic movement and psychological depth

Danchenko's talent as playwright, novelist, director and manager planning of the world's leading repertory theatre, one which set such standards in professional discipline that it became the envy of every director.

-Actor's "sincerity of experience" => "Law of inner justification"
- Single will -> "intuition" tt infect everyone connected with performance = unity of style and atmosphere.
Like Stanislavsky

-Inspired by realistic production standards by Chronegk and the Meiningen Company and applied in productions
- Eg: Othello, Hauptmann's Hannele and Tolstoy's The Fruits of Enlightment

MAT started in evolutionary way.
- Meeting of Danchenko and Stanislavsky
- Set of rules drawn, discard what was bad.
- One must love art, and not oneself in art
- Actor's were to be chosen for their devotion to work
- There are no small parts; there are only small actors'
- Dedication

With support of Designer Victor A Simov, Stanislavsky aimed at an historical authenticity on the stage never known before.

Press saw it as a joke.

First Project - Tsar Fyodor
- 1898
- Test of new ideals
- Research for authentic reproduction of life in old Russia eg clothing and manners etc.
Success -> established new theatre overnight--period plays in realistic manner became a common feature.

Objection such as by Stark Young
- Only certain features of the new style might survive.
- "Almost no interest in history contemporaneous human life."
- "Loss of great style"--old style

Yet, MAT's dedication to embrace subtleties of contemporary realism in all aspect,
- encouraged psychology in playing
- success of productions: The Seagull, The Lower Depths made possible.

- Chekhov's failure of past acting technique--unable to meet psychological demands, inadequately prepared and trusted inspiration that did not come on performance night.
- Danchenko's mission for direction and perfect acting technique to render characters convincing.
-the kind of play the new company needed to give it direction

Chekhov's detailed touch and action of character in script + Stanislavsky's time devoted to perfecting detail of speech and gesture to capture tone of scene==success.

Set design contribution by Simov and Stanislavsky's score--detailed..too contributed to success.

What kind of detail?
- Some old stage trickery still was used as well.
= doubt.
Who won the applause of audience? Chenkhov or Stanislavsky?

The Lower Depth- Gorky's
- Less demanding play than The seagull.
- Still political and commented on social conditions.
Gorky's need to preach VS Stanislavsky's simplicity and sincerity in speaking.

Success of Lower Depth and yet unusual objection from Stark Young
Every character playing the part for all he is worth.

Stanislavsky's excesses in surface realism especially sound effects.
--crikets, frogs, birds and dogs..

Stanislavsky initial thought:
- enthusiastic director likely to impose his own ideas at the expense of the very actors who must discover their own answer..
Later realisation:
for greater psychological realism of character, need for director and actor to 'grow together'

The method/ System
- came about through Stanislavsky's record and analysis of everything he did.
- Intended to be natural and organic, based essentially on intuition

1. Super Objective
- Ruling idea
- often interprets main direction of plot
- Other dramatic elements subserve super objective = help actor with perspective of role to relate his work to the whole.

2. Belief in the truth of life on the stage in its given circumstances.
- What if--seeks inner truth "logic of emotions"
- derived from coming up and studying character's psychology in pretext with circumstances.

3. Sense of inner truth of character can motivate speech, gesture and movement
- With help of imaginative exercise
-Psycho-technique-memory of emotion: process "the conscious stimulation of unconscious"
- Personal effort of will and memory.

4. Objectives..leads to another, strung through actor's line of action
- that retains sincerity of emotional state.
- while exercising detached contorl to achieve teamwork and unity of play's performance

Hard and slow preparation
genuine emotion result from quality of effort of understanding or feeling.
To ask "If I were.." instead of believing totally that you are the character.

Journal: Practical
Walking (explore actor's self and actor's character)
- Feel the moment.
- Imitate Sharm's way of walking..and fel and see how he is like and the way he thinks
- Mind think of 'why you-(character) are doing it' and then back to the body and feel

Circumstance that dictate character
- Exercise - 5 tennis balls as points with 4 space of transistion to getting to say hello to someoneyou knew but have not seen for a long time.
- Spoting a person, considering if it is the one you know, confirm that you know, thinking if you should say hi to him/her, decided that you want to say hi to him/her, say hi to him or her.
- When you cut stages, you change the story.
- React and explore and be open to each stage of emotion.
- Getting into the role: set who is the person you are meeting to you, specific details.
- Focus and be centered.
- Use your imagination
- Rhythm, example in the way you walk, if it is steady, the audience too will go along with the character in a comfortable way.
- Follow through each stage --> impetus --> Driving compulsion --> to your action( in this case is to say hi that makes sense).

