
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Official first day in school!

Ok, I was late by 5 mins. But still not that late right? haha..Well, My lecturer made us give reasons why we didn't arrive on time. hmm, and i said i miss the bus. And another round again of the real reason and not the excuse. I said I had no idea what time bus 10 arrive at harbour front and waited at the bus stop for 10 mins. So I guess I must have missed it. haha..
Ok lah. If you really wanna know the genuine real reason, i had breakfast with Joshua at McDonalds..But thought i would still be able to reach school on time. Ok.
I reach school on time. Just not the clash room. You have to take into consideration the climbing the flights of stairs part. So if our classroom was at Kent Ridge terminal, I would have been on time. =)
Ok lah excuses. Just that the next time, which is week 3 since my lecturer had something on on week 2, all of us are not suppose to be late anymore..and the subsequent lessons too.

We had almost 3 hours worth of lesson. You think that usually the first lesson is like one hour and you can go for break right? But no..And he got some readings prepared for us. And just basically talked about the word ecology.

Oh word. reminds me of something. I think he do like a few terms. Like how it is "irreducibly complex" and how people use the word ecology in different fields "figuratively, metaphorically, and literally." Is just a whole lot of absorbing of information. But I just think to make it simple for people who prefers simple english like me and not big words..It just means that every field is interlinked and cannot be seperated if you want to understand them cause each of them affects each other. Loads of factors here and there. Cannot make it simple. Even if you try to, you will fail doing it cause it is just not possible. Yup. We are all dependent on each other lah huh..Dynamic relationships with each other. Perceptions change with different factors. You are already getting bored le right?

See! imagine if you were me in the class. Like..wah seh..ok..kind of reminds me of performance and popular culture. It is so..i would say critical and big words. Beyond my level.Which means, brain are you listening to me? You need to relax but Jia You for this module ok.

Oh and about the "experience, context, and elements". Another of his favourite words. I guess, once you identify the favourite words, i should be on the right track le for this module. Plus..simplify your words. I'm taking 6 modules know. Simple words = Easier to understand for me = save time. =)

Ok and for marketing! Principles of Marketing.
My lecturer is a funny one. Kept on laughing! =) wahahahaha..
Plus she use simple words. the previous lecturer uses big the experience is different. Ah! I'm applying what I'm learning with their performance in teaching the students. wahaha..

Ok I record some stuff. Not just for knowledge but she is quite funny and i want you all to hear it too.. =) but I must go upload first haha. Stay tune alright.

And finally, my third class. Praxis. It is a practical class.
And I felt that I've got punked! we played this game something like simple simon says..And i was ok in the game lah until when he said the game was over. And really acted like it was over while we were all sitting down. Then look around then ask Fenling and I to change place like something not right like that so we change place lah since the game was over. But we got punked! ok lah fooled. Cause..Mr Nelson, ok, Nelson, he did not say___________say the game is over. So in fact, the game was still on lah. Yup. And after he gave us 4 pats on the back of encouragement, he told us to sit down w/o saying________say sit down. And Fenling sat down. But I continued to stand and so, she was given another 4 pats of encouragement on her back. haha..

Ok and we had to come out with a composition within 20 mins too. Is fun and I like practical stuff. Is experience. Is not butt on the chair and talk and listen. Practical is like doing things. Ok. Oh and for his class, he got a production coming up which means no class next week too! Wee! So I intend to skip marketing on Thursday and come for the Friday marketing one, then next week I will only need to go to school on Wednesday and Friday! Wee! See how lah. haha..

Ok that's all for today. Is classes of Laughter overall. Laughing from 9-4. Of course not continuously lah. But that will be good too..can lose weight. =)

I'm a senior! I can't believe it! I'm in year 3. Ok I'm in year 3 now. =)

Thank you Sweet Heart for having breakfast with me on my first day of school.
And sorry for calling you while you were in meeting. Opps. =)

Ok and hopefully, I will be able to handle this semester especialy thai 3 and Ecology of performance. Think these 2 will be my main concern so far. Oh and get all my tutorial slots. My thai TC class is facing some problems. Sometimes, i just feel like dropping it. But then, hmm, I know that deep down I want to take it. =) It will be worth it.

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