Monday, August 18, 2008

In His Time.

Butterfly C says "God is watching."
Butterfly A says "And yet these things are happening."
Butterfly C was stunned and unable to reply. She thought and prayed. And yet the only words that came was "Don't lose faith."

Don't lose faith because God is watching. And he will make all things beautiful in His time. Have faith Sweet heart.

Psalm 84:3 "Even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young- a place near your alter, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God."

Sunday. 17th August'2008

1st Samuel 8:1-22

  • Trace the beginning of earthly king's rule over Isreal.
  • Reason: Samuel's two child were not godly and wanted to be like other nations who have a earthly king to lead them.
  • Warning given by God.
  • That the earthly king will keep taking their possessions and they will become his slaves.

1st Samuel 8: 18 "When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the Lord will not answer you in that day."

ok, so what did the speaker talked about.

He talked about the rejection of God by the Isrealites. That they did not fixed their eyes on God but on Samuel's sons and saw that they were not up to standard.

Hebrews 12:2 "Lets fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

So lets fix our eyes on God, on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. Not on humans who 'represent' how God is like.

The speaker talks about Isreal's rejection of God and acknowledging of Satan's world system. That despite God's warning still insist on their decision to have a earthly king.

The speaker brings down to a level of personal development, in areas that we reject others. He gave the example of parents 'killing' their children's spirit when they do not take their words or ideas or plans seriously. Rejecting them even before the child can further elaborate and explain themselves. It is important to treat children with love and not put them down. Though their plans or ideas may seem ridiculous, parents should not just dismiss it but make time to explain and get them to understand as well. And also to prevent a vicious cycle through generation.

Current parents teach their children in a negative way, the children grows up and teaches their children in the same negative way.

In another aspect, the area of social development.

We can reject people by abusive authority, distrusting people, being undemonstrative and refusal to accept responsibility.

The way we think as well. We need to cope with the mind that think nothing is good. This prolong dwelling on it will bring forth 'mental illness'.

The speaker then goes on to say that rejection is Satan's world system. It kills and destroys.

VS God's way, which is to have life abundantly. God is love.

We have to put love in place.

The speaker uses each letter of the word LOVE to state a point.

1. Look to the cross.

That Jesus died for us so that we may live. We should always fix our eyes on Jesus as said in Hebrews 12:2

2. Obey

The greatest command is to love God by keeping his commands.

Matthew 22:36-38 says, "'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.'"

You ask, "How important is obedience to God?" In the gospel of John, obedience to God is underscored time and time again. John 14:15 says, "If you love me, you will obey what I command."

John 14:15 " If you love me, you will obey what I command."

Show me a man who is not under authority, I'll show you the devil.

Love is sincere, from the heart. We serve and not expect things in return.

Matthew 22: 39-40 "And the second is like it: 'love your neighbour as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

3. Value of self-worth.

Psalms 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters."

That includes us. We were/are deliberately created and given life by the author of life himself. It is not that God created 'life' and that this now 'reproduces' of it's own accord, rather every sigle thing that exists has been deliberately and minutely created by God himself.

We are created by God. Not only that, we are created in his image.

Genesis 1:27 " So God creted man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created him."

We need to value our self-worth. The moment you reject yourself, how do others receive you?

Our identity and value is not define by our jobs or achievements.

Tie it to God. We are God's children, created in his image.

4. Empowerment in the Holy Spirit.

Acts 4: 32-35 "All the believers were in one heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. Fot from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

I think writing this down, I too need to write something else.

Matthew 6: 1-4 " "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let yourlefy hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

ok. That's about all the notes I wrote down during sermon yesterday.

Love stands for..

Look to the cross


Value of self-worth

Empowerment in the Holy Spirit

Love is the opposite of rejection.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Got my hair cut again.

Ok. It was quite some time. Joshua and I went to a place in Tampiness. I have no idea but it is definitely not in Tampiness Mall. So both of us got our hair cut. Well, I'm ok with it just was not as happy like the last time. Cause the previous time, I had the picture to show them so they know exactly what I want. Ok the next time when I cut again, I will remember. Shirley, remember to bring the photo, if not you will not get the accurate results you want. haha..okok.

Official first day in school!

Ok, I was late by 5 mins. But still not that late right? haha..Well, My lecturer made us give reasons why we didn't arrive on time. hmm, and i said i miss the bus. And another round again of the real reason and not the excuse. I said I had no idea what time bus 10 arrive at harbour front and waited at the bus stop for 10 mins. So I guess I must have missed it. haha..
Ok lah. If you really wanna know the genuine real reason, i had breakfast with Joshua at McDonalds..But thought i would still be able to reach school on time. Ok.
I reach school on time. Just not the clash room. You have to take into consideration the climbing the flights of stairs part. So if our classroom was at Kent Ridge terminal, I would have been on time. =)
Ok lah excuses. Just that the next time, which is week 3 since my lecturer had something on on week 2, all of us are not suppose to be late anymore..and the subsequent lessons too.

We had almost 3 hours worth of lesson. You think that usually the first lesson is like one hour and you can go for break right? But no..And he got some readings prepared for us. And just basically talked about the word ecology.

Oh word. reminds me of something. I think he do like a few terms. Like how it is "irreducibly complex" and how people use the word ecology in different fields "figuratively, metaphorically, and literally." Is just a whole lot of absorbing of information. But I just think to make it simple for people who prefers simple english like me and not big words..It just means that every field is interlinked and cannot be seperated if you want to understand them cause each of them affects each other. Loads of factors here and there. Cannot make it simple. Even if you try to, you will fail doing it cause it is just not possible. Yup. We are all dependent on each other lah huh..Dynamic relationships with each other. Perceptions change with different factors. You are already getting bored le right?

See! imagine if you were me in the class. Like..wah seh..ok..kind of reminds me of performance and popular culture. It is so..i would say critical and big words. Beyond my level.Which means, brain are you listening to me? You need to relax but Jia You for this module ok.

Oh and about the "experience, context, and elements". Another of his favourite words. I guess, once you identify the favourite words, i should be on the right track le for this module. Plus..simplify your words. I'm taking 6 modules know. Simple words = Easier to understand for me = save time. =)

Ok and for marketing! Principles of Marketing.
My lecturer is a funny one. Kept on laughing! =) wahahahaha..
Plus she use simple words. the previous lecturer uses big the experience is different. Ah! I'm applying what I'm learning with their performance in teaching the students. wahaha..

Ok I record some stuff. Not just for knowledge but she is quite funny and i want you all to hear it too.. =) but I must go upload first haha. Stay tune alright.

And finally, my third class. Praxis. It is a practical class.
And I felt that I've got punked! we played this game something like simple simon says..And i was ok in the game lah until when he said the game was over. And really acted like it was over while we were all sitting down. Then look around then ask Fenling and I to change place like something not right like that so we change place lah since the game was over. But we got punked! ok lah fooled. Cause..Mr Nelson, ok, Nelson, he did not say___________say the game is over. So in fact, the game was still on lah. Yup. And after he gave us 4 pats on the back of encouragement, he told us to sit down w/o saying________say sit down. And Fenling sat down. But I continued to stand and so, she was given another 4 pats of encouragement on her back. haha..

Ok and we had to come out with a composition within 20 mins too. Is fun and I like practical stuff. Is experience. Is not butt on the chair and talk and listen. Practical is like doing things. Ok. Oh and for his class, he got a production coming up which means no class next week too! Wee! So I intend to skip marketing on Thursday and come for the Friday marketing one, then next week I will only need to go to school on Wednesday and Friday! Wee! See how lah. haha..

Ok that's all for today. Is classes of Laughter overall. Laughing from 9-4. Of course not continuously lah. But that will be good too..can lose weight. =)

I'm a senior! I can't believe it! I'm in year 3. Ok I'm in year 3 now. =)

Thank you Sweet Heart for having breakfast with me on my first day of school.
And sorry for calling you while you were in meeting. Opps. =)

Ok and hopefully, I will be able to handle this semester especialy thai 3 and Ecology of performance. Think these 2 will be my main concern so far. Oh and get all my tutorial slots. My thai TC class is facing some problems. Sometimes, i just feel like dropping it. But then, hmm, I know that deep down I want to take it. =) It will be worth it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

About the puzzle

Were you all interested about the puzzle?
We were given 2 pieces of puzzle during love singapore.

Monday. 11th August'08
"Lets talk about lovesingapore. The first time Joshua and I worship God together. Initially, as we were reaching Expo, I was like excited, yet nervous. Nervous cause I wonder if we could do this together. And while worshipping in the beginning, I got self-conscious. Then I told myself. It is about God and I. Not Joshua and I. Don't get distracted. Focus. Focus on God. During the prayer meeting, we prayed for the foreign workers and our government. Foreign workers. I always viewed them as foreign somehow. But on that very day, I was taught to see all of us as equal. Not be prejudice against them. We kneeled down and I prayed. Just between God and I. Prayed for forgiveness. Prayed that I would treat them as equal. Not only during mission trip that you 'act' as equal. Out there we go in the name of 'mission' and naturally we will change our behaviour. But back at home, all those second-rating thoughts come back. Which should not be the case. And so I prayed. And thank God for teaching me such a lesson.

And there were the puzzle pieces. Reminded me of our puzzle pieces. The twp puzzle pieces that fit perfectly with eac other. And when I looked at Joshua. I had the assurance that he was the one. My partner in life. God's blessing to me. Telling me, he is the one. That assurance and certainty filled my whole-being. Thank God for that. I needed it. Felt so secure. I'm no longer myself, on my own. But now, it is us-God, me and Joshua. We are one, united in this relationship. And so, I took his hand. Held on to it as we sang the 'closing song', worshipping God together. It was not awkward. What's the word for it..we could just be ourselves."

Something I learnt. That a relationship, fir in this case a couple relationship, it is not just between the couple. It is between the Joshua, me and God.

OK i gottat go for lunch with my mum le

Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm still learning

I'm still working on it. Cause the picture is too big. and the alignment is still not good yet and stuff but i just had to change it today though it is not all good cause i just want to see something new and some 'results' since i have been spending quite some time on it which makes my eyes go blur and stone after awhile.

Haha. Anyway, lets talk about service. Just a small part. When uncle tony said what was on the 8th of august, i was almost like shouting love singapore. A prayer meeting at expo. And, well, the answer he was looking for was beijing olympics. He was talking about celebrations and how long people take to prepare for celebrations and ask us how long do we take to prepare ourselves every sunday for worship. Anyway, what i'm trying to say wonder i do not know and have not been to love singapore before. Cause, no one knows. Ok..the people sitting around me have no idea. And when I said love singapore they were like what is that? is about the churches coming together to pray for the nation. Yup.

Joshua and I went for it. My first time. I have no idea about it too, until Joshua told me about it. It was crowded with many people. We prayed for foreign workers in Singapore, and apologise to the representatives for how we mistreated them. And i must admit that i do not treat them with equal status with Singaporeans. But all of us are still created in the likeness of God. You know?

So ok, Miko needs to go soon. I shall continue this post later about the puzzle given to us and the short time of worship Joshua and I had yesterday. tata. =)
But Thank God so so much for yesterday like really. I'm so relief. =)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Turning 21

Ok, one important thing i want to say that may come as a shock to all of you. But as you know, I'm turning 21.
I'm together with Joshua.
What now?
As soon as I turn 21, I will be able and will be applying for a flat with Joshua.
Told my mummy about it le and she say is good, plus considering the waiting time will be quite long.
21. Do you know what does 21 means?
To be able to make decisions on your own.
But then again, i still think it is good to seek for advice and opinions.
It also means that I got to take up responsibilities too!
I'm turning 21! =)
I use to have some kind of phobia with turning 21 but now, I like the idea of turning 21.
I'm still learning though.
Well, my mummy say that it means commitment about applying for a flat.
I know. I want to.
Both of us want to. We believe in each other.
Sweet heart, you are not alone. We are in this together.
Because we are together, you are no longer alone.
Remember. =)